Crop Explorer - World Agricultural Production (WAP) Briefs - Europe

Jul 12 2024 | European Union Corn: Yield Lowered on Severe Heat and Dryness
Corn production in the European Union (EU) for marketing year (MY) 2024/25 is forecast at 64.0 million metric tons (mmt), down 0.8 mmt (1 percent) from last month, but up 3.0 mmt (5 percent) from last year, and less than 1 percent above the 5-year average. Harvested area is forecast at 8.7 million hectares, unchanged from last month, but 4 percent above last year and 3 percent below the 5-year average. Yield is estimated at 7.40 tons per hectare (t/ha), down 1 percent from last month but up slightly from last year and 3 percent above the 5-year average. (For more information, please contact

Jun 12 2024 | France Rapeseed: Production Reduced Due to Unfavorable Spring Weather
France rapeseed production is forecast at 4.1 million metric tons (mmt), down 0.3 mmt or 6 percent from last month, 5 percent below last year, but up 8 percent from the 5-year average of 3.8 mmt. Harvested area is forecast at 1.3 million hectares (mha), unchanged from last month, down 3 percent from last year, but up 13 percent above the 5-year average. Yield is forecast at 3.13 tons per hectare (t/ha), down 6 percent from last month, down 2 percent from last year, and down 4 percent from the 5-year average. The 0.3 mmt reduction in France, along with a few smaller changes in other European Union (EU) countries, nets a total EU rapeseed crop of 18.75 mmt, down 250,000 metric tons from last month. (For more information, please contact

Jun 12 2024 | France Wheat: Rainfall Dampens Outlook
Wheat production in France for marketing year (MY) 2024/25 is estimated at 31.7 million metric tons (mmt), down 1.5 mmt from last month, 4.6 mmt below last year and 12 percent below the 5- year average. Harvested area is estimated at 4.6 million hectares (mha), unchanged from last month, but down 0.4 mha from last year and down 8 percent from the 5-year average. Yield is estimated at 6.88 tons per hectare (t/ha), 5 percent lower than last month, 6 percent below last year and 4 percent below the 5-year average. The change in France’s production lowers the overall estimated European Union (EU) wheat total to 130.5 mmt. (For more information, please contact

May 10 2024 | European Union Rapeseed: MY 2024/25 Production Down on Reduced Area
European Union (EU) rapeseed production is forecast at 19.0 million metric tons (mmt), down 1.0 mmt or 5 percent below last year, but up 7 percent from the 5-year average of 17.8 mmt. Harvested area is estimated at 5.9 million hectares (mha), down 0.4 mha or 6 percent from last year, but up 5 percent above the 5-year average. Yield is estimated at 3.25 tons per hectare (t/ha), up slightly from last year’s 3.22 t/ha, and 2 percent above the 5-year average of 3.18 t/ha. (For more information, please contact

May 10 2024 | European Union Wheat: Mild, Wet Conditions Dominate Early Season for MY 2024/25
Wheat production in the European Union (EU) for marketing year (MY) 2024/25 is estimated at 132.0 million metric tons (mmt), down 2.2 mmt from last year and 2 percent below the 5-year average. Harvested area is estimated at 23.4 million hectares (mha), down 0.8 mha from last year and down 0.6 mha from the 5-year average. Yield is estimated at 5.64 tons per hectare (t/ha), 2 percent above last year and 1 percent above the 5-year average. (For more information, please contact

Apr 11 2024 | European Union Corn: Production Raised on Harvest Results
Corn production in the European Union (EU) for marketing year (MY) 2023/24 is estimated at 61.0 million metric tons (mmt), up 0.9 mmt (2 percent) from last month, up 8.7 mmt (17 percent) from last year, but 5 percent below the 5-year average. Harvested area is estimated at 8.3 million hectares, unchanged from last month, but 6 percent below last year and 7 percent below the 5-year average. Yield is estimated at 7.37 tons per hectare (t/ha), slightly up from last month’s 7.26 t/ha and the 5-year average of 7.25 t/ha. (For more information, please contact

Jan 12 2024 | European Union Sunflowerseed: Harvest Results Reduce Production
Sunflowerseed production in the European Union (EU) for marketing year 2023/24 is estimated at 10.2 million metric tons (mmt), down 0.5 mmt (4 percent) from last month, but up 1.0 mmt (11 percent) from last year and 8 percent above the 5-year average. Harvested area is estimated at 4.9 million hectares, down 60,000 hectares from last month and down 80,000 hectares from last year, but 11 percent above the 5-year average. Yield is estimated at 2.08 tons per hectare (t/ha), compared to 2.15 t/ha for both last month and the 5-year average. (For more information, please contact

Sep 12 2023 | Greece Cotton: Historic Storm Inundates Cotton Crop
USDA forecasts Greece cotton production for marketing year (MY) 2023/24 at 1.1 million 480- pound bales, down 18 percent from last month and down 26 percent from last year. The crop is also down 27 percent below the 5-year average. Yield is forecast at 1,109 kilograms per hectare, down 6 percent from last month, 10 percent from last year, and 8 percent from the 5-year average. Area is estimated at 210,000 hectares (ha), down 13 percent from last month, 18 percent from last year and 21 percent from the 5-year average. Greece produces 84 percent of the European Union’s (EU) 5-year average production, with Spain contributing most of the balance.(For more information, please contact

Aug 11 2023 | European Union Corn: Farmers Plant Less Area; Hot, Dry Conditions in Several Countries Lower Yield Expectations
European Union (EU) corn production for marketing year (MY) 2023/2024 is forecast at 59.7 million metric tons (mmt), down 3.7 mmt or 6 percent below last month, but 7.5 mmt or 14 percent above last year’s poor crop. Harvested area is estimated at 8.2 million hectares (mha), 0.4 mha below last month, and 0.6 mha or 7 percent below last year, and 8 percent below the 5-year average. Yield is estimated at 7.28 tons per hectare (t/ha), down 2 percent from last month, but 23 percent above last year. (For more information, please contact

Aug 11 2023 | European Union Wheat: Production Reduced on Sporadic Drought Conditions
Wheat production in the European Union (EU) for marketing year (MY) 2023/2024 is estimated at 135.0 million metric tons (mmt), down 3.0 mmt (2 percent) from last month, but up 0.9 mmt (1 percent) from last year and 2 percent above the 5-year average. (For more information, please contact

Jul 12 2023 | European Union Rapeseed: Blocking High Prevents Rain, Reduces Crop
European Union (EU) rapeseed production for marketing year (MY) 2023/2024 is forecast at 20.2 million metric tons (mmt), down 0.8 mmt or 4 percent from last month, but up 0.7 mmt or 3 percent above last year. Total EU rapeseed production has been rising for several years and the MY 2023/24 estimate is 16 percent above the 5-year average. Harvested area is estimated at 6.1 million hectares (mha), unchanged from last month, but up 2 percent from last year, and 8 percent above the 5-year average. Yield is estimated at 3.33 tons per hectare (t/ha), down 4 percent from last month, but up 1 percent from last year, and 8 percent above the 5-year average. (For more information, please contact

Jul 12 2023 | European Union Wheat: Northern Dryness During Grainfill Lowers Yield
Wheat production in the European Union (EU) for marketing year (MY) 2023/2024 is estimated at 138.0 million metric tons (mmt), down 2.5 mmt (2 percent) from last month, but up 3.7 mmt (3 percent) from last year and 4 percent above the 5-year average. Harvested area is estimated at 24.4 million hectares (mha), down 80,000 hectares from June, but nearly unchanged from last year. Wheat harvested area is 2 percent above the 5-year average. Yield is estimated at 5.67 tons per hectare, 1 percent below last month’s 5.75 tons per hectare, but 3 percent above last year and the 5-year-average. (For more information, please contact

Jun 9 2023 | European Union Rapeseed: Favorable Weather Raises Crop Expectations
European Union (EU) rapeseed production for marketing year (MY) 2023/2024 is forecast at 21.0 million metric tons (mmt), up 0.5 mmt or 2 percent above last month, and 1.5 mmt or 7 percent above last year. Total EU rapeseed production is forecast up 21 percent from the 5-year average. Harvested area is estimated at 6.1 million hectares (mha), unchanged from last month, up 2 percent from last year, and 8 percent above the 5-year average. Yield is estimated at 3.46 tons per hectare (t/ha), up 2 percent from last month, 5 percent above last year, and 12 percent above the 5-year average. (For more information, please contact

Jun 9 2023 | European Union Wheat: Favorable Weather Bolsters Bumper Crop Prospects
Wheat production in the European Union (EU) for marketing year (MY) 2023/2024 is estimated at 140.5 million metric tons (mmt), up 1.5 mmt (1 percent) from last month, up 6.2 mmt (5 percent) from last year, and 6 percent above the 5-year average. Harvested area is estimated at 24.4 million hectares (mha), unchanged from May, up 0.1 mha from last year, and 2 percent above the 5-year average. Yield is estimated at 5.75 tons per hectare, 1 percent above last month, and 4 percent above both last year and the 5-year average. (For more information, please contact

May 12 2023 | European Union Rapeseed: MY 2023/24 Production Up on Area and Yield Increases
European Union (EU) rapeseed production is forecast at 20.5 million metric tons (mmt), up 1.0 mmt or 5 percent above last year, and up 18 percent from the 5-year average of 17.4 mmt. Harvested area is estimated at 6.1 million hectares (mha), up 0.1 mha or 2 percent from last year and 8 percent above the 5-year average. Yield is estimated at 3.38 tons per hectare (t/ha), up 3 percent from last year’s 3.29 t/ha, and 9 percent above the 5-year average of 3.09 t/ha. (For more information, please contact

May 12 2023 | European Union Wheat: Favorable Conditions for MY 2023/24 Except the Iberian Peninsula
Wheat production in the European Union (EU) for marketing year (MY) 2023/2024 is estimated at 139.0 million metric tons (mmt), up 3 percent from last year, and 5 percent above the 132.2 mmt 5-year average. Harvested area is estimated at 24.4 million hectares (mha), up slightly from last year and 2 percent above the 5-year average. Yield is estimated at 5.69 tons per hectare, 3 percent above last year and the 5-year average. (For more information, please contact

Nov 9 2022 | Hungary Corn: Extreme Weather Reduces Production to Lowest Level in 54 Years
Corn production in Hungary for marketing year (MY) 2022/23 is estimated at 4.0 million tons (mmt), down 1.6 mmt from last month, 2.3 mmt (37 percent) from last year, and 47 percent below the 5-year average of 7.5 mmt. Production is the lowest since MY 1968/69. Area is estimated at 0.9 million hectares (mha), 0.1 mha (10 percent) below last month, 14 percent below last year, and 10 percent below the 5-year average. Yield is estimated at 4.41 tons per hectare, 20 percent below last month, 27 percent below last year and 42 percent below the 5-year average. (For more information, please contact

Oct 12 2022 | European Union Corn: Smallest Crop in 15 Years
European Union (EU) marketing year (MY) 2022/23 corn production is estimated at 56.2 million metric tons (mmt), down 2.6 mmt (4 percent) from last month, 14.8 mmt (21 percent) below last year’s crop, and 15 percent below the 5-year average. Area is estimated at 8.9 million hectares (mha), down 0.1 million mha from last month, and 0.3 mha or 4 percent from last year. Yield is estimated at 6.31 tons per hectare (t/ha), down 3 percent from last month, 18 percent from last year, and 16 percent from the 5-year average. (For more information, please contact

Oct 12 2022 | European Union Wheat: Area Revisions Contribute to Production Increase
Wheat production for marketing year (MY) 2022/23 in the European Union (EU) is estimated at 134.8 million metric tons (mmt), up 2.7 mmt from last month, but down 3.5 mmt (3 percent) from last year, but 2 percent above the 132.7 mmt, 5-year average. Harvested area is estimated at 24.3 million hectares (mha), up 0.3 mha from last month, nearly unchanged from last year, and 1 percent above the 5-year average. Yield is estimated at 5.56 tons per hectare (t/ha), similar to the 5.54 t/ha 5-year average, but 1 percent above last month and 3 percent below last year. (For more information, please contact

Sep 12 2022 | EU Corn: Harvest Underway with Deteriorated Yield Expectations
European Union (EU) (MY) 2022/23 corn production is forecast at 58.8 million metric tons (mmt), down 1.2 mmt (2 percent) from last month, 12.2 mmt (17 percent) below last year’s crop, and 11 percent below the 5-year average. Area is estimated at 9.0 million hectares (mha), unchanged from last month, but 0.2 mha or 3 percent down from last year. Yield is estimated at 6.53 tons per hectare (t/ha), down 2 percent from last month, 15 percent from last year, and 14 percent from the 5-year average. (For more information, please contact

Aug 12 2022 | European Union Sunflowerseed: Heat, Dryness Lower Yields
European Union (EU) sunflowerseed production for marketing year (MY) 2022/23 is estimated at 9.7 million metric tons (mmt), down 8 percent from last month, 6 percent below last year, but equivalent to the 5-year average. Harvested area is estimated at 4.7 million hectares (mha), up 4 percent from last month, 8 percent from last year, and 9 percent above the 5-year average. Yield is estimated at 2.06 tons per hectare (t/ha), down 11 percent from last month, 13 percent from last year, and 8 percent below the 5-year average. (For more information, please contact

Aug 12 2022 | European Union Wheat: Harvest Results Reveal Further Reductions
Wheat production for marketing year (MY) 2022/23 in the European Union (EU) is estimated at 132.1 million metric tons (mmt), down 1 percent from last month, 4 percent from last year, and marginally below the 5-year average. Harvested area is estimated at 24.0 million hectares (mha), down slightly from last month, 1 percent from last year, but slightly above the 5-year average. Yield is estimated at 5.50 tons per hectare (t/ha), down 1 percent from last month, 3 percent from last year, and 1 percent below the 5-year average of 5.54 t/ha. ” (For more information, please contact

Aug 12 2022 | European Union Corn: Extreme High Temperatures and Drought Reduces Crop
European Union (EU) (MY) 2022/23 corn production is forecast at 60.0 million metric tons (mmt), down 12 percent from last month, 15 percent below last year’s crop, and 10 percent below the 5- year average. Area is estimated at 9.0 million hectares (mha), down 1 percent from last month and 3 percent from last year, but 3 percent above the 5-year average of 8.8 mha. Yield is estimated at 6.67 tons per hectare, down 11 percent from last month, 13 percent from last year, and 12 percent from the 5-year average. ” (For more information, please contact

Jul 12 2022 | European Union (EU) Rapeseed: Dryness Continues, Lowering Crop Further
European Union rapeseed production for marketing year (MY) 2022/23 is estimated at 17.9 million metric tons (mmt), down 0.4 mmt or 2 percent from last month, but up 3 percent from last year and 2 percent above the 5-year average of 17.5 mmt. Harvested area is estimated at 5.8 million hectares (mha), unchanged from last month, and 7 percent above last year and 2 percent above the 5-year average. Yield is estimated at 3.08 tons per hectare (t/ha), down 2 percent from last month’s 3.15 t/ha and 4 percent from last year’s 3.20 t/ha, but similar to the 5-year average of 3.07 t/ha. (For more information, please contact

Jul 12 2022 | European Union (EU) Rice: Low Water Levels Reduce Rice Crop in Spain and Italy
Rice production for marketing year (MY) 2022/23 in the EU is forecast at 1.5 million tons (mmt) (milled basis), or 2.3 mmt rough. Milled production is forecast down 16 percent from last month, 15 percent from last year and 21 percent from the 5-year average. Area is estimated at 0.4 million hectares, down 11 percent from last month and last year, and 14 percent below the 5-year average. Yield is forecast at 6.36 tons per hectare, down 6 percent from last month, 3 percent from last year and 6 percent below the 5-year average. (For more information, please contact

Jul 12 2022 | European Union (EU) Wheat: Drought Continues to Reduce Crop
Wheat production for marketing year (MY) 2022/23 in the European Union is estimated at 134.1 million metric tons (mmt), down 2.0 mmt (1 percent) from last month, 4.3 mmt (3 percent) from last year, but 1 percent above the 5-year average of 132.7 mmt. Harvested area is estimated at 24.1 million hectares (mha), unchanged from last month, down 0.1 mha from last year, but up 0.2 mha above the 5-year average. Yield is estimated at 5.56 tons per hectare (t/ha), 3 percent below last year and up slightly from the 5-year average of 5.54 t/ha. (For more information, please contact

