Aug 15 2024 | Argentina Crop Production Up Year-to-Year Despite Some End of Season Challenges |
Argentina crop production for marketing year (MY) 2023/24 was substantially higher this
year than the previous 2022/23 season, which was the third year of drought caused by
La Niña (see figure 1). MY 2023/24 was an El Niño year, which is generally characterized
by normal to above normal rainfall conditions for Argentina. Typically, Argentina corn
yields during an El Niño year are higher than trend as shown in figure 2. This year, the
unexpected leafhopper infestation reduced production potential but still allowed above
trend output. The three largest crops in Argentina are soybeans, corn, and wheat.
Argentina is the world’s third largest soybean producer, almost 12 percent of global
production; the fifth largest corn producer (4 percent); and the eleventh largest wheat
producer (2 percent). Corn and soybeans are both summer crops, generally planted from
October through December and harvested from April through June (see figure 3). Wheat
is a winter crop, typically planted from May through July and harvested from November
through January.
Feb 13 2024 | Argentina: Beneficial Rains Caused by El Niño Arrive Too Late to Benefit Winter Crops |
Wheat Crop conditions:
Argentina’s wheat farmers were anticipating increased rainfall due to El Niño for
marketing year (MY) 2023/24. The beneficial rains were expected to make up the multiyear rainfall deficit. Rainfall throughout Argentina began increasing in late November, but
these rains occurred too late to impact winter crop yields. The rainfall also caused winter
crop harvest delays, which impacted the timing for summer crop planting. Harvest is
complete for the winter crops in Argentina. Wheat is the largest winter crop grown in
Argentina and is planted from May to July and harvested from late November into early
January. According to the Ministry of Agriculture (MinAg), for the MY 2023/24 season,
approximately 44 percent was planted in Buenos Aires, 16 percent was planted in Santa
Fe, 14 percent was planted in Cordoba, and 12 percent in Entre Rios (see figure 1).
Rainfall during planting was below average (see figure 2) and this below-average rainfall
during planting followed an extremely dry year of 2022/23, when rainfall was significantly
below average due to the third year of La Niña.
Mar 9 2023 | Uruguay: Above-Average Winter Conditions Contrast with Unfavorable Summer Crop Conditions |
Analysts from the USDA Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) in Washington and Buenos Aires conducted cropassessment travel in Uruguay from January 22–27, 2023 (see figure 1). FAS met with agricultural producers in
the major corn and soybean growing regions and with industry sources throughout Uruguay. The team visited
farms to discuss the recent harvest of winter crops, which were above average, and to assess the crop conditions
for summer crops, which were unfavorable.
Mar 9 2023 | Argentina: Third Year of La Niña Causes Dry and Hot Conditions for Early-Planted Crops |
Analysts from the USDA Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) in Washington and Buenos Aires conducted cropassessment travel in Argentina from January 17–22, 2023 (see Figure 1). FAS met with agricultural producers in
the major corn and soybean growing regions and with industry sources throughout Argentina. The team visited
farms to discuss the recent harvest of winter crops and to assess the dry and hot crop conditions for summer crops
(see Figures 2 and 3).
Jul 19 2022 | Argentina Barley: Improved Management and Anticipated Exports Support Production for MY 2021/22 |
The marketing year (MY) 2021/22 Argentina barley harvested crop area is estimated
higher than the previous season due to an expansion of fields for barley grain and
malting use. Harvested area is estimated at 1.34 million hectares, up 33 percent from
last year (Figure 1). More area than expected went into barley production in winter grain
regions, especially in the province of Buenos Aires. Barley production is estimated at
5.30 million metric tons (mmt), up 31 percent from last year. Yield is estimated at 3.96
tons per hectare (t/ha), down 1 percent from last season. The yield is lower than last
season’s 4.00 t/ha, but higher than the yield seen in 2006 of 3.75 t/ha (Figure 2).
Mar 23 2021 | Argentina Sorghum Increases due to Higher Demand from China |
Argentina sorghum harvested area for marketing year (MY) 2020/21 has increased from
the last four years due to a continuing demand for exports and an uptick in sorghum
pricing (Figure 1). Expected harvested area is 730,000 hectares (ha), an increase of 27
percent over last season and 9 percent over the 5-year average (Figure 2). Production
in MY 2020 is expected to be 3.20 million metric tons (mmt), 28 percent more than in
MY 2019. Sorghum can be grown throughout much of Argentina from the province of
Buenos Aires in the south to the northern provinces of the country (Figure 3).
Mar 11 2021 | Uruguay Soybeans Increase in Planted Area for Marketing Year 2020/21 |
Uruguay soybean area has varied over the years based on crop pricing and export
potential. This season, more soybeans were planted than in the past two years.
Planted area is expected to be around 1.01 million hectares (mha) with an expected
harvested area of about 1.00 mha, a drop of less than 1 percent. The expected
harvested area is 9 percent higher than last season, but only 4 percent more than in
marketing year (MY) 2018/19. With other summer grains, such as sorghum and corn
commanding good prices over the last two seasons, less soybeans were grown as
compared to many of the previous years and this year. The volatility of soybean planted
area is expected to continue in Uruguay based on the fickle nature of soybean prices
and export potential for this country.
Apr 28 2020 | Argentina Corn has Record Area |
Argentina increased planting for the 2019/20 season with an estimated harvested area of 6.2 million hectares (mha), up 2 percent from last month and up 2 percent from last year. Late planted corn in central Argentina and in northern regions increased expected area compared to the original estimates (Figure 1). If the estimated area is maintained, it will be a record harvested area for corn in Argentina.
Aug 1 2018 | Argentina Wheat Planting Increased for 2018/19 |
With markets opening up for Argentina, farmers have essentially finished planting wheat for the 2018/19 season. USDA estimates 2018/19 wheat area at 6.0 million hectares and forecasts yield at 3.25 tons per hectare for a record production of 19.5 million metric tons. This is a 7 percent increase in area from last season, with an 8 percent increase in expected production, assuming normal weather conditions until the end of the season. (See figure 1 and figure 2).According to a mid-July report from Bolsa Cereales de Rosario, a commercial marketing organization, planting in the core region is estimated to be the highest seen in the last 16 years. Brazil, Argentina’s most important market according to the Bolsa, is planning on purchasing 10 percent more wheat than usual from the next harvest.
Jan 2 2018 | Argentina Wheat Production Supported By Timely Rains |
USDA estimates 2017/18 Argentine wheat production at 17.5 million metric tons, unchanged from last month and up 3 percent from last year. Higher returns for wheat relative to soybeans this season resulted in the largest wheat area since 2007/08. Area is estimated at 5.6 million hectares, unchanged from last month and up 8 percent from last year. Yield is estimated at 3.13 tons per hectare, also unchanged from last month and down 4 percent from last year. (For additional information, contact Dr. Denise McWilliams,
Nov 21 2017 | Argentina: Spring Planting Stalled but Winter Wheat Benefits from Rains |
Several heavy rains prior to and during early planting of spring and summer crops have slowed progress in the regions of Buenos Aires, La Pampa, Santa Fe and Entre Rios. Saturated soils have drained very slowly, allowing only limited planting to proceed between rain events in most areas (figure 1). Most early planting activity has been concentrated in northern Argentina where sunflowers and corn have been rapidly planted. Argentina plants sunflowers, corn and soybeans from September to December. (For more information please contact
Dec 28 2016 | Argentina: Wet Weather Boosts Soil Moisture but Complicates Planting Decisions |
Three weeks of rainy weather prevailed in much of the core corn and soybean regions of Argentina during late October and early November. Heavy rains first arrived in La Pampa, western Buenos Aires, and southern Cordoba in late October, followed by rain in eastern Buenos Aires during the first week of November, and even later in northern Argentina.
Mar 29 2016 | Argentina Sunflowerseed: Scattered Showers and High Seed Moisture Delay Harvest |
A combination of factors, including late planting, slow crop development, and continued rainy weather, has delayed the harvest of Argentina’s 2015/16 sunflowerseed crop. The harvest campaign began slowly in southeast Buenos Aires Province, and field work was delayed during March as farmers waited for complete seed fill and crop dry-down prior to combining the crop. Early harvest reports from northern Argentina indicate high yields, but harvesting has continued as rains move through the area. Central and southwestern Buenos Aires and southern La Pampa continue to report slow harvest progress and harvest interruptions. Argentina’s sunseed output for 2015/16 is estimated at 2.6 million metric tons, down 18 percent from last year. Harvested area is estimated at 1.3 million hectares, down 10 percent from last year and about the same as in 2013/14.
Mar 2 2016 | Argentina Soybeans: Potential Bumper Harvest Could Necessitate Temporary Storage |
Argentina’s 2015/16 soybean crop has benefited from abundant rain during the growing season in the main production region, but the crop now needs a period of favorably dry fall weather during maturation to ensure proper dry-down of the beans prior to harvest and storage. Production is forecast at 58.5 million tons, second only to last year’s harvest of 61.4 million tons. Area is estimated at a record 20.0 million hectares and yield is forecast at 2.92 tons per hectare, down 7.9 percent from last year’s record. Early-sown soybeans in northern and central Argentina are initiating pod differentiation prior to seed-fill, and harvest will begin in March.