Jun 10 2022 | EU Rapeseed: Dryness in France Suppresses Yield
European Union (EU) rapeseed production for marketing year (MY) 2022/23 is forecast at 18.3 million metric tons (mmt), down 0.3 mmt or 1 percent from last month, but up 6 percent from last year and 5 percent above the 5-year average of 17.5 mmt. Harvested area is estimated at 5.8 million hectares (mha), unchanged from last month, 7 percent above last year, and 2 percent above the 5- year average. Yield is estimated at 3.15 tons per hectare (t/ha), down slightly from last month’s 3.19 t/ha and last year’s 3.20 t/ha, but 2 percent above the 5-year average of 3.07 t/ha. (For more information, please contact

Jun 10 2022 | EU Wheat: Dryness in France and Spain Pushes Down Yield
Wheat production for marketing year (MY) 2022/23 in the European Union (EU) is estimated at 136.1 million metric tons (mmt), down 0.4 mmt from last month, 2.3 mmt (2 percent) from last year, but 3 percent above the 5-year average of 132.7 mmt. Harvested area is estimated at 24.1 million hectares (mha), unchanged from last month, down 0.1 mha from last year, but up 0.2 mha from the 5-year average. Yield is estimated at 5.65 tons per hectare (t/ha), 1 percent below last year, but up 2 percent from the 5-year average. (For more information, please contact

May 12 2022 | EU Rapeseed: Attractive Prices Lead to Increased MY 2022/23 Area
European Union (EU) rapeseed marketing year (MY) 2022/23 production is forecast at 18.5 million metric tons (mmt), up 1.2 mmt or 7 percent from last year, and up 6 percent from the 5- year average of 17.5 mmt. Harvested area is estimated at 5.8 million hectares (mha), up 0.4 mha or 7 percent from last year and 2 percent above the 5-year average. Yield is forecast at 3.19 tons per hectare (t/ha), down slightly from last year’s 3.20 t/ha, but 4 percent above the 5-year average of 3.07 t/ha. ” (For more information, please contact

May 12 2022 | European Union Wheat: Good Conditions for MY 2022/23
Wheat production for marketing year (MY) 2022/23 in the European Union (EU) is forecast at 136.5 million metric tons (mmt), down 1.9 mmt from last year, but 3 percent above the 132.7 mmt 5-year average. Harvested area is estimated at 24.1 million hectares (mha), down 0.1 mha from last year but 0.2 mha above the 5-year average. Yield is forecast at 5.66 tons per hectare (t/ha), 1 percent below last year but 2 percent above the 5-year average. (For more information, please contact

Apr 8 2022 | Romania Corn: Bumper Crop Harvested
Corn production in Romania for marketing year (MY) 2021/22 is estimated at 13.7 million tons (mmt), up 0.3 mmt or 2 percent from last month, and 27 percent above MY 2020/21’s poor crop of 10.8 mmt. Production is 12 percent above the 5-year average of 12.2 mmt. Area is estimated similar to last month and last year at 2.6 million hectares. Yield is estimated at 5.32 tons per hectare, up 4 percent from last month, 26 percent above last year, and 10 percent above the 5-year average. (For more information, please contact

Feb 9 2022 | UK Wheat: Production Revised due to Official Data
USDA estimates United Kingdom (UK) wheat production for marketing year (MY) 2021/22 at 14.0 million metric tons (mmt), down 0.3 mmt (2 percent) from last month, but up 4.3 mmt (45 percent) from last year’s small crop. The MY 2021/22 crop is 3 percent above the 5-year average. Harvested area is estimated at 1.8 million hectares (mha), unchanged from last month, but up 0.4 mha (29 percent) from last year when excessive rains inhibited plantings. Yield is estimated at 7.82 tons per hectare, down 2 percent from last month and 1 percent from the 5-year average, but up 12 percent from last year. (For more information, please contact

Dec 9 2021 | EU Corn: Second Largest Corn Crop Chiefly Due to Area Increases
European Union (EU) corn production for marketing year (MY) 2021/22 is estimated at a bumper 70.4 million metric tons (mmt), up 2.5 mmt or 4 percent from last month, 5 percent from last year, and 9 percent from the 5-year average. The record production for corn was 75.7 mmt in MY 2014/15. Harvested area is estimated at 9.4 million hectares (mha), 3 percent above last month, and up less than 1 percent from last year. Yield is estimated at 7.52 tons per hectare (t/ha), up slightly from last month and 4 percent above last year. (For more information, please contact

Nov 9 2021 | Greece Cotton: Rains Soak Open Bolls at Harvest, Lowering Both Quality and Production
Greece cotton production for marketing year 2021/22 is estimated at 1.2 million 480-pound bales, down 14 percent from last month and last year. Area is estimated at 250,000 hectares (ha), unchanged from last month, but down 9 percent from last year and analogous to the 5-year average. Yield is estimated at 1,045 kilograms per hectare (kg/ha), down 14 percent from last month, 5 percent from last year and 11 percent from the 5-year average. (For more information, please contact

Nov 9 2021 | European Union Corn: Increases in Poland, Romania, and France
European Union (EU) corn for marketing year (MY) 2021/22 is estimated at 67.9 million metric tons (mmt), up 1.6 mmt or 2 percent from last month, 5 percent from last year, and 6 percent from the 5-year average. Harvested area is estimated at 9.1 million hectares (mha), 2 percent above last month. Yield is estimated at 7.48 tons per hectare (t/ha), 1 percent above last month and 5 percent above last year. (For more information, please contact

Nov 9 2021 | United Kingdom Wheat: Production Down Based on Official Data
USDA estimates United Kingdom (UK) wheat production for marketing year (MY) 2021/22 at 14.3 million metric tons (mmt), down 0.7 mmt (5 percent) from last month, but up 9.7 mmt (48 percent) from last year’s abysmal crop. The MY 2021/22 crop is 0.7mmt (5 percent) above the 5-year average. Harvested area is estimated at 1.8 million hectares (mha), unchanged from last month, but up 0.4 mha (26 percent) from last year. Yield is estimated at 8.17 tons per hectare, down 5 percent from last month, but up 17 percent from last year and up 3 percent from the 5-year average. (For more information, please contact

Sep 10 2021 | Serbia Corn: Heat and Dryness Reduces Yield Further
Marketing year (MY) 2021/22 corn production in Serbia is estimated at 6.0 million tons (mmt), down 0.5 mmt or 8 percent from last month, and 26 percent below the revised record of 8.1 mmt achieved last year. Area is estimated to be similar to last season at 1.0 million hectares (ha), a 50,000 ha increase from last month, but 4 percent above the 5-year average. Yield is estimated at 5.88 tons per hectare, down 12 percent from last month, 27 percent below last year, and 17 percent below the 5-year average. (For more information, please contact

Aug 12 2021 | EU Corn: Despite Gains in France, Heat and Dryness in the Balkans Lower EU Production
USDA forecasts marketing year 2021/22 European Union (EU) corn production at 65.5 million metric tons (mmt), down 1.2 mmt or 2 percent from last month, but 2 percent above last year’s crop and 3 percent above the 5-year average. Area is estimated at 8.9 million hectares (mha), down 1 percent or 50,000 hectares from last month and down 0.2 mha or 2 percent from last year, but it is up 3 percent from last year. Yield is estimated at 7.40 tons per hectare, down 1 percent from last month but up 4 percent from last year. (For more information, please contact

Jul 12 2021 | United Kingdom Wheat: Production Rises from Beneficial Rain and Warmer Temperatures
Wheat production in the United Kingdom (UK) is estimated at 14.8 million metric tons (mmt), up 0.7 mmt from last month, up 5.1 mmt from last year and 10 percent above the 5-year average. Area is estimated at 1.8 million hectares (mha), unchanged from last month, 28 percent higher than last year, and 4 percent above the 5-year average. Yield is estimated at 8.34 tons per hectare, up 5 percent from last month, up 20 percent from last year, and up 6 percent from the 5-year average. The previous season (marketing year 2020/2021) was particularly poor due to heavy rains at planting, which significantly lowered area and yield. (For more information, please contact

Jul 12 2021 | EU Wheat: Production Raised on Improved Weather
European Union-27 (EU) wheat production is estimated at 138.2 million metric tons (mmt), up 0.7 mmt from last month, 12.3 mmt from last year and 5 percent above the 5-year average. Harvested area is estimated at 23.9 million hectares (mha), up 80,000 ha from last month, and 0.8 mha or 4 percent higher than last year, but 1 percent below the 5-year average. Yield is estimated at 5.78 tons per hectare, up slightly from last month, 6 percent from last year, and 7 percent above the 5- year average. (For more information, please contact

Jun 10 2021 | EU Rapeseed: Production Increased due to May Rainfall
European Union (EU, 27 members) rapeseed production is forecast at 17.2 million metric tons (mmt), up 0.6 mmt from last month, up 1.0 mmt from last year, but 3 percent below the 5-year average. Area is estimated at 5.2 million hectares (mha), unchanged from last month, but up 35,000 hectares from last year. Area is down 10 percent from the 5-year average. Yield is forecast at 3.31 tons per hectare, up 4 percent from last month, up 5 percent from last year, and up 8 percent from the 5-year average. (For more information, please contact

Jun 10 2021 | EU Wheat: Increased Production due to May Rains
European Union (EU, 27 members) wheat production is estimated at 137.5 million metric tons (mmt), up 3.5 mmt from last month, up 11.6 mmt from last year and 5 percent above the 5-year average. Area is estimated at 23.9 million hectares (mha), unchanged from last month, but 0.8 mha (3 percent) higher than last year, but 1 percent below the 5-year average. Yield is estimated at 5.77 tons per hectare, up 3 percent from last month, up 6 percent from last year and from the 5-year average. (For more information, please contact

May 12 2021 | European Union Rapeseed: MY 2021/22 Production Forecast at 16.6 MMT, above Last Year’s 16.2 MMT
Rapeseed production for the now 27 members of the European Union (EU) for 2021/22 is forecast at 16.6 million metric tons (mmt), 0.4 mmt above last year’s crop, but 6 percent below the 5-year average. (All comparisons reference the 27 members of the European Union.) Harvested area is estimated at 5.2 million hectares (mha), 1 percent or 35,000 ha above last year’s area, but 10 percent below the 5-year average. Yield is forecast at 3.19 tons per hectare, up 2 percent from last year and up 4 percent from the 5-year average. (For more information, please contact

Nov 10 2020 | European Union Corn: Production Lowered 1.9 mmt Due to Losses in France and Romania
European Union (EU27 + UK) corn production for 2020/21 is estimated at 64.2 million metric tons (mmt), down 1.9 mmt (3 percent) from the last month, down 2.5 mmt (4 percent) from last year, but 2 percent above the 5-year average. Harvested area is estimated at 8.9 million hectares (mha), down 0.1 mha from last month, but unchanged from last year, and up 3 percent from the 5- year average. Yield is estimated at 7.23 tons per hectare (t/ha), down 2 percent from October, down 4 percent from last year, and down 1 percent from the 5-year average. (For more information, please contact

Oct 9 2020 | Greece Cotton: Medicane Ionas Strikes Crop Just Prior to Harvest
USDA estimates Greece’s 2020/21 cotton production at 1.3 million 480-pound bales, down 0.15 million bales from last month (10 percent), down 0.38 million bales from last year (22 percent), but up 2 percent above the 5-year average of 1.27 million bales. Harvested area is estimated at 0.26 million hectares (mha), down 0.1 mha from last month, down 0.25 mha from last year, but 8 percent above the 5-year average of 0.24 mha. Yield is estimated at 1,089 kilograms per hectare, down 7 percent from last month, down 15 percent from last year, and down 5 percent below the 5-year average. (For more information, please contact

Oct 9 2020 | Serbia Corn: Favorable Weather Drives Record Yields
Serbia corn production for 2020/21 is estimated at a record 8.0 million metric tons (mmt), up 0.8 mmt (11 percent) from the last month, up 0.3 mmt (4 percent) from last year, and 24 percent above the 5-year average. The 2020/21 crop follows a record 7.7 mmt crop in 2019/20. Area is estimated at 1.0 million hectares (mha), up 50 thousand hectares from last month and up 30 thousand hectares from last year. Area is slightly above the 5-year average. Yield is estimated at a record 8.0 tons per hectare (t/ha), up 6 percent from last month, up 1 percent from last year, and 22 percent above the 5-year average of 6.6 t/ha. (For more information, please contact

Sep 11 2020 | Romania Corn: Drought Reduces Crop Production by 1.3 Million Metric Tons
Romania corn production for 2020/21 is estimated at 11.6 million metric tons (mmt), down 1.3 mmt (10 percent) from the last month, down 2.8 mmt (19 percent) from last year, and 3 percent below the 5-year average. The 2020/21 crop comes on the heels of a record of 14.3 mmt in 2019/20. Area is estimated at 2.7 million hectares (mha), unchanged from last month and last year, and up 4 percent from the 5-year average. Yield is estimated at 4.36 tons per hectare, down 10 percent from last month, down 19 percent from last year, and down 7 percent from the 5-year average. (For more information, please contact

Aug 12 2020 | EU27 + UK* Wheat: Production Down 4.0 MMT from Last Month
EU27 + UK (EU) wheat production is estimated at 135.5 million metric tons (mmt), down 4.0 mmt (3 percent) from last month, down 19.4 mmt (13 percent) from last year and 14.2 mmt (10 percent) below the 5-year average. Area is estimated at 24.8 million hectares (mha), down 0.5 mha (2 percent) from last month, and 1.4 mha (5 percent) below last year and 6 percent below the 5-year average of 26.4 mha. Yield is estimated at 5.47 tons per hectare, down 1 percent from last month, down 8 percent from last year and down 4 percent from the 5-year average. (For more information, please contact

Aug 12 2020 | Romania Corn: Production Down Due to Drought
Romania corn production is forecast down 1.2 million metric tons (mmt) to 12.8 mmt, 9 percent from last month, down 1.5 mmt or 10 percent from last year, but up 8 percent over the 5-year average of 11.9 mmt. Area is unchanged from last month and last year at 2.7 million hectares, but up 4 percent from the 5-year average. Yield is forecast at 4.83 tons per hectare (t/ha), down 9 percent from last month and down 10 percent from last year, however, yield is 3 percent above the 5-year average of 4.69 tons/ha. (For more information, please contact

Jul 10 2020 | EU27 + UK* Wheat: Production Falls Further
EU27 + UK (EU) wheat production is estimated at 139.5 million metric tons (mmt), down 1.5 mmt from last month, down 15.4 mmt from last year and 10.2 mmt below the 5-year average. Area is estimated at 25.3 million hectares (mha), unchanged from last month, but 0.9 mha below last year and 4 percent below the 5-year average. Yield is estimated at 5.52 tons per hectare, down 1 percent from last month and 7 percent from last year. (For more information, please contact

Jun 11 2020 | EU 27+ UK* Barley: Production Up 1.4 mmt, Driven by UK Spring Barley Increase
USDA estimates barley production in the European Union (EU27 + UK) for 2020/21 at 64.1 million metric tons (mmt), up 1.4 mmt or 2 percent above last month, 2 percent above last year, and 7 percent above the 5-year average. Harvested area is estimated at 12.6 million hectares (mha), 0.3 mha or 2 percent above last month, 0.2 mha or 1 percent above last year, and 2 percent above the 5-year average. Yield is nearly unchanged from last month and last year at 5.11 tons per hectare, but 5 percent above the 5-year average. (For more information, please contact

Jun 11 2020 | EU 27+ UK* Wheat: Production Estimated Down 2.0 mmt to 141.0 mmt
USDA estimates 2020/21 wheat production in the European Union (EU27 + UK) at 141.0 million metric tons (mmt), down 2.0 mmt, 1 percent below last month, 9 percent below last year, and down 6 percent from the 5-year average. Harvested area is estimated at 25.3 million hectares (mha), unchanged from May, but 0.8 mha or 3 percent below last year’s low area, and 4 percent below the 5-year average. Yield is estimated at 5.58 tons per hectare, down 1 percent from last month, down 6 percent from last year, and 2 percent below the 5-year average. (For more information, please contact

May 12 2020 | EU 27+ UK* Wheat 2020/21: Sharp Drop in Production; Lowest Planted Area in Years
USDA forecasts wheat production in the European Union (EU27 + UK) for 2020/21 at 143.0 million metric tons (mmt), down 11.8 mmt or 8 percent below last year, and down 4 percent from the 5-year average. Harvested area is estimated at 25.3 million hectares (mha), 0.8 mha or 3 percent below last year’s low area, and 4 percent below the 5-year average. Yield is forecast at 5.66 tons per hectare, down 5 percent from last year but less than one percent from the 5-year average. (For more information, please contact

May 12 2020 | EU27 + UK* Rapeseed: 2020/21 Production Similar to Last Year; Another Year of Low
Rapeseed production in the European Union (EU27 + UK) for 2020/21 is forecast at 17.0 million metric tons (mmt), 0.2 mmt above last year, but 16 percent below the 5-year average. Harvested area is estimated at 5.5 million hectares, 0.1 million hectares (mha) or 2 percent below last year’s area, and 16 percent below the 5-year average. Yield is forecast at 3.12 tons per hectare, up 3 percent from last year, but similar to the 5-year average. (For more information, please contact

Sep 12 2019 | European Union Rapeseed: Estimated Production Down 0.5 Million Tons from Last Month
European Union (EU) 2019/20 rapeseed production is estimated at 17.5 million metric tons (mmt), down 0.5 mmt (3 percent) from last month, down 2.5 mmt (13 percent) from last year, and 20 percent below the 5-year average of 21.9 mmt. Area is estimated at 5.6 million hectares (mha), down slightly from last month, and down 1.5 mha (21 percent) from last year. The 5-year average area is 6.7 mha. Yield is estimated at 3.14 metric tons per hectare (mt/ha), down 1 percent from last month, but up 10 percent from last year and below the 5-year average of 3.25 mt/ha. (For more information, please contact

Sep 12 2019 | European Union Wheat: Harvest Results Nudge Crop up 1.0 Million Tons
European Union (EU) 2019/20 wheat production is estimated at 151.0 million metric tons (mmt), up 1.0 mmt (less than 1 percent) from last month, and up 14.1 mmt (10 percent) from last year’s poor harvest. Production is estimated to be near the 5-year average. Area is estimated at 26.1 million hectares (mha), down slightly from last month, but up 0.5 mha (2 percent) from last year. Estimated area is 0.4 mha below the 5-year average of 26.5 mha. Yield is estimated at 5.79 metric tons per hectare (mt/ha), up nearly 1 percent from last month, up 8 percent from last year, and 2 percent above the 5-year average of 5.66 mt/ha. (For more information, please contact

Aug 12 2019 | European Union Rapeseed: Estimated Production Down 0.7 Million Tons from Last Month
European Union (EU) rapeseed production is estimated at 18.0 million metric tons (mmt), down 0.7 mmt (4 percent) from last month, down 2.1 mmt (10 percent) from last year, and below the 5- year average of 22.0 mmt. Area is estimated at 5.7 million hectares (mha), down 0.1 mha (2 percent) from last month, and down 1.4 mha (20 percent) from last year. The 5-year average area is 6.7 mha. Yield is estimated at 3.19 metric tons per hectare (mt/ha), down 2 percent from last month, but up 12 percent from last year. The 5-year average yield is 3.28 mt/ha. (For more information, please contact

Aug 12 2019 | European Union Wheat: Estimated Production Down 1.3 Million Tons
European Union (EU) wheat production is estimated at 150.0 million metric tons (mmt), down 1.3 mmt (1 percent) from last month, but up 13.1 mmt (10 percent) from last year’s poor harvest. Production is estimated to be slightly below the 5-year average of 150.9 mmt. Area is estimated at 26.2 million hectares (mha), down 0.3 mha from last month but 0.6 mha (2 percent) above last year. Yield is estimated at 5.74 metric tons per hectare (mt/ha), up slightly from last month, and up 7 percent from last year, and above the 5-year average of 5.69 mt/ha. (For more information, please contact

Jul 11 2019 | European Union Rapeseed: Down 1.0 million tons Due to Hot, Dry Conditions
European Union (EU) rapeseed production is estimated at 18.7 million metric tons (mmt), down 1.0 mmt (5 percent) from last month, down 1.4 mmt (7 percent) from last year, and 15 percent below the 5-year average. Area is estimated at 5.75 million hectares (mha), down 0.05 mha (1 percent) from last month, and down 1.3 mha (19 percent) from last year and 14 percent below the 5-year average. Yield is estimated at 3.25 metric tons per hectare (mt/ha), down 4 percent from last month, but up 15 percent from last year, and equivalent to the 5-year average. (For more information, please contact

Jul 11 2019 | European Union Wheat: Down 2.5 million tons Due to Hot, Dry Weather
European Union (EU) wheat production is estimated at 151.3 million metric tons (mmt), down 2.5 mmt (2 percent) from last month, but up 14.1 mmt (10 percent) from last year’s poor harvest. Production is estimated to be nearly unchanged from the 5-year average of 151.0 mmt. Area is estimated at 26.5 million hectares (mha), unchanged from last month, but 0.7 mha (3 percent) above last year, and down less than 1 percent from the 5-year average. Yield is estimated at 5.72 metric tons per hectare (mt/ha), down 2 percent from last month, but up 7 percent from last year, and up 1 percent from the 5-year average of 5.66 mt/ha. (For more information, please contact

Jun 11 2019 | Spain Barley: Dryness Lowers Crop Prospects
Spain barley production for 2019/20 is estimated at 7.2 million metric tons (mmt), down 1.4 mmt (16 percent) from the last month, and down 1.8 mmt (20 percent) from last year. Production is estimated to be 5 percent below the 5-year average. Area is estimated at 2.6 million hectares, down 50 thousand hectares (2 percent) from last month, but up 1 percent from last year. Yield is estimated at 2.77 tons per hectare, down 14 percent from last month, down 21 percent from last year, and 4 percent below the 5-year-average. (For more information, please contact

Jun 11 2019 | European Union Rapeseed: Unchanged Production Despite Mixed Conditions
European Union (EU) rapeseed production is forecast at 19.7 million metric tons (mmt), unchanged from last month, but down 0.4 mmt (2 percent) from last year and 10 percent below the 5-year average. Area is forecast at 5.8 million hectares (mha), unchanged from last month but down 1.3 mha (18 percent) from last year and 14 percent below the 5-year average. Area is especially low this year because of dryness at planting and emergence. Significant area was replanted in the spring to other crops such as barley and corn. Yield is forecast at 3.40 tons per hectare, down 20 percent from last year, but up 4 percent over the 5-year average. (For more information, please contact

Jun 11 2019 | European Union Wheat: Mixed Weather Conditions with Drought in Spain; Favorable Rains in East
European Union (EU) wheat production for 2019/20 is estimated at 153.8 million metric tons (mmt), unchanged from last month, but up 16.6 mmt (12 percent) from last year’s drought-stricken crop, and 2 percent above the 5-year average. Area is estimated at 26.5 million hectares, down 50 thousand hectares from last month, but up 3 percent from last year. Yield is estimated at 5.81 tons per hectare, unchanged from last month, but up 9 percent from last year and up 2 percent from the 5-year average. (For more information, please contact

May 10 2019 | EU Rapeseed: Fall Dryness Resulted in Significant Area Reduction for 2019/20
USDA forecasts rapeseed production in the European Union (EU) for 2019/20 at 19.7 million metric tons (mmt), 0.4 mmt (2 percent) below last year, and down 10 percent from the 5-year average. Harvested area is estimated at 5.8 million hectares (mha), 1.3 mha (18 percent) below last year’s record area, and 14 percent below the 5-year average. Yield is forecast to rebound to 3.40 tons per hectare, up 20 percent from last year and up 4 percent from the 5-year average. (For more information, please contact

Apr 9 2019 | EU Corn: Production Revised Up
European Union (EU) corn production for 2018/19 is estimated at 63.0 million metric tons (mmt), up 2.1 mmt (3 percent) from last month, up 0.9 mmt (1 percent) from last year, but down 3 percent from the 5-year average. Area is estimated at 8.3 million hectares (mha), up 0.2 million (2 percent) from last month, but still down 0.1 mha (1 percent) from last year and down 9 percent from the 5-year average. Yield is estimated at 7.62 tons per hectare, up 1 percent from last month, up 3 percent from last year, and 7 percent above the 5-year average. (For additional information, please contact

Feb 8 2019 | Romania Corn: Ideal Weather and Improved Input Use Raise Record Harvest Further
Romania corn production for 2018/19 is estimated at a record 14.0 million metric tons (mmt), up 0.5 mmt (4 percent) from December, up 2.1 mmt (18 percent) from last year, and 31 percent above the 5-year average. Area is estimated at 2.4 million hectares (mha), unchanged from December, down 0.1 mha (4 percent) from last year, and down 6 percent from the 5-year average. Yield is estimated at a record 5.83 tons per hectare, up 4 percent from December, up 23 percent from last year and up 39 percent from the 5-year average. Romania represents 23 percent of the total 2018/19 European Union (EU) production, the largest in the EU, significantly ahead of the second largest producer, France, which had a poor crop. (For more information, please contact

Dec 11 2018 | Romania Corn: Estimated Production Breaks 1984 Record
Romania corn production for 2018/19 is estimated at a record 13.5 million metric tons (mmt), up 0.9 mmt (7 percent) from last month, up 1.6 mmt (13 percent) from last year, and 26 percent above the 5-year average. Area is estimated at 2.4 million hectares (mha), unchanged from last month, down 0.1 mha (4 percent) from last year, and down 6 percent from the 5-year average. Yield is estimated at a record 5.63 tons per hectare, up 7 percent from last month, up 18 percent from last year and up 34 percent from the 5-year average. (For more information, please contact

Nov 8 2018 | EU Corn: Estimated Production Lowered Due to Area Reduction and Drought
European Union (EU) corn production for 2018/19 is estimated at 59.5 million metric tons (mmt), down 1.5 mmt (2 percent) from last month, down 2.6 mmt (4 percent) from last year, and down 8 percent from the 5-year average. Area is estimated at 8.1 million hectares (mha), down 0.2 million (2 percent) from last month, down 0.3 mha (4 percent) from last year, and down 12 percent from the 5-year average. Yield is estimated at 7.39 tons per hectare, unchanged from last month, down slightly from last year, but up 4 percent from the 5-year average. (For more information, please contact

Sep 12 2018 | EU Corn: Estimated Yields in Southeast Europe Push Crop Higher
European Union (EU) corn production for 2018/19 is estimated at 60.8 million metric tons (mmt), up 1.0 mmt (2 percent) from last month, down 1.5 mmt (2 percent) from last year, and 6 percent below the 5-year average. Area is estimated at 8.3 million hectares, down slightly from last month, down 1 percent from last year, and 9 percent below the 5-year average. Yield is estimated at 7.37 tons per hectare, up 2 percent from last month, down 1 percent from last year, and 4 percent above the 5-year average. (For more information, please contact

Aug 10 2018 | EU Sunseed: Production Forecast Up on Favorable Rainfall in the Balkans
European Union (EU) sunseed production for 2018/19 is forecast at 9.7 million metric tons (mmt), up 0.6 mmt or 7 percent from last month and nearly unchanged from last year. Area is estimated at 4.3 million hectares (mha), up almost 0.1 mha from last month and similar to last year. Yield is estimated at 2.24 tons per hectare, up 5 percent from last month, similar to last year, and 9 percent above the 5-year average. (For more information, please contact

Aug 10 2018 | European Union Rapeseed: Estimated Production Down for Third Consecutive Month
European Union (EU) rapeseed production for 2018/19 is estimated at 19.2 million metric tons (mmt), down 1.0 mmt or 5 percent from last month and down 13 percent from last year. Area is estimated at 6.8 million hectares (mha), up almost 0.1 mha from last month and similar to last year. Yield is estimated at 2.81 tons per hectare, down 6 percent from last month, down 13 percent from last year and down 15 percent from the 5-year average. (For more information, please contact

Aug 10 2018 | EU Corn: Dryness in Northern Europe Cuts Production Despite Excellent Prospects in the Balkans
European Union corn production for 2018/19 is forecast at 59.8 million metric tons (mmt), down 1.7 mmt or 3 percent from last month, down 2.5 mmt or 4 percent from last year, and down 8 percent from the 5-year average. Area is estimated at 8.3 million hectares (mha), down 0.1 mmt from last month and last year, but down 9 percent from the 5-year average. Yield is forecast at 7.22 tons per hectare, down 2 percent from last month, down 3 percent from last year, but up 1 percent from the 5-year average. Corn yields are slightly higher than average due to the increased importance of production in the Balkans. (For more information, please contact

Aug 10 2018 | European Union Wheat: Drought Cuts Estimated Production by 7.5 Million Tons
European Union wheat production for 2018/19 is estimated at 137.5 million metric tons (mmt), down 7.5 mmt or 5 percent from last month, down 14.2 mmt or 9 percent from last year, and down 9 percent from the 5-year average. Area is estimated at 25.6 million hectares (mha), nearly unchanged from last month, but down 0.7 mha from last year. Yield is estimated at 5.36 tons per hectare, down 5 percent from last month, down 7 percent from last year, and down 6 percent from the 5-year average. (For more information, please contact

Jul 12 2018 | European Union Rapeseed: Estimated Production Down for Second Straight Month
European Union rapeseed production for 2018/19 is estimated at 20.2 million metric tons (mmt), down 1.6 mmt or 7 percent from last month and down 9 percent from last year. Estimated area is down slightly at 6.8 million hectares, similar to both last year and the 5-year average. Yield is estimated at 2.99 tons per hectare, down 7 percent from last month, down 8 percent from last year and down 10 percent from the 5-year average. (For more information, please contact

Jul 12 2018 | European Union Wheat: Dryness in Northern Countries Cuts Estimated Production by 4.4
European Union wheat production for 2018/19 is estimated at 145.0 million metric tons (mmt), down 4.4 mmt or 3 percent from last month, down 6.6 mmt from last year and down 4 percent from the 5-year average. Area is estimated down 0.2 million metric hectares (mha) from last month and 0.6 mha from last year. Yield is estimated at 5.65 tons per hectare, down 2 percent from last month, down 2 percent from last year and down 1 percent from the 5-year average. (For more information, please contact

Jun 12 2018 | Germany Rapeseed: Dryness at Flowering Lowers Yield
USDA forecasts 2018/19 rapeseed production in Germany at 4.3 million metric tons (mmt), down 0.5 mmt or 11 percent from last month but nearly unchanged from last year and 18 percent below the 5-year average. Area is estimated at 1.3 million hectares (mha), unchanged from last month but down 0.1 mha from last year and 6 percent below the 5-year average. Yield is estimated at 3.32 metric tons per hectare (mt/ha), down 11 percent from last month, 4 percent from last year, and 13 percent from the 5-year average. (For more information, please contact

Jun 12 2018 | Germany Wheat: Dryness Lowers Wheat Production
USDA forecasts 2018/19 wheat production in Germany at 23.7 million metric tons (mmt), down 0.8 million or 3 percent from last month and last year, but down 8 percent from the 5-year average. Area is unchanged from last month at 3.1 million hectares (mha), 4 percent below last year and last month. Yield is estimated at 7.72 metric tons per hectare (mt/ha), down 3 percent from last month, down 1 percent from last year, and down 4 percent from the 5-year average. (For more information, please contact

May 10 2018 | EU Rapeseed: 2018/19 Yield Above Last Year
Rapeseed production in the European Union (EU) is forecast at 22.4 million metric tons (mmt), up 0.2 mmt or 1 percent from last year and up 1 percent from the 5-year average. Harvested area is estimated at 6.8 million hectares, nearly unchanged from last year, but up 2 percent from the 5- year average. Yield is forecast at 3.29 metric tons per hectare, up 2 percent from last year but down slightly from the 5-year average. (For more information, please contact