Apr 16 2015 | Heavy Rains in Argentina were Mostly Beneficial for Summer Row Crops |
Heavy rains late in February and into March were mostly beneficial for corn and soybean crops in Argentina. There were concerns that high rainfall would result in increased crop disease levels, but early harvest results proved favorable. The USDA April estimate for 2014/15 corn production was 24 million metric tons, up 2.1 percent from USDA’s March estimate. Corn yield was estimated at a near record 8.14 tons per hectare, below the previous record of 8.33 tons per hectare set in 2009/10. Soybean production was estimated at a record 57 million metric tons, up 1.0 million from the March estimate. Soybean yield was estimated at a well above average 2.88 tons per hectare. Localized flooding occurred in areas of Cordoba and Santa Fe as well as in the north-central Pampas and parts of northeastern Argentina. Parts of Buenos Aires and La Pampa also saw additional showers during the second week of March. There were isolated regions of crop loss reported. Parts of southwestern Buenos Aires province, on the other hand, experienced excessive heat. Late-planted corn in the grain-fill stage likely benefited from showers in late March, especially in semiarid regions that normally experience dryness during grain fill. For additional information, contact Dr. Denise McWilliams, South American crop production analyst at 202-720-0107.
Mar 13 2014 | Rains Help Replenish Argentine Soybean Needs in Most Regions |
With rains in the southern Pampas, the Argentine soybean crop is expected to bring in 54 million metric tons (MMT) for the 2013/14 season, 9 percent more than last season. The crop appears to have recovered from the recent hot and dry conditions that prevailed during December and into January. The rain has improved soil moisture and will help the growth and development of soybeans. Area remains at 20 million hectares (MHa), 3 percent above last year’s harvested area. Yield is expected at 2.70 tons per hectare (T/Ha), 6 percent above last year.
Mar 13 2014 | Paraguay Soybeans: Crop Affected by High Summer Temperatures |
This season’s Paraguay soybean crop was affected by extreme heat and dry conditions in December and into January, reducing crop expectations to 8.1 million metric tons (MMT) of soybeans, 13 percent less than last month and 2 percent less than last year’s drought-affected crop. An estimated 3.1 million hectares (MHa) were planted, 6 percent less than last month’s estimate but 3 percent more than last year. Yield is expected to be 2.61 tons per hectare (T/Ha), 7 percent less than last month’s estimate and 6 percent less than last year’s drought-reduced crop. Sporadic rains during December and January further hurt later-planted soybeans and affected the second-crop soybeans, or soja zafriña.
Jan 14 2014 | Dryness Continues in Argentina; Soybean Plantings May Increase, with Corn Lower |
Argentina is forecast to harvest 20 million hectares of soybeans in the 2013/2014 soybean season and produce 54.5 million metric tons. Dry conditions in October limited sunflower and corn plantings and slowed final corn planting in the country. November rains replenished upper soil moisture ahead of soybean planting. Dry and hot conditions limited soil moisture reserves in December. Less corn area and more soybean area are expected as a result.
Mar 18 2013 | Argentine Weather for Summer Crops Continues to Surprise |
With frost threats coming early during this 2012-2013 season, summer crops that were planted late in Argentina are at risk as they are only beginning to be harvested. For the third time during the week of March 10-16, 2013, the temperatures dipped near the freezing mark.
Feb 17 2012 | Early Planted Argentine Corn Suffered from Hot Weather and Limited Rains |
Argentina usually supplies about 25 percent of corn from the big southern hemisphere corn exporters (Brazil, Argentina and South Africa) but very hot weather and scant rains at the end of November through mid-January has increased concern about the crop. The USDA estimates 2011/12 Argentine corn production at 22 million tons, down 15 percent from the January estimate. The reduction was due to early planted corn suffering from drought damage during pollination.
Feb 17 2012 | Paraguay Declares Drought and Food Emergency |
On Tuesday, January 17, 2012, President Fernando Lugo of Paraguay signed a decree for a food emergency for the next 90 days. The drought has limited movement of food along rivers and canals as well as led to the lack of sufficient potable water for domestic use. Commercial shipping is impossible due to low water levels in rivers. At least 313 indigenous communities are affected by the food and water scarcity. The Ministry of Agriculture reported that 8 of the country's 17 departments are under a serious drought, leaving agriculture production with a decrease of 30 to 50 percent. Estimates suggest that 110,000 people from 20 impoverished indigenous groups and the crops in the eastern and western regions of the country may be affected by the drought. Paraguay is the world's fourth largest soybean exporter, but far behind the third supplier, Argentina.