Apr 10 2018 | France Sunflowerseed: Record Yield Achieved From Favorable Late-Summer Weather
France sunflowerseed production is estimated at a bumper 1.6 million metric tons (mmt), up 0.3 mmt from last month and up 36 percent from last year. Production is the highest since 2011/12. Area is estimated at 0.6 million hectares, 3 percent higher than last month and 7 percent higher than last year. Yield is estimated at a record 2.76 tons per hectare, up 20 percent from last month and up 28 percent from last year. MODIS NDVI satellite vegetation indices for the sunflower area of France depicted summer crop vegetation vigor to be above-average during late summer and early fall 2017, coinciding with peak greenness and indicating a large crop. Sunflowerseed estimates have been adjusted to reflect official harvest data. (For more information, please contact

Mar 8 2018 | EU Corn: Harvest Results Boost Production Estimate
Estimated EU corn production for 2017/18 is increased by 1.0 million metric tons (mmt) from last month to 61.1 mmt, 0.3 mmt below last year and 2.9 million or 4 percent below the 5-year average. (The 5-year average however, is somewhat skewed by the all-time high of 75.7 mmt reached in 2014/15.) The increase is based on official harvest data. (For more information, please contact

Dec 12 2017 | Romania Corn: Estimated Yield Matches 35-Year High
USDA estimates 2017/18 Romania corn production at 11.5 million metric tons (mmt), 1.5 mmt above last month and 1.3 mmt above 2016/17. Estimated production is 2.0 mmt above the 5-year average. Area is estimated at 2.5 million hectares (mha), same as last month but down 2 percent from last year. Yield is estimated at 4.55 metric tons per hectare (t/ha), up 15 percent from both last month and last year and 24 percent above the 5-year average. (For more information, please contact

Oct 12 2017 | EU Corn: Offsetting Production Changes
Total corn production in the European Union (EU) is estimated at 59.4 million metric (mmt) tons, unchanged from last month, but 1.7 mmt or 3 percent down from last year and 7 percent down from the 5-year average. Yield remains unchanged from last month at 6.90 tons per hectare, down 3 percent from last year, but up 1 percent from the 5-year average. Area is unchanged at 8.6 million hectares, down slightly from last year and 0.8 million below the 5-year average. (For more information, please contact Turkey Corn:

Sep 12 2017 | Serbia Corn: Extreme Heat and Dryness Cuts Production 2.6 Million Tons
USDA estimates Serbia corn production for 2017/18 at 4.0 million metric tons (mmt), down 39 percent from last month, down 47 percent from last year, and down 35 percent from the 5-year average. Area is estimated at 1.0 million hectares, down 0.1 million from last month and slightly below last year. Yield is estimated at 4.0 tons per hectare, down 33 percent from last month, down 46 percent from last year’s record, and 28 percent below the 5-year average.

Aug 10 2017 | EU Corn: Summer Heat and Dryness Lowers Forecast Production
Corn production for 2017/18 in the European Union (EU) is forecast at 60.0 million metric tons (mmt), down 1.6 mmt or 3 percent from last month and down 1.1 mmt or 2 percent from last year. Harvested area is estimated at 8.6 million hectares (mha), down 0.2 mha from last month and nearly unchanged from last year. Yield is forecast at 6.99 tons per hectare, down 1 percent from last month and 2 percent from last year, but up 3 percent from the 5- year average.

Jun 9 2017 | EU Rapeseed: Production Slips in Germany and Spain from Dryness and Cold
Rapeseed production for 2017/18 in the European Union (EU) is forecast at 21.1 million metric tons (mmt), down 0.2 mmt from last month, down 0.7 mmt from last year, and 0.5 mmt below the 5-year average. Harvested area is estimated at 6.6 million hectares (mha), up slightly from last month, and up 0.1 mha or 2 percent above last year. Yield is forecast at 3.18 tons per hectare, down 2 percent from last month and down 3 percent from the 5-year average, but up 2 percent from last year.

May 10 2017 | EU Rapeseed: Favorable Conditions for 2017/18 Despite Some Dryness and Winterkill
Rapeseed production in the European Union (EU) is forecast at 21.3 million metric tons (mmt), down 0.9 mmt or 4 percent from last year and down 0.3 mmt or 1 percent below the 5-year average. Harvested area is estimated at 6.6 million hectares (mha), up 0.1 mha or 1 percent above last year and similar to the 5-year average. Yield is forecast at 3.23 tons per hectare (t/ha), up 4 percent from the 2016/17 crop of 3.12 t/ha, but 2 percent below the 5-year average.

May 10 2017 | EU Wheat: 2017/18 Production Rebounds After Last Year’s French Wheat Failure
European Union (EU) wheat production for 2017/18 is forecast at 151.0 million metric tons (mmt), up 5.5 mmt or 4 percent from last year and 2.7 mmt or 2 percent above the 5-year average. Harvested area is estimated at 26.5 million hectares (mha), down 0.7 mha or 3 percent from last year, but the same as the 5-year average. Yield is forecast at 5.70 tons per hectare, up 7 percent from last year and 2 percent above the 5-year average

Jan 12 2017 | Serbia Corn: Near-Record Crop Realized
USDA estimates Serbia 2016/17 corn production at 7.5 million metric tons (mmt), 0.5 mmt above last month, and 1.5 mmt above 2015/16. Estimated production is 26 percent above the 5- year average. Area is estimated at 1.1 million hectares, unchanged from last month and up slightly from last year. Yield is estimated at a second-highest 6.82 tons per hectare, up 7.1 percent from last month, 19 percent above last year, and 35 percent above the 5-year average.

Dec 9 2016 | Hungary Corn: Yield Reaches Record Due to Favorable Weather
USDA estimates Hungary’s 2016/17 corn production at a bumper 9.0 million metric tons (mmt), 0.9 mmt above last month, and 2.5 mmt above 2015/16. Estimated production is 27 percent above the 5-year average. Area is estimated at 1.1 million hectares, unchanged from last month and the lowest since 2010/11. Yield is estimated at a record 8.26 metric tons per hectare, up 10 percent from last month, 45 percent above last year, and 40 percent above the 5-year average.

Oct 12 2016 | France Corn: Summer Dryness Cuts Crop for Second Consecutive Year
USDA estimates corn 2016/17 France production at 12.5 million metric tons (mmt), 1.0 mmt below last month, and 1.2 mmt below 2015/16. The estimated harvest is 20 percent below the 5- year average. Area is estimated at 1.5 million hectares, the lowest in ten years. Yield is estimated at 8.12 metric tons per hectare, down 6 percent from last month, 8 percent below last year, and 9 percent below the 5-year average.

Sep 12 2016 | European Union (EU) Wheat: Production Estimate Lowered by 2.2 Million Tons
USDA estimates 2016/17 EU wheat production at 145.3 million metric tons (mmt), 2.2 mmt tons below last month, to 14.7 mmt below the 2015/16 record. Area is still estimated at a record 26.9 million hectares (mha), up 0.15 mha from last year. Yield is estimated at 5.39 metric tons per hectare, down 1.5 percent from last month and 9.7 percent below last year’s record. Yield is estimated at 3.5 percent below the 5-year average.

Aug 12 2016 | EU Wheat: Reduced French Wheat Harvest Drives EU Crop Down 9 Million Tons
USDA estimates 2016/17 European Union (EU) wheat production at 147.5 million metric tons (mmt), 9 mmt tons below last month and 12.5 million below the 2015/16 record. Area is estimated at a record 26.9 million hectares (mha), up marginally from last month, up 0.15 million from last year, but 2.6 percent below the 5-year average. Yield is estimated at 5.48 metric tons per hectare (mt/ha), down 6.0 percent from last month and 8.3 percent below last year’s record. Yield is estimated at 2.0 percent below the 5-year average.

Jul 12 2016 | EU Wheat: Rain Lowers French Crop but Boosts Crop in Central and Eastern EU
USDA estimates 2016/17 European Union (EU) wheat production at 156.5 million metric tons (mmt), 1.0 mmt tons below last month and 3.5 mmt below the 2015/16 record. Area is estimated at a record 26.9 million hectares (mha), up slightly from last month, and up 0.1 mha from last year. Yield is estimated at 5.83 metric tons per hectare, down 0.8 percent from last month and 2.2 percent below last year’s record. Yield is estimated at 6.7 percent above the 5-year average.

Jul 12 2016 | EU Rapeseed: Production Slips Due to Lower Area and Excessive Rain
European Union (EU) 2016/17 rapeseed production is estimated at 21.2 million metric tons (mmt), down 0.6 mmt from last month and down 0.8 mmt or 3.8 percent from last year’s bumper crop, and is slightly below the 5-year average of 21.3 mmt. Yield is estimated at 3.35 metric tons per hectare, down slightly from last month and last year but up from the 5-year average yield. Area is estimated at 6.3 million hectares (mha), 0.1 mha below last year and 4.4 percent below the 5-year average of 6.6 mha.

Jun 11 2016 | EU Wheat: Estimated Production up 1 Million Tons in Spain; Quality Concerns in France
USDA estimates 2016/17 European Union (EU) wheat production at 157.5 million metric tons (mmt), 1.0 mmt tons above last month but 2.5 mmt below the 2015/16 record. Area is estimated at 26.8 million hectares, unchanged from last month and nearly the same as last year. Yield is estimated at 5.87 metric tons per hectare, up 0.6 percent from last month but 1.8 percent below last year’s record. Yield is estimated 5.0 percent above the 5-year average.

May 10 2016 | EU Wheat: Bumper Crop Expected for 2016/17
USDA estimates European Union (EU) wheat production at 156.5 million tons, 3.5 million below the 2015/16 record of 160.0 million tons, but 6.7 percent above the 5-year average of 146.7 million. Area is estimated at 26.8 million hectares, nearly the same as last year, but 2.2 percent above the 5-year average. Yield is estimated at 5.84 tons per hectare, 2.4 percent below last year’s record, but above the 5-year average.

Apr 12 2016 | European Union Wheat: Record Production
USDA estimates 2015/16 European Union (EU) wheat production at 160.0 million metric tons (mmt), up 1.5 million or 1.5 percent from last month. Production is estimated at 3.2 mmt or 2.0 percent above the previous record of 156.8 mmt set in 2014/15. The crop is also 18.0 mmt or 13 percent above the 5-year average. Area is estimated down slightly at 26.8 million hectares, marginally below the record set in 2008/09. Yield is estimated at a record 5.98 tons per hectare, up 1.3 percent from last month, 1.9 percent from last year, and 5.5 percent from the 5-year average.

Mar 9 2016 | Lithuania Wheat: Record Area Drives Estimated Production to All-Time High
USDA estimates 2015/16 Lithuania wheat production at 4.4 million metric tons (mmt), 0.48 million or 12 percent higher than last month, and 1.1 mmt or 36 percent higher than the revised 2014/15 estimate. Area is estimated at 0.84 million hectares (mha), up 0.12 mha or 17 percent from last month and up 0.13 mha or 18 percent from last year. Yield is estimated at 5.24 metric tons per hectare (mt/ha) compared to 5.45 mt/ha last month, 4.56 mt/ha last year and 4.11 mt/ha for the 5-year average. Lithuania is one of the 28 member states of the European Union (EU). USDA estimates total 2015/16 EU wheat production at 158.5 mmt from 26.8 mha.

Nov 10 2015 | European Union (EU) Wheat: Record Production
EU wheat production for 2015/16 is estimated at a record 157.3 million metric tons, up 2.0 million from last month, and up 0.8 million tons from last year’s record. Area is estimated at 26.7 million hectares, almost unchanged from last month, but down 0.1 million hectares from last year. Yield is estimated at a record 5.89 tons per hectare, 1.2 percent above last month.

Oct 9 2015 | EU Wheat: Nears Record at 155.3 MMT, Despite Problematic Weather
The 2015/16 European Union (EU) wheat production is estimated at 155.3 million metric tons (MMT), up 1.1 million tons from last month, but down 1.3 million tons from last year’s record production. Area is estimated at 26.7 million hectares, up 0.1 million hectares from last month,but down 0.1 million hectares from last year. Yield is estimated at 5.82 tons per hectare, up slightly from last month, down slightly from last year, and 7.1 percent above the 5-year average.

Sep 11 2015 | European Union Wheat: Harvest Much Larger than Expected
The 2015/16 European Union (EU) wheat crop is estimated by USDA at a second highest 154.1 million tons, up 6.3 million tons or 4.3 percent above last month. The crop remains below last year’s total by 2.3 million tons or 1.5 percent, while the estimated 2015/16 crop is above the 5- year average by 12.2 million tons or 8.6 percent. Area is estimated up 0.1 million hectares or 0.4 percent from last month to 26.6 million. This is also 0.5 million hectares or 1.8 percent above the 5-year average. Yield is estimated at its second highest level of 5.80 tons per hectare (MT/Ha), up 3.9 percent from last month, but down 0.9 percent from last year’s record’s (5.86 MT/Ha).

Sep 11 2015 | European Union Corn: Estimated Production Down due to Continued Heat and Dryness
Corn production for 2015/16 in the European Union (EU) is estimated at 58.0 million tons, down 4.3 million tons or 6.8 percent from last month and down 17.3 million tons or 23 percent from last year’s record. This is also down 7.0 million tons or 10.8 percent from the 5-year average. Yield is estimated at 6.16 tons per hectare, down 6.3 percent from last month and 21.9 percent from last year’s record. Area is estimated down 0.06 million hectares to 9.4 million. The current acreage is 0.1 million hectares or 1.3 percent below last year, but 1.5 percent above the 5-year average.

Aug 12 2015 | European Corn: Further Reduced From Heat and Dryness; Adverse Conditions Drift East
European Union (EU) 2015/16 corn production is forecast at 62.3 million tons, 3.5 million tons below last month and 12.9 million tons below last year’s record crop of 75.0 million. Yield is forecast at 6.58 tons per hectare, 5.2 percent below last month, 17 percent below last year and 6.2 percent below the 5-year average. Area is estimated at 9.5 million hectares. After targeting western Europe during June, unfavorable conditions migrated east in July, most notably in south-central and southeastern Europe. A punishing heatwave with daily temperatures above 35°C (95°F) was accompanied by increased dryness. July is a critical period for corn in Europe because the plant is typically silking and tasseling. High temperatures (>35°C) during this sensitive period can cause severe pollination problems. In addition, a lack of summer precipitation in southern Europe resulted in very low soil moisture levels, limiting grainfill and reducing kernel size. France, the EU’s largest corn producer, has released several crop reports during the past couple of months indicating declines of corn conditions. While half of the French crop is irrigated, heat remains a major hindrance. The estimated corn crop in France is lowered 0.5 million tons to 14.0 million. This 0.5-million-ton cut to the French crop follows an even larger 1.4-million-ton cut last month. Italian corn is estimated down 1.0 million tons to 6.2 million as extreme heat scorched northern Italy’s agricultural Po Valley with record high temperatures. Similarly, Romania’s crop is estimated down 0.9 million tons to 9.7 million tons, with over 20 days above 35°C since June 1 in the southern region, and dryness in the west. Hungary is estimated down 0.6 million tons due to heat and dryness while other reductions in the EU included Croatia (by 0.3 million), Bulgaria (0.2 million), and Austria (0.2 million). Germany received rainfall during July; its crop was adjusted up (0.15 million). Serbia, while outside the EU boundaries, is a significant European corn producer. Serbia’s 2015/16 corn harvest is estimated to be down 1.0 million from last month to 5.7 million tons. Serbia’s principal agricultural region Voivodina, located in its north, experienced its driest July in at least 35 years. Production in neighboring Bosnia and Herzegovina (also not an EU member state), is estimated to be 0.1 million lower than last month at 0.65 million tons. (For more information, please contact