Feb 16 2012 | Argentine Soybeans Reviving with Late January, Early February Moisture |
Argentine farmers are expected to bring in 48 million tons of soybeans for the 2011/2012 season, just over the production seen last year. Soybean area is expected to be 18.6 million hectares (ha) just 2 percent above last year's soybean area of 18.3 million ha. Yield is estimated at 2.58 tons per ha (T/ha), just over a 4 percent drop from last month and 4 percent below the yield in 2010/2011 of 2.68 T/ha. Rains the next two months will determine the fate of the crop as the last week of January ended with only 40 percent of the second crop soybeans in the ground.
Nov 1 2010 | Late Price Rises Encourage Planting in Argentina |
Farmers in Argentina are just now beginning to plant the 2010/11 soybean crop. Thirteen percent of the crop had been planted as of October 28, ahead of normal. Planting activity accelerates rapidly in the second half of October and continues into January. The Buenos Aires Grain Exchange is forecasting soybean area of 18.7 million hectares, down 1.3 percent from 2009/10.
Jun 25 2010 | Northern Argentina Production Potential Continues to Grow |
The provinces of Northern Argentina include Salta, Santiago del Estero, Jujuy and Tucuman. Three of these provinces offer cropland expansion possibilities. Potential growth of cropland in Northern Argentina is estimated at over one million hectares in the province of Salta and another half a million hectares in Santiago del Estero and in Jujuy.
Jun 18 2008 | Productive Capability of Argentina Expands |
Continuing improvement in producer and business management practices, transportation, and storage could enhance competitiveness of Argentina over the United States, particularly in soybean production.
May 15 2008 | Crop Expansion in Paraguay |
Explosive growth of soybeans is changing the face of the country in Paraguay. Paraguay comprises a total of 40.6 million hectares (over 100 million acres) of land with one-fifth of the area (a little over 8 million hectares or 20 million acres) set as highly suitable for crop production, but much more is being tilled.
Oct 27 2006 | Argentina Wheat Update: Rainfall Just in Time |
As dryness continued from early wheat planting in May until the early growth stages in September, Argentina's 06/07 wheat crop outlook was dire. Earlier this season, dryness hampered planting progress, such that planting intentions were decreased in July, August, and September in reports published by Argentina's Ministry of Agriculture (SAGPyA).
Apr 26 2006 | Argentina 2005/06 Oilseeds Update |
Given the overall fair to excellent state of Argentina's soybean crop, as witnessed by USDA Foreign Agricultural Agency (FAS) analysts during a crop tour in Santa Fe, Cordoba, and Buenos Aires, USDA's April estimate for Argentina's 2005/06 soybean production is a record 40.5 million tons, unchanged from last month.
Apr 26 2006 | Argentina 2005/06 Corn Update |
Argentina's 2005/06 corn crop is highly variable, with much corn in poor to fair condition, and a lesser amount in good to excellent condition, as witnessed during a crop tour of Argentina's agricultural heartland by USDA Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) analysts in early March 2006.
Feb 22 2006 | Argentina Corn Update: Heat and Dryness Reduce Estimated Yield |
USDA's 2005/06 February estimate for Argentina corn production has been decreased to 15.5 million tons, down from 16.8 million last month, and down from last year's record of 19.5 million. While yields have generally increased since the early 1990's, the particularly inopportune weather during the vulnerable stage of tasselling this year, specifically the significant dryness in December and extremely high temperatures in January, have significantly damaged the corn crop and reduced yield forecasts.
Nov 22 2005 | Argentina: Prices Favor Soybean and Sunflower Planting Over Corn |
The estimated area for Argentine soybean and sunflowers is forecast to rise for 2005/06 due to high relative prices prior to planting. Soybean area is forecast to rise to a record 15.2 million hectares this year, up from 14.4 million hectares in 2004/05. Sunflower area is forecast to increase to 2.2 million hectares, up from 1.89 million last year, but well below areas seen in the late 1990s. Corn area is forecast to drop from 2.7 million hectares in 2004/05 to 2.4 million this year.
Sep 23 2005 | Argentina: 2005/06 Wheat Area Decreased |
Due to a reduction in planting intentions, USDA's September forecast of Argentina's 2005/06 wheat production has been revised downward to 12.5 million tons from the August estimate of 13.5 million tons. This is a 22-percent decrease from last year's production. The harvested wheat area for 2005/06 is forecast at 5.10 million hectares, down 7 percent from last month, and down 16 percent from last year. Thus, the current yield forecast of 2.45 tons per hectare is unchanged from last month.
Argentina is continuing to receive timely and beneficial rainfall throughout most of the growing areas this season. Soybean output for 1999/2000 is raised this month by 0.5 million tons to 19.5 million, while corn is unchanged at 15.5 million. Soybean harvested area is forecast at a record 8.0 million hectares and corn is up 22 percent from last season at 3.1 million.
Dry conditions continue in Chaco province, Argentina's principal cotton producing province, and in adjacent cotton-growing areas. Early November began with much needed rainfall providing surface moisture to enable planting. However the rain was short-lived and dryness prevailed for the remainder of the month (see mid-November and end-of-month soil moisture conditions). Recent rainfall the last few days is not expected to increase soil moisture enough to significantly improve conditions for sowing and establishment. Surface soil moisture has been very low for several weeks. Subsurface soil moisture needed for plant development is also low, and has been for several months.
Wheat production in Argentina for 2000/01 is forecast at 15.5 million tons, up 0.5 million tons or 3 percent from last month and last years production. Area is also forecast to increase from last year to 6.1 million hectares, up 0.3 million or 5 percent. This is the second highest area in 10 years below the 7.1 million hectares harvested in 1996/97. The record area is 7.3 million harvested during the 1982/83 season. Yield is estimated at 2.54 MT/ha, equivalent to last year.
Argentinas 2000/01 soybean production is forecast to increase to a new record of 21.5 million tons, up 0.8 million tons or 4 percent from the 1999/2000 level. After another successful season, the upward trend in soybean production is expected to continue with rising area driving production higher. A record area of 8.8 million hectares is forecast which is 3 percent higher year-to-year. Additional area is expected to be taken from sunflowerseed and possibly new areas brought under cultivation. Also, an increase in second-crop soybeans will likely accompany the increased wheat area.
Several days of below freezing temperatures occurred in mid-July and again in late July/early August. The effect of freezing temperatures on the wheat crop was limited to slowing of plant development and possibly burn-back or top-kill of early growth. The coldest weather occurred largely outside the prime wheat-growing region; temperatures within the prime wheat region were not low enough to do significant damage to the crop in its early stage of development. The coldest temperatures occurred in La Pampa, northern Cordoba and Santiago del Estero provinces during mid-July, with temperatures falling as low as -7o Celsius. In late July, Buenos Aires also experienced below freezing temperatures, but only in the far west, adjacent to La Pampa, did temperatures fall below -5o Celsius. Figures 1 and 2 show the extent of freezing temperatures together with wheat area present at the time the freezes occurred. Most of the crop was in early stages: recently planted, emerging and beginning to tiller (in northern and central Santa Fe). Serious damage to wheat at those early stages is unlikely. Potential damage from freezing temperatures is greater when wheat enters the jointing stage.
Oct 23 2000 | Excellent Prospects for Argentina Wheat Crop |
The Argentine wheat crop is progressing well. Planting was completed in mid-September. Rainfall in September was below normal in the northernmost part of Buenos Aires, southern Santa Fe and Cordoba reducing soil moisture for vegetative wheat. However, beneficial rainfall began arriving in early October. Rainfall covered most of the wheat region boosting soil moisture for developing wheat. The exception was wheat grown in northern Cordoba and northern Santa Fe. These areas have been the driest and most in need of rainfall. Light rain last week provided some relief.
Oct 24 2000 | A New Record for Argentina Soybeans |
A record soybean crop is again expected from Argentina, the worlds third largest soybean producer after the United States and Brazil. The upward trend in soybean area will continue in 2000/01. Soybean area increases in the last three years, for the most part, can be accounted for as shifts from major and minor field crops to soybeans. Nearly 90 percent of the soybeans are grown in the provinces of Santa Fe, Cordoba and Buenos Aires, the prime agricultural region of the country. About 85 percent of the area increases have been in these three provinces and have mostly been the result of area reductions in other crops. This trend is expected to continue this season.
Jan 19 2001 | Dryness in Argentina Stresses Second-Crop Soybeans |
For Argentine 2000/01 summer crops, planting, germination, and establishment have occurred under mixed conditions. Dryness in December and early January has stressed late-planted soybeans, especially soybeans planted after the wheat harvest¶second-crop soybeans. Second-crop soybeans are estimated at 26 percent of the total planted area. However, beginning January 9, storms brought heavy rainfall across most of the driest areas, bringing much-needed relief.
Oct 19 2001 | Argentina: Heavy Rains Delay Planting Progress |
Heavy rains in the main growing areas of central Argentina delayed corn and sunflower planting for the 2001/02 summer crop. According to the Argentine Ministry of Agriculture (SAGPyA), corn planting is 27 percent complete and sunflower planting is 14 percent complete as of October 12, 2001. Corns planting progress is the slowest in the last five years. This years sunflower planting is similar to last years pace, but behind the previous four years.
Nov 2 2001 | Argentina: Continued Heavy Rains |
Heavy rains in the main growing areas of central Argentina continued, further delaying corn and sunflower planting for the 2001/02 summer crop. According to the Argentine Ministry of Agriculture (SAGPyA), corn planting is 46 percent complete and sunflower planting is 21 percent complete as of October 26, 2001. Corn planting progress is the slowest in the last five years, although rapid progress was made this past week. This years sunflower planting is similar to last years pace, but behind the previous four years.