Jul 10 2015 | European Union Rapeseed: Dryness and Heat Reduces Crop Potential
European Union (EU) 2015/16 rapeseed production is forecast at 21.4 million tons, down 0.7 million tons from last month and down 2.9 million tons from last year’s record crop. The current crop is 0.4 million tons above the 5-year average of 21.0 million tons. Area is estimated at 6.6 million hectares, 0.2 million hectares below last year’s record and 2.4 percent below the 5-year average of 6.7 million hectares. Yield is estimated at 3.26 tons per hectare (MT/Ha), down 3.3 percent from last month and down 9.1 percent from last year’s record of 3.59 MT/Ha. The current crop yield is 4.3 percent above the 5-year average of 3.13 MT/Ha EU 2015/16 rapeseed production is estimated lower in three of the EU’s four top-producing countries (by 0.35 million tons in Germany, 0.25 million in France, and 0.12 million in Poland). Dryness in northern Europe began in May and continued throughout June, encompassing both the moisture sensitive flowering and podfill stages. Exacerbating the dryness and accelerating crop development, temperatures remained well above average, soaring to record levels at times. Low rainfall levels, minimal soil moisture and high temperatures contributed to deterioration in crop conditions in the wheat/rapeseed belt. Reports from France indicate smaller kernels. Personnel from the USDA/FAS traveled in June to the EU’s other top rapeseed producer, the United Kingdom (UK), and observed quite different results than the conditions on the continent. Although UK area is down from last year due to lower prices, lower biofuel demand, and various EU policy changes, yield is only slightly lower than last year’s bumper crop. (For more information, please contact

Jul 10 2015 | European Union Wheat: Production Down As Dryness and Heat Overtake Principal
European Union (EU) 2015/16 wheat production is estimated at 147.9 million tons, 2.8 million tons below last month, and 8.6 million tons below last year’s record crop. It remains above the 5-year average of 141.9 million tons by 5.9 million. Area is estimated at 26.5 million hectares, practically unchanged from last month, but down 0.2 million hectares from last year. Yield is estimated at 5.58 tons per hectare, 1.8 percent from last month and 4.7 percent from last year, but it remains above the 5- year average by 2.6 percent. The combination of dryness and heat has reduced estimated EU wheat yields after unfavorable May and June weather. Wheat production is reduced 1.3 million tons in Germany to 25.5 million, 0.6 million in France to 39.8 million, 0.6 million in Spain and 0.3 million in Hungary. Low rainfall levels, minimal soil moisture and high temperatures contributed to deterioration in crop conditions in the wheat/rapeseed belt. Personnel from the USDA/FAS traveled to Spain in June and observed deteriorating wheat conditions throughout much of the country, due to extreme heat and dryness. The southern durum producing region of Andalucía experienced good yields because the crop was farther along when the weather worsened. Crop travel in the United Kingdom in June confirmed excellent conditions for wheat. While there are pockets of mild dryness, most of the soils have high moisture holding capacity and have sufficient moisture to finish the crop. (For more information, please contact

Jul 10 2015 | EU Corn: Reduction Due to Severe Heat at Pollination in Spain and France; Dryness in
European Union (EU) 2015/16 corn production is forecast at 65.8 million tons, 2.4 million tons below last month and 9.3 million tons below last year’s revised estimate. The current crop is 1.2 percent above the 5-year average. Area is estimated at 9.5 million hectares, unchanged from last month and nominally changed from last year. Area is 2.3 percent above the 5-year average of 9.3 million hectares. Yield is estimated at 6.93 tons per hectare, 3.5 percent below last month, 12 percent below last year and 1 percent below the 5-year average. Estimated corn production has been lowered 1.4 million tons (MMT) in France to 14.5 million tons, 0.3 million tons in Italy to 7.2 MMT, 0.2 million tons in Germany to 4.5 MMT, 0.2 million tons in Spain to 3.8 MMT, 0.2 million tons in Poland to 4.1 MMT and 0.1 million tons in Hungary 7.7 MMT. Extreme heat has intensified the dryness, particularly in Spain and the corn belt of southwest France where temperatures reached well over 40°C for an extended period. According to weather-based crop models and confirmation with USDA Offices of Agricultural Affairs in Madrid and Paris, corn in Spain and southern France are now in the highly sensitive silk/tasseling stage, when high temperatures can take a large toll. The USDA 2014/15 corn production estimate for the EU has been revised up 1.3 million tons as late harvest information for France revealed much of the record crop was stored on-farm and not counted until well after harvest. The 2014/15 EU corn estimate of 75.0 million tons reflects this revision. (For more information, please contact

Jun 25 2015 | European Union Rapeseed: Crop Continues to Increase but Remains Below Last Year’s Rec
Rapeseed production for 2015/16 in the European Union (EU) is estimated at 22.1 million, up 0.5 million tons from last month, but down 2.2 million tons from last year’s record crop. Area is estimated unchanged from last month at 6.6 million hectares, 0.2 million hectares below last year. Yield is estimated at 3.37 tons per hectare, up 2.1 percent from last month, but down 6.1 percent from last year’s record and 7.8 percent above the 5- year average. The estimate for EU rapeseed was raised because of favorable spring weather in the major growing areas of northern Europe and minimal insect damage. Moreover, reports in the press indicate that there have been no major problems stemming from the newly enacted neonicotinoid insecticide ban within the EU. With the EU enacting this regulation, concerns were raised that with no alternative insecticide, the rapeseed crop could be more prone to damage, but so far, the fear has not materialized. (For more information, please contact

Jun 10 2015 | European Union Wheat: Large Increases in France, UK, Offset Decreases in Spain and Ce
European Union (EU) wheat production for 2015/16 is estimated at 150.7 million tons, up 0.4 million tons from last month, down 5.8 million tons from last year’s record, and 6.2 percent above the 5-year average. Area is estimated at 26.5 million hectares, down 0.1 million hectares from last month and down 0.2 million from last year, but 0.4 million hectares above the 5-year average. Yield is estimated up at 5.69 tons per hectare (MT/Ha), compared to last month’s 5.66 MT/Ha, and considerably above the 5.44 MT/Ha 5-year average. The EU is the world’s largest producer of wheat. It is grown throughout the EU so it is typically subject to a wide range of weather. Conditions in May were favorably wet in France and the United Kingdom (UK), slightly unfavorably dry in central Europe, and unfavorably hot and dry in Spain. NDVI and weather analysis, as well as positive local reports, have led to a production increase of 1.0 million tons in France and 0.5 million tons in the UK. Dryness in central areas of Europe, particularly in Poland and Germany, has caused increased concerns, but soil moisture remains adequate for further crop growth. In May, Spain experienced very high temperatures in its south and widespread dryness throughout the country. Rainfall practically ended in April, prior to the crop’s completion in most areas. While the durum crop in the southern region of Andalucía was likely spared because harvest begins in May, concerns exist for the more northern areas of Castilla La Mancha and Castilla y Leon where the crop stage was further behind. Due to a combination of yield reduction and revised area estimates from the Spanish Agricultural Ministry, production for Spain was lowered 0.6 million tons. (For more information, please contact

May 12 2015 | European Union Rapeseed: 2015/16 Crop Down from Last Year’s Record
European Union (EU) 2015/16 rapeseed production is estimated at 21.6 million tons, down 2.7 million tons or 11 percent from last year’s record crop. Yield is estimated at 3.3 tons per hectare (MT/Ha), down 8.1 percent from last year’s record of 3.59 MT/Ha, but 5.4 percent above the 5- year average of 3.13 MT/Ha. Area is estimated at 6.55 million hectares, 0.2 million hectares below last year. EU rapeseed area for 2015/16 is estimated to slip to its lowest level since 2012/13. A combination of factors prevented 2015/16 area from reaching the level it attained last season. Changes in the EU biofuels policy were perceived to weaken demand for rapeseed oil and therefore lower prices. The latest EU Common Agriculture Policy (CAP) revisions encourage crop diversification. A new regulation imposed a neonicotinoid ban seen by producers as increasing the pest risk to rapeseed. Wheat, the primary competing crop to rapeseed, appears to be a more profitable choice, with farmers electing to switch from rapeseed to wheat. In addition, planting in many areas of the Balkans was difficult due to intervals of both excessive rainfall and dryness, resulting in poor emergence. Rapeseed has had little if any winterkill damage due to the very mild winter throughout Europe. Rainfall has also increased during recent weeks, after a period of dryness in March through mid- April. Rapeseed typically flowers throughout Europe in May, so this month will prove critical for its yield, and the recent rainfall has certainly been beneficial. MODIS NDVI satellite imagery analysis indicates vegetative crop conditions across Europe to be higher than average, but lower than last year. (For more information, please contact

Apr 9 2015 | Serbia Corn: Record Production after Abundant Summer Precipitation
Serbia corn production for 2014/15 is estimated at a record 7.7 million metric tons, up 0.85 million tons or 12 percent from last month, and up 1.8 million tons or 31 percent from last year. The production increases are based chiefly on the latest official government harvest data revisions. Area is estimated at 1.18 million hectares, down 0.95 million or 7.5 percent from last month, and down 0.02 million hectares from last year. Yield is estimated at a record 6.53 tons per hectare (MT/Ha), compared to last month’s 5.37 MT/Ha, last year’s 4.92 MT/Ha, and the five-year average of 4.75 MT/Ha. While sharing borders with many EU member states, Serbia is not part of the European Union (EU). Outside of the EU, Serbia ranks third in European corn production, behind Ukraine and Russia. During the 2014/15 crop year, above-average summer rainfall saturated soils and added biomass to the country’s crops and vegetation. Precipitation was particularly heavy during late summer and autumn, benefitting yields but also causing quality problems and delaying harvest. The corn harvest in Serbia was prolonged, lasting until mid-December. Farmers typically allow corn to dry in the fields in order to avoid costly artificial drying. (For more information, please contact

Dec 10 2014 | France Corn: Record Crop Increased
USDA estimates France’s 2014/15 corn production at a record 17.4 million tons, up 0.4 million tons or 2.4 percent from last month, and 18.4 percent from last year. Area was revised to 1.775 million hectares, up 0.025 million or 1.4 percent from last month. Yield was increased 0.9 percent from last month to 9.8 tons per hectare (MT/Ha), compared to last year’s 8.38 MT/Ha.

Oct 10 2014 | European Union Barley: Crop Larger than Expected
Barley production in the European Union (EU) is estimated at 59.3 million tons, up 2.3 million tons or 4 percent from last month, down 0.4 million tons or 0.6 percent from last year, and up 4.9 percent above the 56.5 million ton 5-year average. Area is estimated at 12.5 million hectares unchanged from last month, but up 1 percent or 0.1 million hectares last year. Yield is estimated at 4.75 tons per hectare, up 3.9 percent from last month, down 1.6 percent from last year, and up 6.5 percent from the 5-year average.

Oct 10 2014 | European Union Corn: Abundant, Late Summer Rainfall Yields Record Crop
Corn production in the European Union (EU) is estimated at a record 71.0 million tons, up 3.9 percent or 2.7 million tons from last month, up 11 percent from last year, and up 15 percent from the 5-year average. Area is estimated at 9.6 million hectares, up 0.05 million hectares from last month, but down 0.2 million hectares from last year. Yield is estimated at 7.43 tons per hectare, up 3.4 percent from last month, 13 percent above last year, and 9.5 percent above the 5-year average.

Oct 10 2014 | European Union Wheat: Rains Improve Crop Potential to Record, but Reduce Quality
Wheat production for 2014/15 in the European Union (EU) is estimated at a record 154.0 million tons, up 3.0 million tons or 2.0 percent from last month, up 10.8 million tons or 7.6 percent from last year, and up 11 percent from the 5-year average of 138.3 million tons. Area is estimated at 26.6 million hectares, unchanged from last month, but up 3.1 percent or 0.8 million hectares from last year. Yield is estimated at a record 5.79 tons per hectare, u

Nov 10 2014 | European Union Rapeseed: Record Yield and Production
European Union (EU) rapeseed production for 2014/15 is estimated at a record 24.0 million tons, up 0.5 million tons or 2 percent from last month, and up 14 percent from last year. Area is estimated at 6.78 million hectares, down 0.4 percent or 0.03 million from last month, but up 0.4 percent or 0.03 million hectares from last year. Yield is estimated at a record 3.54 tons per hectare MT/Ha, 3 percent above last month, 13 percent above last year, and 15 percent above the 5-year average.

Nov 10 2014 | European Union Wheat: Forecast Increases on Record Crop
European Union (EU) wheat production for 2014/15 is estimated at a record 155.4 million tons, up 1.4 million tons or 1.0 percent from last month, and up 8.6 percent from last year. Area is estimated at 26.8 million hectares, up 0.25 million from last month, and up 4.1 percent from last year. Yield is estimated at a record 5.79 tons per hectare, equivalent to last month, but 4.3 percent above last year and 6.8 percent above the 5-year average.

Nov 10 2014 | European Union Corn: Rainfall Leads to Record Crop; Harvest Delays in Southeast
European Union (EU) 2014/15 corn production is estimated at a record 73.1 million tons, up 2.0 million tons or 2.9 percent from last month, and up 8.9 million tons or 14 percent from last year. Area is estimated at 9.6 million hectares, up 0.03 million or 0.3 percent from last month, but down 0.2 million hectares or 1.6 percent from last year. Yield is estimated at a record 7.62 tons per hectare, up 2.5 percent from last month, 15.6 percent from last year and 12.3 percent from the 5-year average.

Jun 11 2013 | European Union Wheat and Rapeseed: May Rain Ends Dryness Concerns, Boosts
Favorable weather during May has increased expectations of a bumper harvest for both wheat and rapeseed. Crops benefited from good soil moisture at planting and minimal winterkill. The mild winter spurred early plant development and crops broke dormancy about a month early in much of the continent. During spring, dryness had become a concern in central Europe until above average rainfall fell during May, improving soil moisture and boosting yield potential. Cooler temperatures have slowed plant development but crops remain about two weeks ahead of normal.

Aug 12 2013 | EU Wheat: Third Best on Record
The 2013/14 European Union (EU) wheat crop is estimated at 141.4 million tons, up 2.8 million tons or 1.9 percent from last month, and up 8.3 million tons or 6.3 percent from last year. The estimated output is 1.5 million tons above the 5-year average. Harvested area is estimated at 26.0 million hectares, similar to last month, but up 0.2 million or 1 percent from last year. The 5-year average for EU wheat area is 26.1 million hectares. Yield is estimated at 5.43 tons per hectare, up from 5.33 last month and up from 5.15 tons last year. The 5-year average yield is 5.36 tons per hectare.

Sep 12 2013 | EU Wheat: Estimated Production Third Highest, As Summer Conditions Enhanced Yield
Wheat production in the European Union (EU-28) for 2013/14 is estimated at 142.9 million tons, up 1.5 million tons or 1.1 percent from last month, up 9.8 million tons or 7.4 percent from last year and is up 3.0 million tons or 2.2 percent above the 5-year average. Area is estimated at 26.0 million hectares, unchanged from last month, up 0.2 million from last year, and down 0.1 million from the 5-year average. Yield is estimated at 5.49 tons per hectare, up from 5.43 tons last month, up 5.15 tons from last year and up 5.36 tons compared to the 5-year average.

Nov 8 2013 | Spain Barley: Record Yield Boosts Production to Bumper Level
Barley production for Spain in 2013/14 is estimated at 9.8 million tons compared to the September estimate of 9.25 million and 5.98 million last year. The bumper crop is 19 percent above the 5-year average of 8.2 million tons. Estimated area remains unchanged from the September estimate at 2.7 million hectares, and is virtually unchanged from last year’s rounded estimate of 2.7 million hectares. Yield is estimated at a record 3.61 tons per hectare. Yield increased from 3.41 tons in September, 2.23 tons last year and spiking 30 percent above the fiveyear average of 2.78 tons.

Sep 11 2014 | European Union Wheat: Production Near Record, Despite Heavy Rain and Quality Issues
USDA estimates European Union (EU) 2014/15 wheat production at 151.0 million tons, up 3.1 million or 2.1 percent from last month. Production is estimated at 7.8 million tons or 5.5 percent above last year’s crop of 143.1 million tons, and 12.7 million tons or 9.2 percent above the fiveyear average of 138.3 million tons. Area remains unchanged at 26.6 million hectares, but up 0.8 million from last year. Yield is estimated at a record 5.68 tons per hectare, above last month’s 5.57 tons, last year’s 5.55 tons, and the 5-year average of 5.34 tons.