Nov 9 2001 | Argentina: Area Decreases for Corn, Sunflower, and Wheat; Increases Expected for Soybean Area |
Heavy rains in the main growing areas of central Argentina have damaged wheat and delayed corn and sunflower planting for the 2001/02 summer crop. Soybean area is expected to increase by 300,000 hectares as farmers shift away from corn and sunflower. Planting intentions for corn and sunflower were reduced by 350,000 hectares from last month, and wheat area was reduced 100,000 hectares, resulting in changes to Argentinas crop production estimates.
Nov 15 2001 | Planting Conditions Override Price Signals In Argentina |
Price signals at planting time indicating the relative profitability of different cropping options available to producers in Argentina was fairly neutral between corn and soybeans, but favored an increase in sunflowerseed. However, soybean expansion is expected to continue, largely due to excessive rainfall affecting key Argentine summer crop areas, which has delayed planting of corn and sunflowers. Soybeans, which can be planted as late as January, are expected to benefit.
Jan 25 2002 | Argentina: Record Soybean Planting Nears Finish |
Argentinas 2001/02 soybean plantings, forecast at a record 11.3 million hectares, neared completion with 98 percent of forecast area sown as of January 18, according to the Argentine Ministry of Agriculture. For the total soybean crop, the 2001/02 planting pace was slightly behind last year. Argentina plants soybeans starting in early November for first-crop soybeans. The second-crop soybean planting, which is sown after the wheat harvest, started in early December. For the second-crop soybeans, the 2001/02 season is similar to last years pace. There is more second-crop soybean area this year; the area is estimated at slightly more than 3.0 million hectares or 27 percent of total planted area, an increase from last year. Second-crop soybeans are sensitive to dry periods in late February and early March.
Jan 29 2002 | Argentina: Sunflowerseed Harvest Starts on Time |
Argentinas 2001/02 sunflowerseed harvest has begun and is nearly 12 percent complete as of Jan 25, 2002, according to the Argentine Ministry of Agriculture. The national harvest pace is a little ahead of the last two years. Sunflowers are grown throughout Argentina, from the northern provinces of Chaco and Formosa to southern Buenos Aires province. Northern Argentina harvests sunflowerseeds first, and harvest then proceeds to the south. The harvest pace in Chaco Province and the northern Santa Fe Province delegacions of Avellaneda and Rafaela is similar to the last two years. In the major sunflower-growing regions of southern Cordoba Province, harvest is expected to begin by early March. In southern Buenos Aires Province, harvest is expected to begin by mid-March.
Feb 11 2002 | Paraguay: Rains Help Soybean Areas |
Recent rains have eased dryness in Paraguays soybean areas. During the week of January 20 to 26, 2002, precipitation amounts of 50-150 mm fell in the main soybean-producing areas of eastern Paraguay. The following week, January 27 to February 2, more rain fell. Precipitation totaled between 100 and 200 mm. Prior to the rainfall at the end of January, these areas had been increasingly dry, causing concern for the soybean crop.
Feb 15 2002 | Argentina: Cotton Area Declines to Lowest Level in 70 Years |
Argentine cotton area is at the lowest level in almost 70 years. USDA estimates Argentinas 2001/02 harvested cotton area at 163,000 hectares, lower than the 1933/34 crop season, when 195,000 hectares were planted. Cotton area for 2001/02 dropped 57 percent from last year, when 380,000 hectares were planted. Cotton production is estimated at 280,000 bales, down 62 percent from last season. Low world prices and higher costs of production relative to other crops have led to a decline in cotton area since the 1995/96 season. Poor cotton returns over the last three years have dampened farmer enthusiasm for cotton.
Feb 22 2002 | Argentina: Rains Needed in Soybean Areas |
Dry conditions in Argentinas main soybean-growing areas have negatively affected yield potential for the 2001/02 crop. Rainfall during the week of February 10 to 16, 2002 has been scattered and amounts have totaled less than 10 mm in the key growing-areas of eastern Cordoba Province and southern Santa Fe Province. Some of these areas have received only minimal amounts of rain for the past three weeks. In the largest soybean-growing delegation, Marcos Juarez, Cordoba Province, rainfall has diminished since late January. A similar pattern is found in Casilda, Santa Fe Province, whereas in Pergamino, northern Buenos Aires Province, the rainfall pattern has been more beneficial.
Mar 26 2002 | Argentina: Changing Policies Increase Uncertainty for Soybean and Corn Producers |
The outlook for the 2001/02 Argentine soybean crop is already determined for the most part, though the crop estimate of 28.8 million tons is subject to change as more information becomes available. Planting decisions had been made before the financial crisis engulfed Argentina in December of last year. Rapidly changing policies do raise issues concerning soybean planting next season. Farmers seem likely to increase soybean planted area at the expense of higher input crops such as corn.
Apr 18 2002 | Argentina: Rain Delays Sunflowerseed Harvest |
Heavier-than-normal rains in March across Argentinas agricultural areas have delayed the 2001/02 sunflowerseed harvest. Harvest reached 69 percent, compared to 93 percent last year, according to the Argentine Ministry of Agriculture report from April 12. In southern Buenos Aires Province, which accounts for 36 percent of sunflowerseed production, the harvest has been delayed in Tres Arroyos delegation, which has reached 53 percent harvested, compared to 85 percent last year. Rainfall in Tres Arroyos has been higher than normal in March. In Tandil delegation, where harvest has reached 54 percent, compared to 91 percent last year, rainfall has also been higher than normal for most of the season. Precipitation amounts during the week of April 7 to 13, 2002 have been less, but more time is needed to dry out fields before harvest work can restart.
May 2 2002 | Argentina: Harvest Progress Update |
A week of dry weather aided harvest progress for Argentinas 2001/02 summer crops, but the harvest pace is slower than last year. The corn harvest reached 36 percent, compared to 50 percent last year, according to the Argentine Ministry of Agriculture report from April 26. Harvest losses for corn have been higher than average, especially for key growing areas in southern Santa Fe Province and northern Buenos Aires Province. Not all growing areas in Argentina have reported harvest losses yet.
Jul 12 2002 | Argentinas Economic Uncertainty Affects Planting Decisions for 2002/03 |
Argentine producers face difficult planting decisions in 2002/03 because of economic uncertainty. Since the 2001/02 planting season, the government defaulted on it's international loans and the country has undergone a severe national economic crisis. This has created a national banking crisis, high unemployment, and a return to double-digit inflation, with the rapid devaluation of the peso (Arg$). Devaluation is a double edge sword: it encourages producers to expand area for some crops but has reduced the availability of credit for all crops. Crops that are favored by the export policies and that are less costly to produce will expand, while other crops requiring high input costs are more likely to contract in area. Total harvested area for the major field crops is expected to decrease less than one percent, unlike the expansion of the last four years. Total production, however, is expected to decrease by over 6 percent from last year's levels, as less high-yielding corn is planted and more lower-yielding soybeans are planted. Area forecasts, except for wheat, are very tenuous. Wheat is currently being planted and future economic conditions should have little effect beyond that already seen. If economic conditions deteriorate further, and farmers find themselves unable to procure necessary inputs, a further reduction of crop production prospects is possible. Wheat area is expected to decline 12 percent; corn area is expected to decline 18 percent. Sunflower area is expected to expand 16 percent, compared to a 6 percent increase in soybean area. Sorghum area is relatively unchanged, up 1 percent. Rice is expected to increase in area by 8 percent. Cotton is expected to increase by 47 percent from a disastrous 2001/02 season.
Oct 2 2002 | Argentina: Favorable Conditions for Planting Sunflowers |
Argentinas 2002/03 sunflower planting season is underway and ahead of normal. Planting in northern Argentina begins in August and by late October reaches 50 percent completed. Planting in the northern Argentine Provinces of Chaco and Santiago del Estero is complete and sunflowers are beginning to flower in Chaco Province. Rainfall has been slightly above normal for Chaco and Santiago del Estero Provinces. There was concern about localized cool temperatures in early September; 3 percent of the area was affected by the late frost. Rainfall for the main sunflowerseed producing area of southern Buenos Aires has also been above normal. Planting begins in that district in about two weeks.
Oct 21 2002 | Argentina: Prices Favor Sunflower Planting Over Corn, While Soy Up Due to Cost Advantage |
Relative prices prior to planting favor sunflowers, but soybean expansion is expected to remain strong. As a result of the favorable relative prices, sunflower harvested area is expected to increase this season to 2.30 million hectares, up from 1.98 million last year and 1.89 million two years ago. The higher relative prices may be behind the large increases that have already occurred in sunflower plantings in the northern provinces of Chaco and Santiago del Estero, where planted areas are reportedly up 119 and 284 percent respectively. (See, "Argentina: Favorable Conditions for Planting Sunflowers," October 2, 2002) Planting in the northern provinces has been completed and is now beginning in the main sunflower areas of Buenos Aires, La Pampa, and Cordoba provinces.
Dec 16 2002 | Argentina: Peanut Area Declines |
Argentinas 2002/03 peanut area is expected to decline about 30 percent from last years level. Competition from more profitable crops, such as soybeans, has led to the area decline.
USDA estimates Argentine peanut production for 2002/03 at 250,000 tons, down 24 percent from last years level. USDA estimates harvested area at 150,000 hectares, down 31 percent from last year. An average yield of 1.67 tons/ha is forecast.