Aug 12 2014 | EU Corn: Production Increases in Response to Heavy July Rain
USDA estimates the 2014/15 European Union (EU) corn crop at 67.0 million tons, up 1.4 million or 2.1 percent from last month and up 3.1 million or 4.8 percent from last year. Harvested area is estimated at 9.6 million hectares, up 0.1 million from last month but down 0.2 million or 2.4 percent from last year’s harvested area. Yield is estimated at 7.02 tons per hectare, above last month’s 6.88 tons, and last year’s 6.54 tons. The five-year average yield is 6.77 tons per hectare. Heavy rainfall during the month of July beneficially increased soil moisture levels throughout Europe for summer crops. While the precipitation was optimally timed for corn development, the negative aspect was that it was detrimental to wheat quality and has made wheat harvesting difficult.

Jul 11 2014 | Spain Barley: Drought-Related Impacts Reduce Production
USDA estimates barley production in Spain at 7.0 million tons, down 1.2 million or 15 percent from last month, and down 3.1 million or 30 percent from last year. Area is estimated at 2.8 million hectares, practically unchanged from both last month and last year. Yield is estimated at 2.54 tons per hectare (MT/Ha) compared to 2.96 MT/Ha last month and the 2.83 MT/Ha 5-year average. Spain is typically the EU’s third largest barley producer after France and Germany. Its crop is rainfed and therefore dependent on seasonal rainfall. Significant dryness occurred during April and May, however, with crops receiving only half their normal spring rainfall totals. High temperatures further diminished soil moisture, stressing plants during critical development months, resulting in yield loss. Improved conditions in many central and east European countries such as Germany, Romania, Hungary and Lithuania offset Spain’s negative influence on barley production in the European Union (EU). Overall estimated production for 2014/15 EU barley remains unchanged from last month at 55.9 million tons, which is 3.7 million tons or 6.3 percent below last year’s harvest.

Jul 11 2014 | EU Wheat: German Production Lifts EU Crop, Despite Drought in Spain
USDA estimates the 2014/15 European Union (EU) wheat crop at 147.9 million tons, up 1.6 million or 1.1 percent from last month and up 4.6 million or 3.2 percent from last year. Harvested area is estimated at 26.6 million hectares, up 0.1 million from last month and 0.8 million hectares or 3.2 percent above last year’s harvested area. Yield is estimated at 5.57 tons per hectare (MT/Ha), above last month’s 5.52 MT/Ha, but below last year’s 5.57 MT/Ha. The 5-year average yield is 5.34 MT/Ha.

May 9 2014 | European Union Rapeseed: Output Forecast at Near-Record Level
The 2014/15 European Union (EU) rapeseed crop is forecast at 21.5 million tons, up 0.3 million or 1.6 percent from last year, and 1.0 million tons above the 5-year average. Harvested area is estimated at 6.85 million hectares, up marginally from last year but 2.4 percent above the 5-year average. Yield is estimated at 3.14 metric tons per hectare (MT/Ha), above last year’s 3.11 MT/Ha and the 5-year average of 3.06 MT/Ha. The records levels are 7.0 million hectares in 2010/11, 3.37 MT/Ha in 2004/05, and 21.6 million tons in 2009/10.Weather conditions for the planting of the 2014/15 winter rapeseed crop were more favorable than last season, which enabled farmers to sow more area to rapeseed in Romania, Hungary, and France. Area is estimated to increase by 45 percent in Romania, by 14 percent in Hungary, and by 6 percent in France. An exceptionally mild winter benefited crop development, with crops breaking dormancy up to a month earlier than normal. Little or no winterkill was reported. Cooler temperatures in mid-April have slowed crop growth to some degree, but development remains about two weeks ahead of normal. Dryness has been a concern in the main rapeseed producing countries in central Europe, including Germany (the EU’s number-one producer), Poland, and the Czech Republic (both in the top five). During late April and early May, beneficial rainfall fell throughout Europe. While still more rainfall is in need, concerns about dryness have been greatly reduced.In the United Kingdom (another EU top-five rapeseed producer), yields for 2014/15 are forecast to be up 16 percent from last year, when a wet autumn forced some farmers to sow lower-yielding spring rape rather than higher-yielding winter rape. Similarly improved yield is forecast for France, the EU’s second-largest producer.

Jun 17 2014 | European Union Wheat and Rapeseed: May Rain Ends Dryness Concerns, Boosts Production Estimates
Favorable weather during May has increased expectations of a bumper harvest for both wheat and rapeseed. Crops benefited from good soil moisture at planting and minimal winterkill. The mild winter spurred early plant development and crops broke dormancy about a month early in much of the continent. During spring, dryness had become a concern in central Europe until above average rainfall fell during May, improving soil moisture and boosting yield potential. Cooler temperatures have slowed plant development but crops remain about two weeks ahead of normal. USDA estimates the 2014/15 European Union (EU) wheat crop at 146.3 million tons, up 1.4 million or 0.9 percent from last month, and up 2.9 million or 2.0 percent from last year. Harvested area is estimated at 26.5 million hectares, nearly unchanged from last month but up 0.7 million hectares or 2.8 percent from last year. Yield is estimated at 5.52 tons per hectare(T/Ha), above last month’s 5.47 T/Ha, but below last year’s 5.57 T/Ha. The 5-year average yield is 5.34 T/Ha. Estimated wheat production in the EU was raised in France (by 0.4 million), Germany (0.3 million), Romania (0.3 million), Bulgaria (0.3 million) and Poland (0.2 million). Spain’s production was lowered 0.1 million, however, due to the early end of its rainy season. USDA estimates the 2014/15 European Union (EU) rapeseed crop at 22.0 million tons, up 0.5 million or 2.3 percent from last year, and up 1.5 million from the 5-year average. Harvested area is estimated at 6.85 million hectares, up marginally from last year and up 2.4 percent from the 5-year average. Yield is estimated at 3.21 tons per hectare (T/Ha), above last year’s 3.11 T/Ha and above the 5-year average of 3.06 T/Ha. Central European countries Poland and Germany account for a combined 0.3 million ton increase over last month as May precipitation occurred during the weight-determining pod-fill period. Poland’s crop is estimated at 2.6 million tons and Germany’s crop is estimated at 5.6 million tons. In the United Kingdom, estimated production is up 0.1 million from last month to 2.5 million tons. Romania has had very favorable precipitation all season, and with satellite-derived vegetative indices supporting a bumper year, estimated production was increased from 0.85 to 0.95 million tons.

Apr 10 2013 | European Union Corn: Final Estimates Revised Upwards for 2012/13
The 2012/13 European Union (EU) corn crop is revised to 56.1 million tons, up 1.4 million tons or 3 percent higher than last month, but down 10.1 million tons or 15 percent from the 2011/12 crop. Corn area in the EU is estimated at 9.1 million hectares, 0.2 million or 2 percent above last month, and 0.3 million hectares or 4 percent above the previous 2011/12 season. Yield is estimated at 6.13 tons per hectare, nearly unchanged from last month, but 18 percent below the 7.51 tons achieved in 2011/12, and 10 percent below the 5-year average. Revisions were made to the 2012/13 corn crop in Poland, Hungary, and Spain. The increase in Poland was due to record yields, achieved on record area. Summer crop area was dramatically increased last spring after winter had destroyed or damaged extensive area that had been sown with winter wheat or rapeseed. Much of this area was re-sown last spring with corn. As a result, the estimated 2012/13 corn crop in Poland was harvested on 79 percent more area than its 5-year average. In addition, with yields 16 percent above average, production in Poland is revised up 0.4 million tons from last month to 4.0 million tons, or 67 percent above last year’s production, and over twice the 5-year average. Estimates from Hungary were also increased this month in response to higher final estimates. Primarily, the changes were due to a decrease in corn cut for silage, with its area and production being transferred into grain corn. Additionally, there was also an increase in corn grown in marginal areas. Hungary’s 2011/12 corn estimate is raised 0.14 million hectares from last month to 1.19 million hectares, while production was increased 0.49 million tons to 4.7 million tons. Due to extreme heat and severe drought last summer, the 2012/13 Hungary corn crop is estimated to total just about 2/3 of its 5-year average. Corn in Spain has also been revised up, with production increased 0.51 million tons from last month, and area increased 35,000 hectares. These increases in Spain result in estimated 2011/12 production of 4.1 million tons from 0.39 million hectares. These estimates are based on official statistics from the Agriculture Ministry and are above the 5-year average of 0.35 million hectares and 3.6 million tons. (For more information, contact Bryan Purcell at 202-690-0138.)

Nov 9 2012 | European Union Corn: Estimated Corn Output Down 1.0 Million Tons with Harvest Underwa
European Union (EU) corn production for 2012/13 is estimated at 54.6 million tons, down 1.0 million or 1.7 percent from last month and down 11.5 million or 17 percent from last year. Area is estimated at 9.0 million hectares, virtually unchanged from last month, but up 0.2 million or 1.7 percent from last year. Yield is estimated at 6.10 tons per hectare (t/ha) compared to 6.18 t/ha last month, and down 19 percent from 7.51 t/ha last year. Corn production and yield in the EU are estimated to be the lowest since the 2007/08 drought year. As harvest continues, more data are becoming available. Romania’s production is estimated down 0.3 million tons to 6.0 million. Romania’s corn decrease is the result of a 0.1-million-hectare drop in harvested area, created by drought-abandoned land. The country’s corn crop has suffered from both extreme heat and drought. Hungary and Italy’s estimates have also been revised down by another 0.3 million and 0.2 million tons, respectively, due to summer heat and dryness. Poland’s corn crop however, is estimated to be 0.5 million tons higher than last month’s estimate because of favorable summer weather and adequate rainfall. Other significant EU corn changes for 2012/13 include 0.2-million-ton drops in both Spain and Austria, as well as a 0.3-million-ton drop in the Czech Republic, based on official statistics.(For additional information please contact Bryan Purcell at 202-690-0138.)

Oct 11 2012 | United Kingdom Wheat: Production Estimate Down Due to Persistent Rainfall
The United Kingdom (UK) wheat production for 2012/13 is estimated at 14.0 million tons, down 0.8 million or 5 percent from last month, and down 1.3 million or 8 percent from last year. Area is estimated at 2.0 million hectares, unchanged from last month, but up 42,000 hectares or 2 percent from last year. Yield is estimated at 6.97 tons per hectare (t/ha) compared to 7.36 t/ha last month and 7.75 t/ha last year. A very wet season in the UK delayed and prolonged the wheat harvest, lowering both quality and yield. The excessive precipitation during late summer and early autumn saturated soils and prevented fieldwork. When a window of drier weather opened in early September, farmers initially had to choose between harvesting wheat or sowing the early-planted crop of rapeseed. During the first half of September the weather remained settle prompting harvest to proceed at a rapid pace. Farmers completed most of the 2012 wheat harvest before rains returned during the second half of September. The frequent precipitation was conducive to disease, and the lack of sunshine during grainfill prevented proper maturation and drying of the crop. Sandy soils which drain quickly provided the best conditions for wheat this year, but much of the UK’s arable land consists of heavy soils. The UK is consistently the third largest European Union (EU) wheat producer behind France and Germany, contributing 14.9 million tons on a 5-year average or about 11 percent of the total EU crop. (For more information, please contact Bryan Purcell at 202-690-0138.)

Oct 11 2012 | European Union Corn: Production Estimate Drops for the Third Consecutive Month
European Union (EU) corn production for 2012/13 is estimated at 55.6 million tons, down 3 percent or 1.5 million from last month, and down 15 percent or 9.7 million from last year. Area is estimated at 9.0 million hectares, down 1 percent or 0.1 million from last month, but up 3 percent or 0.2 million from last year. Yield is estimated at 6.18 tons per hectare, down 1 percent from last month and down 17 percent from last year. EU corn production estimates fell for a third consecutive month. Summer crop expectations peaked at the beginning of July after increased corn area and favorable spring weather bolstered crop prospects for much of the area. Throughout the month of July, however, weather conditions in southeast Europe deteriorated. Prolonged heat and dryness prevented or shortened pollination and reduced grainfill. In addition, there was an increase in unharvested grain area as farmers abandoned fields or used them for silage. Harvest is well underway in southeastern Europe and in the earlier stages in France. The largest October reduction was in Romania, were a large share of the corn is not irrigated. Output is estimated production down 0.8 million to 6.3 million tons (10.5 million last year), and with area down 0.1 million to 2.6 million hectares. Other summer-heat and dryness-related reductions include a 0.5 million reduction in Hungary to 4.5 million (8.1 million last year), 0.2 million reduction in Bulgaria to 4.0 million tons (5.5 million last year), and a 0.3 million ton reduction in the French crop to 15.2 million (15.6 million last year). Estimated production increases included Poland by 0.3 million tons to a record 3.2 million because of favorable summer weather and increased plantings. Corn production was also increased in Spain by 0.3 million, resulting in an estimated 3.8 million tons (4.2 million last year). (For more information, please contact Bryan Purcell at 202-690-0138.)

Sep 12 2012 | European Union Corn: Summer Heat and Drought Damage
Corn production in the European Union (EU) is estimated at 57.1 million tons, down 4.4 million or 7.1 percent from last month, and down 8.3 million or 12.6 percent from last year. Area is estimated at 9.1 million hectares, down 0.2 million from last month’s 9.35 million, but up 0.3 million hectares from last year. Yield is estimated at 6.27 tons per hectare (t/ha) compared to 6.58 t/ha last month and 7.46 t/ha last year.Yield potential has been falling rapidly in the EU since July when extremely high temperatures inhibited pollination and drought limited kernel growth in much of the EU’s cornbelt. The EU cornbelt is concentrated in France, Spain, Italy, and southeast Europe. The primary corn growing areas have all struggled from excessive heat and moisture stress this season. Early expectations of a bumper crop declined when this unfavorable weather pattern emerged during late spring. Weather and satellite data indicated high potential yield early in the season, but production is now estimated below last year’s 65.4 million tons and below the five-year average of 57.6 million tons. Recent weather and satellite imagery depict a greatly deteriorated crop in central Europe. During early and mid-August, analysts from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) conducted a crop assessment trip in Romania and Bulgaria. The team traveled for two weeks, stopping in numerous fields to analyze conditions and meet with farmers, agricultural industry leaders, and government officials. The field trip confirmed the poor status of the crop.Much of Hungary has seen no significant rainfall since July. The country will have a much smaller crop, now estimated at 5.0 million tons compared to the 6.5 million tons estimated last month and the 8.1 million ton crop from last year. France’s corn crop is estimated at 15.5 million tons, down 1.0 million from last month, but 0.5 million tons above the 5-year average. Estimated production was lowered due to late season (August) heat that likely lowered yields at the filling stage. In Italy, where half of the crop is non-irrigated, heat and dryness reduced yields in the intensely cultivated Po River Valley, and estimated production was lowered by 0.7 million tons to 7.8 million. Romanian corn was lowered 0.6 million tons to reflect damage from excessively hot temperatures (above 35°C during pollination) as well as from drought. The result from the heat at pollination and the lack of summer moisture was poorly filled ears and small kernels. Additional September changes to EU corn include Bulgaria (down 0.2 million tons), Germany (down 0.2 million tons), Slovakia (down 0.2 million tons), Slovenia (down .05 million tons) and Poland (up .05 million tons.) (For more information, please contact Bryan Purcell at 202-690-0138.)

Aug 10 2012 | EU Corn: Drought in South-Central Europe Reduced Yield Prospects
The USDA forecasts corn production in the European Union (EU) for 2012/13 at 61.5 million tons, down 3.9 million or 6 percent from last month, and down 3.9 million or 6 percent from last year. Romania, Italy, and Hungary account for about two-thirds of the month-to-month drop in estimated production. Harvested area is estimated at 9.4 million hectares, down 0.1 million or 1 percent from last month, but up 0.6 million or 7 percent from last year. Yield prospects have fallen sharply due to an extremely hot and dry summer in Europe’s southern corn area. Yield is forecast at 6.58 tons per hectare (t/ha), compared to last month’s 6.90 t/ha, and last year’s 7.46 t/ha. Abundant May rainfall and increased planted area (due to high winter-crop losses) led to early expectations of a bumper crop, but rainfall essentially ended in early June, and corn areas in central-south Europe received only minimal amounts of rainfall during July and into early August. In addition to drought, excessive heat during July severely hampered pollination. FAS personnel currently conducting crop-assessment travel in Romania have observed aborted ears, very short ears, ears with only a few scattered kernels, and ears with unpollinated tips. The crop is maturing two to three weeks ahead of schedule, and harvest will begin in late August. (For more information, contact Bryan Purcell at 202-690-0138.)

Aug 10 2012 | EU Sunflowerseed: Forecast Production Drops 8 Percent Due to Drought in Spain
The USDA forecasts sunseed production in the European Union (EU) for 2012/13 at 7.6 million tons, down 0.7 million or 8 percent from last month and down 9 percent from last year. Harvested area is estimated at 4.2 million hectares, down 0.2 million or 5 percent from last month, and down 1 percent from last year. Yield prospects have fallen sharply due to an extremely hot and dry summer in Europe’s central-southern region, which is the primary sunseed area. Yield is forecast at 1.80 tons per hectare (t/ha), compared to last month’s 1.88 t/ha, and last year’s record 1.95 t/ha. Abundant May rainfall and increased planted area (due to high winter-crop losses) led to early expectations of a large harvest, but rainfall essentially ended in early June, and sunflower areas in central-south Europe received only minimal amounts of rainfall during July and into early August. In addition to drought, excessive heat during July severely hampered pollination. FAS personnel currently conducting crop-assessment travel in Romania have observed poor sunflower conditions, including small seed heads and empty hulls. South-central Europe accounts for 0.4 million of the 0.7-million-ton month-to-month reduction in estimated production. Output is forecast to drop by 7 percent from last month in Romania, 7 percent in Hungary, 7 percent in Bulgaria, and 17 percent in Italy. Severe dryness has prevailed in Spain as well, and estimated sunseed output is reduced by 0.3 million tons. (For more information, contact Bryan Purcell at 202-690-0138.)

Jul 11 2012 | European Union Corn: Increased Area to Summer Crops Boost Production
The USDA estimates corn production in the European Union (EU) for 2012/13 at 65.5 million tons, up 1.3 million or 2 percent from last month, and up 0.8 million or 1 percent from last year. Harvested area is estimated at 9.5 million hectares, up 0.2 million from last month, and up 0.7 million from last year. Yield is estimated at 6.90 tons per hectare (t/ha), compared to last month’s 6.93 t/ha, and last year’s 7.39 t/ha.Dryness during the fall of 2011 and severe winter conditions during late January and early February 2012 caused significant reductions to the size of the EU’s winter grains and oilseed crops, resulting in increased area of the spring crops, primarily corn and sunflower. Fields initially intended to be sown with rapeseed, wheat, or barley, weren’t planted because of the dryness. In other instances, fields that were planted during the fall with these crops were found to be weak and poorly emerged. These plants were removed and the fields were re-sown with corn or sunflower.The EU is typically the fourth largest corn producer in the world, following the United States, China and Brazil. The countries of France, Romania, Italy, and Hungary combined produce almost two-thirds of the EU crop. During the 2012/13 season, France is estimated to produce 15.5 million tons from 1.7 million hectares. Romania is estimated to harvest 10.0 million tons from 2.8 million hectares. Italy is estimated to produce 9.4 million tons from 1.0 million hectares. Hungary is estimated to produce 8.0 million tons from 1.3 million hectares. (For more information, contact Bryan Purcell at 202-690-0138.)

Jun 12 2012 | European Union Wheat: Production Down on Further Central EU Reductions
The USDA estimates 2012/13 European Union (EU) wheat production at 131.0 million tons, down 1.0 million or less than 1 percent from last month, and down 6.4 million or 5 percent from last year. Area is estimated at 24.6 million hectares, down 0.3 million or 1 percent from last month. Yield is estimated at 5.32 tons per hectare (t/ha), compared to last month’s 5.30 t/ha, and last year’s 5.36 t/ha.Largely unfavorable conditions have existed in central Europe for much of the growing season with dryness in autumn, frost damage during winter, and early spring dryness. Poor emergence and frost damage have caused winter crops in central Europe to be ploughed under, replaced with spring varieties, resulting in lower yield. Specialists from USDA Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) conducted crop travel in central Europe in May observed dry soils, short plants, low tiller counts, and small grain heads.The already-low 2012/13 estimates for German and Polish crops were reduced further in June to reflect recent weather related damage. German wheat area (the second largest EU wheatproducer), is estimated at 3.1 million hectares, compared to 3.2 million for both last month and last year. The production estimate for 2012/13 German wheat was lowered 0.7 million tons to 21.8 million, 1.0 million below last year’s poor crop of 22.8 million. Poland is typically the fourth largest EU wheat producer and is estimated to produce 8.1 million tons in 2012/13, compared to 9.3 million last year. Spain’s wheat crop (particularly the durum crop in the south) has been struggling with dryness and was reduced 0.2 million tons. Italy was also adjusted down 0.1 million tons. France is Europe’s largest wheat producer at 37.0 million tons, and production is estimated up 0.5 million from last month due to the return of favorable and wet conditions. (For more information, contact Bryan Purcell at 202-690-0138.)

Jun 12 2012 | Spain Barley: Production Lowered as Dryness Spreads North
The USDA estimates 2012/13 Spain barley production at 6.5 million tons, down 0.6 million tons from last month, down 1.8 million tons from last year, and down 2.8 million from the 5-year average. Area is estimated at 2.7 million hectares, nearly the same as last month (2.74) and the same as last year (2.70). Yield is estimated at 2.41 tons per hectare (t/ha), down from 2.60 t/ha last month, and from 3.09 t/ha last year.Dryness prevailed in Spain, particularly in the south, during the autumn of 2011 and winter of 2012. Durum wheat has been hit exceptionally hard because the crop is concentrated in the southern most province of Andalucía. The two largest barley-producing regions in Spain are Castilla Y Leon in the north and Castilla La Mancha in the center-south. Recent dryness and high temperatures during grainfill in early May lowered estimated barley yields in Castilla y Leon. The reduced June production estimate is largely in recognition of these lowered yields in Castilla y Leon. (For more information, contact Bryan Purcell at 202-690-0138.)

May 10 2012 | European Union Wheat: Dryness and Winterkill Reduce Prospects
Wheat production in the European Union (EU) for 2012/13 is forecast at 132.0 million tons, down 5.4 million or 4 percent from last year. Harvested area is estimated at 24.9 million hectares, down 0.7 million or 3 percent from last year, and yield is forecast at 5.3 tons per hectare, compared to last year’s 5.36 tons. The EU-27 is the largest wheat producing entity in the world. France, Germany, the United Kingdom, and Poland are the biggest producers within the EU, with 2012/13 estimated production at 36.5 million, 22.5 million, 15.6 million, and 8.8 million tons, respectively.Spain’s southernmost province of Andalucía has the nation’s highest concentration of wheat and almost all of its durum. Fall and winter drought severely limited wheat development in Andalucía. While significant April rain events benefitted earlier-stage northern crops, it was likely too late to improve conditions in the south. Dryness was a significant problem during the planting campaign for wheat last autumn in Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, and other areas in southeastern Europe. As a result, the estimated harvested area and yield are down.After a mild start to winter, temperatures suddenly dropped in early February with an event of unseasonably low temperatures ranging from -20 to -25°C in areas of Poland and Germany. Snow was absent for the entire week-long event in Poland and for about half the week in Germany. Winterkill is estimated to be higher than normal in areas from eastern France through the Balkans, and much higher than normal for western Poland. Poland is one of the few countries where spring wheat might be planted, restoring some wheat area. Winter wheat is estimated to sustain damage at temperatures of -20 °C with no snowcover. Shifted weather patterns brought rainfall back to much of the EU in April, improving soil moisture, enabling yield recovery, and encouraging increased summer crop plantings. The majority of wheat is harvested in July, so increased rainfall during grain-fill would be favorable for wheat prospects. (For more information, contact Bryan Purcell at 202-690-0138.)

May 10 2012 | European Union Rapeseed: Area and Production Forecast Down from Last Year
Rapeseed production in the European Union (EU) for 2012/13 is forecast at 18.0 million tons, down 1.1 million or 6 percent from last year, and down 1.8 million or 9 percent from the five-year average. Harvested area is estimated at 6.0 million hectares, down 0.6 million or 10 percent from last year, and down 0.6 million tons or 10 percent below the five-year average. Yield is forecast at 3.00 tons per hectare, compared to last year’s 2.88 tons.Rapeseed, traditionally the first winter crop planted, needs significant vegetative development prior to winter. Autumn dryness was a major problem in Romania, Bulgaria, and Hungary, preventing it from achieving the necessary vegetative growth with some fields failing to emerge. According to rapeseed experts, fall establishment is the key for rapeseed yields, because if the plant isn’t properly established prior to winter, it is more vulnerable to winterkill and is more susceptible to spring drought and diseases. Compared to last year, harvested area is estimated to be down 78 percent in Romania and 36 percent in both Hungary and Bulgaria.After a mild start to winter, there was an occurrence of lower temperatures that suddenly dropped to -20 to -25 °C in Poland and Germany during early February. Conditions conducive to winterkill were scattered throughout Europe during this period but were concentrated in Poland and Germany, where protective snowcover was absent for the entire week-long event in Poland and for about half the week in Germany. Without snowcover to insulate crops from extremely low temperatures, damage is expected to be widespread in Poland and areas of Germany.Winterkill is also expected to have damaged rapeseed in eastern France, and was likely above average in much of central Europe. Rapeseed is estimated to sustain damage at temperatures of - 15 °C with no snowcover. Spring rapeseed is a fairly small producing crop in the greater EU, but it could increase significantly in Poland this year. (For more information, contact Bryan Purcell at 202-690-0138.)

Dec 9 2011 | European Union: Aided By a Wet Summer, EU Corn Yield Surpasses Record
The 2011/12 European Union (EU) corn crop is estimated at 63.9 million tons, compared to 62.9 million last month and 55.8 million last year. Area is estimated at 8.8 million hectares, up 0.1 million from last month and 0.8 million or 10 percent from last year. Yield is estimated at a record 7.27 tons per hectare (t/ha), compared to last year’s 6.98 t/ha and the five-year average of 6.58 t/ha.The European Union’s spring 2011 drought was reversed in early summer when widespread heavy rains covered much of western and central Europe in June and July. While these rains hampered and delayed the winter wheat harvest, they promoted vegetative growth in the corn plants, enabling the record yield. The rain was particularly beneficial in areas of central Europe like Romania, Bulgaria, and Hungary, where summer dryness develops more frequently than on the coast, and where much of the crop is not irrigated.France, the largest corn producer in the EU, is expecting record yields approaching 10 t/ha with a bumper crop of about 15.4 million tons. Record production, however, is not expected in France as area has fallen in recent years to an estimated 1.6 million hectares this season. Romania, also benefitting from favorable summer rainfall is estimated to produce 4.0 t/ha, the highest since 2004/2005, and a crop of 10.2 million tons. Italy’s 2011/12 corn crop (largely irrigated) is expected to be one of its top five yielding crops at 9.58 t/ha or about 9.6 million tons. Hungary is estimated to have produced a very good crop with a yield of 6.75 tons per hectare and production of 8.1 million tons (For more information, contact Bryan Purcell at 202-690-0138.)

Nov 9 2011 | European Union Corn: Production Rises Owing to Record Yields in France
Production of corn in the European Union (EU) for 2011/12 is estimated at 62.9 million tons, up 1.9 million tons or 3 percent from last month and up 7.1 million or 13 percent from last year. Estimated area is unchanged from last month at 8.7 million hectares but up 13 percent from the 8.0 million harvested last year. Yield is estimated at a record 7.21 tons per hectare, an increase from 7.03 t/ha last month and 6.98 t/ha last year. A significant increase in planted area combined with a record yield is expected to produce the EU’s second largest corn harvest. The largest individual contributor to the increase in the November EU corn estimate is France, also the largest corn producer within the EU. A wet summer (which followed a very dry spring) increased yields in France from 9.0 t/ha last year to 10.0 t/ha this year, 9 percent above the five year average. France’s 2011/12 corn crop is estimated at 15.2 million tons from 1.5 million hectares, which is a 7-percent increase in production from last month and a 10-percent increase from last season. In addition to the French contribution, Romania’s production was increased 0.4 million tons because of higher yields due to favorable precipitation in much its main corn growing regions. The corn production estimate for Austria was also increased 0.3 million tons from last month to 2.3 million tons, due to new data on higher planted area. (For more information, contact Bryan Purcell, at 202-690-0138.)

Sep 14 2011 | EU Wheat: Production Forecast Higher on Harvest Results
The USDA estimates European Union wheat production for 2011/12 at 135.8 million tons, up 2.3 million or 2 percent from last month, nearly unchanged from last year, and 1.7 million tons above the five-year average. Area is estimated at 25.7 million hectares, virtually unchanged from last month. Yield is estimated at 5.28 tons per hectare (t/ha) compared to 5.18 t/ha last month and the five-year average of 5.25 t/ha.France’s wheat harvest was completed in August with yield results considerably higher than previously expected. Good yields were achieved despite the fact that the wheat belt of northern France endured one of the most severe droughts in decades. Production is estimated at 35.0 million tons, up 0.5 million or 1 percent from last month, but 5 percent below last year and 8 percent below the five-year average.Germany harvested the last of its wheat crop during a short break in the wet summer weather pattern that occurred during the first weekend of September. Harvesting typically begins in late July but frequent rains during late summer prolonged the harvest this year. The same drought that lowered the French crop also reduced the German crop. Although estimated output was revised upwards this month, grain quality has suffered and much of the crop is expected to be feed grade this year. Production is estimated at 23.0 million tons, up 0.8 million or 4 percent from last month but 3 percent below last year and 3 percent below the five-year average. The German wheat crop, harvested later than the French crop, likely benefitted more from June rainfall than did the wheat in France.Weather remained favorable for wheat in southeastern Europe, including Romania and Bulgaria and in Spain and southwest Europe. Adequate rainfall boosted their estimated production by 0.6 million tons in Romania, 0.2 million in Bulgaria, and 0.3 million in Spain. Harvesting is complete in these countries. (For more information, contact Bryan Purcell at 202-690-0138.)

Aug 12 2011 | EU Wheat: Production Estimates Rise with Harvest but Output Remains Below Average
The USDA’s August estimate for wheat in the European Union (EU) is 133.5 million tons from 25.8 million hectares. Production is estimated up 1 percent or 1.4 million tons from last month while area is estimated down 1 percent or 0.2 million hectares. Compared to last year, the 2011/12 crop is estimated to be down 2 percent or 2.1 million tons, while production is 0.6 million tons below the 5-year-average. Yield is estimated at 5.18 tons per hectare (t/ha), edging up from the 5.10 t/ha last month. Yield remains below the 5.25 t/ha five-year-average, and is down considerably from the 5.67 t/ha record in 2008/09. The month-to-month revisions are based on initial harvest results and favorable wheat conditions observed during July crop travel in France. Severe spring drought prevailed in Northern Europe’s four biggest wheat producers: France, Germany, United Kingdom (UK) and Poland.France’s harvest was well underway during July and the results were higher than earlier expected. Production is estimated at 34.5 million tons, up 3 percent or 1.2 million tons from last month, but 10 percent below last year. France’s soft-wheat area is concentrated around Paris. This area’s heavy soils retained moisture better than expected and early June rainfall arrived to benefit later-developing wheat fields that were still in the grain-fill stage. Additional rainfall in July prolonged the harvest and created quality worries. Farther south in central France, where the durum wheat crop is concentrated, rainfall arrived too late. Durum, which comprises a small fraction of the wheat crop, was farther advanced and did not benefit from the June rainfall.Germany, the EU’s second-largest wheat producer, received precipitation amounts similar to northern France but its soils are sandier than France’s soils, making retention and hence crop recovery more difficult. Soil moisture wasn’t stored as well in the lighter sandy soils. Germany’s wheat harvest typically begins in late July, but was delayed by persistent rains. The German crop is estimated to be unchanged from last month at 22.2 million tons, 6 percent below the five-year average. (For more information, contact Bryan Purcell at 202-690-0138.)