Dec 17 2002 | Argentina: Heavy Rains Have Affected Wheat |
In the USDA estimates released December 10, Argentinas 2002/03 wheat production is forecast at 13.5 million tons, down 0.5 million tons or 4 percent from last month, and 13 percent lower than last years output of 15.5 million. Wheat area is estimated at 5.9 million hectares, down 0.1 million or 2 percent from last month and down 13 percent from last years area of 6.8 million. Wheat harvest is underway with 27 percent collected as of December 6, 2002.
Feb 13 2003 | Argentina's Hot Weather Has Minimal Effect on Crop Production |
Recent hot weather in Argentinas countryside has had minimal effect on crop production. Argentina suffered excessive temperatures during the last week of January 2003, with maximum temperatures reaching above 35æC in western areas of the country and low soil moisture where it was excessively hot. Corn at or near silking would have been damaged, and soybeans at flowering would abort the flowers. The areas where both high temperatures and low soil moisture conditions occurred are in La Pampa and southwestern Buenos Aires Provinces, which account for about 9 percent of corn production and even less soybean production (2 percent). Crop conditions in the main growing areas of central Argentina, although hot, did not have the combination of low soil moisture and excessive heat. Current satellite imagery indicates above- normal vegetation conditions in central Argentina and below-normal conditions in southern Buenos Aires and La Pampa Provinces. In these areas, record or near-record corn yields are expected, and soybean conditions are good to excellent.
Apr 15 2003 | Argentina: Record Corn Yields Forecast |
Excellent weather conditions propelled Argentine corn harvesting to a record pace and record yields. Argentinas 2002/03 corn production is estimated at 15.0 million tons, up 0.5 million--or 3 percent-- from last month, and up 4 percent from last seasons output of 14.4 million. Harvested area is forecast at 2.45 million hectares, unchanged from last month and from last season. Yield is forecast at a record 6.12 MT/Ha.
May 15 2003 | Heavy Rains in Argentina Delay Soybean Harvest |
Heavy rains have caused flooding in the agricultural provinces of Santa Fe and Entre Rios of Argentina. Unusually high precipitation throughout the last weeks in tandem with a poor infrastructure caused the Salado River to flood its banks and has flooded agricultural land in northern Santa Fe Province. Some estimates are as high as 2 of the 12 million total agricultural hectares are under water.
Jul 15 2003 | Argentina: Peanut Production Increases |
Argentine 2003/04 peanut production is forecast to increase 36 percent from last years low levels. Last years short crop and strong international demand have boosted planting prospects. The recent granting of a Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) for Argentine peanuts is unlikely to change production sentiments.
Oct 31 2003 | Argentina: Prices Favor Soybeans and Sunflowers |
In July, as Argentine producers were preparing for the upcoming planting season, relative prices favored soybeans over corn, and soybean expansion is expected to remain strong. As of October 10 when USDA last released its official estimates, soybean harvested area (see table of harvested area) is forecast at a record 13.2 million hectares, up 5 percent from last years record level. Additionally, sunflower prices also appear to be favorable; however, less than favorable planting conditions in Argentina have resulted in area being similar to last year. Sunflower harvested area is forecast at 2.3 million hectares, down 2 percent from last years 2.4 million and up modestly from a relatively low 1.9 million hectares 3 years ago.
Oct 20 2004 | Argentina: 2004/05 Corn Production Forecast to Rise by 20 Percent |
USDA's October forecast for Argentine 2004/05 corn production is 15.5 million tons, compared to 12.75 million last year. Increased area in the main growing areas and increased yields contribute to the rise. FAS analysis shows that the increased area will be in the central portion of the country; this corresponds to the higher yielding area. Weather remains a critical factor. Although recent rains alleviated some drought concerns, more rain is needed. Normal weather is assumed for the coming year. Planting has started and should reach 50 percent complete by the end of October.
Apr 15 2005 | Argentine Corn and Soybean Returns Expected to be Lower in 2005 |
The provinces of Buenos Aires and Santa Fe are major corn and soybean producers. In particular, for corn, northern Buenos Aires and southern Santa Fe are the higher yielding regions. Corn and soybean production in these regions, account for thirty percent, each, of the national output.
Mar 17 2005 | Argentine February 2005 Field Travel Summary |
A team of analysts from USDA's Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) traveled through the central Argentine crop region during February 2005 to assess crop conditions for corn and soybeans. Argentine 2004/05 corn production is estimated at a record 19.5 million tons, up 30 percent from last year and soybean production is also a record - 39 million tons, up 18 percent from last year. Record corn yields of 7.22 tons per hectare and near record soybean yields of 2.71 tons per hectare are estimated.