Aug 12 2011 | EU Rapeseed: Aggregate Output Unchanged but Adjustments Made to Member States
The USDA’s August estimate for 2011/12 EU rapeseed is 18.8 million tons, unchanged from last month but down 1.9 million tons (9 percent) from last year and down 0.3 million (2 percent) from the five-year average. Area is unchanged from last month at 6.8 million hectares. Yield is unchanged from last month at 2.76 tons per hectares (t/ha).Rapeseed production in Germany, typically the EU’s largest producer, is estimated to fall by 0.3 million tons or 6 percent from last month, to 4.5 million tons. This represents a 22 percent drop (1.2 million tons) in production from last year and a 19 percent drop (1.1 million tons) from the five-year average. Area remains unchanged from last month. Yield is estimated at 3.13 t/ha versus 3.34 t/ha last month. France, typically the EU’s second largest rapeseed producer, is estimated to overtake Germany with 4.8 million tons, 0.6 million above last month, and equivalent to last year and its five-year average. Area is unchanged from last month at 1.5 million hectares, while yield is 3.20 t/ha versus 2.80 t/ha last month. Other month-to-month rapeseed production changes include increases (in thousand tons) in Bulgaria (+80) and the UK (+100), but decreases to the Czech Republic (-70), Denmark (-30), Hungary (-70), Poland (-200),Romania (-80) and Slovakia (-40).Almost all rapeseed in northern Europe is planted during a narrow window in mid- to late August. It is typically the first crop planted in the fall and often competes for area with the harvest of a prior crop or the planting of a wheat crop. A delayed harvest on the field before rapeseed is planted or a rainy August can drastically reduce rapeseed yield potential.France’s rapeseed crop proved surprisingly resilient in 2011/12. Crop assessment travel and initial estimates during July indicated the crop to be in much better condition at harvest than expected. While the spring drought was severe, the heavy soils retained water and spotty showers sustained the crop. Where fewer pods developed, more seeds within the pods were produced. France had favorable autumn 2010 weather with little to interfere or delay rapeseed sowing.Conversely, the German crop was planted late due to excessive rainfall. The 2010/11 wheat crop was harvested late and the subsequent 2011/12 rapeseed crop was sown late. Winter arrived early and was severe, particularly during February when low temperatures occurred with the absence of snow cover in eastern regions. Finally, drought developed during the early spring. According to famers and rapeseed experts, the difference between a good and a poor rapeseed crop is in the autumn establishment; everything else is contingent upon the fall growth. Because of its poor start in autumn, the German rapeseed crop was much more susceptible to the adverse weather conditions that followed than was the French crop.Rapeseed is the most important oilseed crop in the EU. In the years from 2000 to 2010 area increased 41 percent before falling in 2011 by 0.2 million hectares to 6.8 million hectares. The predominant push has come from the EU’s drive for more renewable energy, including biofuels, of which a significant portion is biodiesel from rapeseed oil. (For more information, contact Bryan Purcell at 202-690-0139.)

Jun 13 2011 | EU Wheat: Estimated Production Reduced By Over 7 Million Tons as Drought Continues
Wheat production in the European Union (EU) for 2011/12 is estimated at 131.5 million tons, down 7.1 million or 5 percent from last month, and down 4.2 million or 3 percent from last year. Harvested area is estimated at 25.9 million hectares, unchanged from both last month and last year. Yield is estimated at 5.07 tons per hectare (t/ha), significantly below last month’s estimated 5.35 t/ha, and also below last year’s 5.24 t/ha.Winter wheat conditions continue to deteriorate in northwest Europe due to a lack of rainfall. Drought and above-average temperatures have dominated the EU’s biggest wheat producing countries during March, April, and May. The crop in Western Europe is advancing weeks ahead of normal with harvest moving north from Spain into France in June. Crop conditions in the two largest EU wheat producers, France and Germany, have been particularly unfavorable while conditions in Spain and southeastern Europe have been mostly positive due to favorable rainfall. A persistent blocking high-pressure system has forced spring storms on a southerly path, bypassing northern Europe while favoring a track over southern Europe and North Africa. Conditions have been mixed in Poland, the EU’s fourth largest wheat producer, with drought in the west and good conditions in the east.Winter wheat is the dominant EU grain, used both in milling and as the EU’s primary animal feed grain. The EU is the largest wheat producing entity in the world, and France, Germany, and the United Kingdom are the EU’s biggest wheat producing countries. All three have endured substantial dryness this spring. Production in France is estimated at 33.4 million tons, down 3.4 million or 9 percent from last month, and down 13 percent from last year. France’s crop is well advanced and recent moisture has not benefitted its crop. German wheat is estimated at 22.2 million tons, down 2.6 million or 10 percent from last month, and down 8 percent from last year. Germany’s crop is in the filling stage and recent rainfall has been beneficial. The United Kingdom’s crop is estimated at 15.0 million tons, down 1.0 million or 6 percent from last month, but still 1 percent above last year’s crop, which was planted on less area. Moderate temperatures and heavy water-holding soils have prevented further losses to the drought. The wheat in the United Kingdom is in the filling stage, so near-term rainfall would still benefit the crop. (For more information, contact Bryan Purcell at 202-690-0138.)

Jun 13 2011 | EU Rapeseed Falls 6 Percent as Conditions in France and Germany Deteriorate
The European Union’s (EU) 2011/12 rapeseed crop is forecast at 18.8 million tons, down 1.2 million or 6 percent from last month, and down 1.9 million or 9 percent from last year. The harvest is estimated 0.3 million tons or 2 percent below the five-year average. Harvested area is estimated at 6.8 million hectares, unchanged from last month, but down 0.2 million or 2 percent from last year’s record area. Area remains 8 percent or 0.5 million tons above the five-year average. Yield is forecast at 2.76 tons per hectare (t/ha), against last month’s 2.94 t/ha. Winter rapeseed accounts for the majority of the rapeseed crop.Below-average rainfall and warm temperatures dominated the big rapeseed producing countries of north-west Europe during March, April, and May. This situation created damaging drought conditions that resulted in likely reductions in potential yield. Currently, rapeseed is mature in the western countries and filling in the central and eastern countries. Only in the cooler northern countries (Poland, Scandinavia, and the Baltics), can rainfall still help the crop. Rapeseed benefitted from favorable planting conditions last fall in France and the United Kingdom, but farmers in central Europe (including Germany and Poland) experienced difficulties with rain and wet soils during the August-September planting window. Winter damage was likely above-average in western Poland and eastern Germany because of very low temperatures in late February when little or no protective snow cover existed. Some lower-yielding, spring rapeseed was likely planted after the winterkill damage.Within the EU, Germany is the largest rapeseed producer. Due to spring dryness, its June production estimate is 4.8 million tons, down 0.5 million tons or 9 percent from last month, and down 0.9 million or 17 percent from last year. Also suffering from drought is France, typically the EU’s second largest rapeseed producer. Output is estimated at 4.2 million tons, down 0.6 million tons or 13 percent from last month, and down 0.6 million or 12 percent from last year. The United Kingdom (UK), another large EU rapeseed producer, has also received very little spring rainfall. It has fared better than its neighbors on the continent, however, because of its cooler temperatures and heavy water-holding soils. The UK’s rapeseed crop is estimated at 2.1 million tons from 0.7 million hectares, which is down 0.1 million tons from last month and last year’s crop. (For more information, contact Bryan Purcell at 202-690-0138.)

May 11 2011 | EU’s Primary Wheat and Rapeseed Region Struggling with Dryness
Dryness prevailed in northern Europe during March and April and continues into May, with far below-normal precipitation levels and much-above-average temperatures. The high temperatures accelerated plant development so that crops are two to three weeks ahead of normal. The dryness is reportedly also interfering with fertilizer uptake by the crops. Both wheat and rapeseed crops need rainfall soon to prevent sharp yield reductions in northern France, northern Germany, England, and western Poland. These affected areas comprise a large portion of the EU’s primary wheat and rapeseed belt.Planting conditions were generally favorable for EU winter wheat and rapeseed crops last autumn, with adequate soil moisture across most countries, including France and the United Kingdom. In some areas of central Europe however, (including Germany, Hungary, and Romania), rain and wet soils impeded planting, and some fields were likely left unplanted to be sown later with spring crops. Overall, the EU’s winter was rather mild despite one period during late February when minimum temperatures dropped to between minus 15 and minus 20 degrees Celsius for several days in snow-free areas of eastern Germany and western Poland.

May 11 2011 | Wheat Production
Wheat production in the European Union (EU) for 2011/12 is forecast at 138.6 million tons, up 2.9 million or 2 percent from last year, but 8 percent below the record 2008/09 crop. Harvested area is estimated at 25.9 million hectares, unchanged from last year, and yield is estimated at 5.35 tons per hectare, above last year’s 5.23 tons.Winter wheat is the dominant EU crop, accounting for over 90 percent of wheat produced, while spring wheat is concentrated in the northern tier countries. The EU is the largest wheat producing entity in the world. France, Germany, the UK, and Poland are the EU’s biggest producing countries with 2011/12 estimated production at 36.7 million, 24.8 million, 16.0 million, and 9.8 million tons, respectively.

May 11 2011 | Rapeseed Production
Rapeseed production in the European Union (EU) for 2011/12 is forecast at 20.0 million tons, down 0.9 million tons or 3 percent from last year but up 0.9 million or 5 percent from the fiveyear average. Harvested area is estimated at 6.8 million hectares, down 0.2 million hectares or 2 percent from last year’s record area but still 8 percent or 0.5 million hectares above the five-year average. Yield is forecast at 2.94 tons per hectare, against last year’s 2.97 tons. Winter rapeseed accounts for the majority of the rapeseed crop. Rapeseed is primarily past the flowering stage and currently setting pods.Rapeseed is the EU’s dominant oilseed crop and biodiesel demand has propelled rapeseed production from less than 12 million tons to over 20 million tons in just ten years. Area expansion in non-traditional rapeseed producing countries such as Romania and Bulgaria has been extraordinary, even doubling in some years. France, Germany, the United Kingdom (UK), and Poland are the biggest rapeseed producing countries. Together, these four countries account for an estimated 72 percent of the 2011/12 crop. The next two largest producers, the Czech Republic and Romania, contribute an additional 10 percent to the EU crop, so that 82 percent of the 2011/12 EU crop is accounted for by the top six producing countries. (For more information, contact Bryan Purcell at 202-690-0138.)

May 11 2011 | EU Corn Area Expected to Return in 2011/12
EU corn production for 2011/12 is estimated at 59.3 million tons, up 7 percent from both last year and the five-year-average. Yield is expected to be similar to last year’s 6.9 tons per hectare. Corn area is expected to rebound from last year’s price-driven reduction that led to the planting of other crops such as wheat and rapeseed. Area is estimated at 8.6 million hectares, compared to 8.0 million last year and the five-year average of 8.4 million. (For more information, contact Bryan Purcell at 202-690-0138.)

May 11 2011 | Strong Prices Lead to Rise in Total Foreign Corn Prospects
Total foreign corn production for the 2011/12 marketing year is forecast at a record 525 million tons, up 5 percent from 2010/11. Area is also forecast at a record 131.7 million hectares, up 3 percent from last year. Yield is forecast at a near-trend 3.98 tons per hectare at the beginning of the season in the Northern Hemisphere.Strong world prices have encouraged planting in many countries. US#3 corn FOB Gulf averaged US$255 per ton from November-to-January when many farmers were making their planting decisions. November-to-January prices are up from US$180 last year and US$137 for the 9-year average. A drop in total coarse grain and wheat production in 2010/11 caused by weather problems which led to lower-than-trend yields has resulted in a tightness in stock levels contributing to the high prices. The price rise is partly attributed to strong demand in Asia for corn to feed livestock, but also strong demand in the United States as a feed stock for producing ethanol to blend with gasoline. (For additional information, contact Paul Provance at 202-720-0873.)

Oct 8 2010 | European Union: Adjustments Made to Wheat and Barley Estimates
Both wheat and barley production in the European Union (EU) are down from last year's level. Dryness in Western Europe and wetness in Eastern Europe were unfavorable for 2010/11 yields. While grain quality was generally high in France and the United Kingdom (UK), output was down, as both attributes were influenced by the lack of rainfall during the summer. Eastern Germany and central Europe experienced excessive precipitation, which prolonged the wheat harvest and lowered crop prospects. Rainfall during the wheat harvests in Germany, Poland, the Czech Republic, and Hungary were especially problematic for quality.Wheat production in the EU is estimated at 135.6 million tons, up 0.5 million from last month's estimate, up 2.3 million from the five-year average, but down 2.4 million from last year. Area is estimated at 25.7 million hectares, up 0.1 million from last month and up 0.1 million from the five-year average, but down 0.1 million from last year. Yield is estimated at 5.29 tons per hectare (t/ha) compared to 5.36 t/ha in 2009/10 and 5.60 t/ha in 2008/09. Harvest results from the UK underscore the dryness problem, hence a lowering of the UK wheat estimate by 0.7 million tons from last month to 15.0 million. Conversely, wheat estimates were raised in October for Spain (by 0.4 million tons, to 5.5 million) due primarily to an upward revision in area, and in France (also by 0.4 million tons, to 38.1 million) due to higher yield. In addition, estimated production for Romania was boosted by 0.1 million tons to 5.8 million, for Hungary by 0.2 million to 3.7 million, and for Bulgaria by 0.1 million to 3.8 million tons.Barley production in the EU is estimated at 53.6 million tons, down 0.7 million from last month and down 8.1 million tons from last year. Area is estimated at 12.5 million hectares, down 0.1 million from last month and down 1.4 million from last year. Estimated yield is revised to 4.29 t/ha, compared to 4.44 t/ha last year. Specifically, barley is down 0.4 million tons and 0.1 million hectares in Spain and 0.2 million tons in Poland from last month's estimate. Sown area was significantly reduced this year because of low prices at planting time. Barley is the most recent grain to be excluded from the EU's intervention storage and much of its area was shifted into higher priced crops like wheat and rapeseed. Barley areas for France, Germany, and Spain are down from last year by 0.2 million hectares for each country, and by 0.3 million hectares for the UK. (For more information, contact Bryan Purcell at 202-690-0138.)

Sep 13 2010 | EU Wheat Harvest Hampered By August Rains
Wheat production in the European Union (EU) for 2010/11 is estimated at 135.1 million tons, down 2.4 million or almost 2 percent below last month's estimate. Harvested area is estimated at 25.5 million hectares, down 0.1 million from last month and down 0.2 million hectares from last year. Yield is estimated at 5.29 tons per hectare (t/ha), compared to 5.36 t/ha last month and 5.37 t/ha last year. Extremely wet conditions hindered the harvest in eastern and central Europe. During August, between 4 and 10 inches of rain fell across central Europe during the wheat harvest, disrupting progress and lowering both yield and quality. Hungary's wheat crop is estimated at 3.5 million tons, down 0.5 million or 13 percent from last month and down 0.9 million or 20 percent from last year. Romania's crop is estimated at 5.7 million tons, down 0.5 million or 8 percent from last month but up 8 percent from last year.Estimates for the EU's largest producers changed just marginally from last month. France's harvest is estimated at 37.7 million tons, up 0.15 million from last month. Dryness during 2010 reduced yield to 6.92 t/ha, compared to last year's 7.45 and the five-year average of 6.91 t/ha. Quality is expected to be higher than normal. Germany's crop, estimated at 23.9 million tons is down slightly (0.1 million) from last month, but down 1.3 million from last year. German farmers have struggled with the harvest as frequent, heavy rainfall saturated soils during August. By the beginning of September, 5 to 10 percent of Germany's wheat crop remained unharvested and a larger-than-normal amount of wheat is expected to be of lower quality. (For more information, contact Bryan Purcell at 202-690-0138.)

Sep 13 2010 | EU Corn Production Revised Down
Corn production in the European Union (EU) is estimated at 54.7 million tons, down 1.2 million or 2 percent from last month and down 3 percent from last year. Estimated area is virtually unchanged from last month at 8.1 million hectares, but down 3 percent from last year. Recent local reports suggest that corn production in France, the EU's largest producer at 13.5 million tons, will be down 0.5 million tons from last month's estimate. This change is primarily due to a revised area figure of 1.5 million hectares, which is 3 percent below last month. Germany's corn crop is estimated at 3.7 million tons, down 0.4 million or 2 percent from last month. Spring weather was cooler than average, causing a slow start for corn and other grains. As a result, a portion of the corn originally intended for grain production will instead likely be cut for silage or for raw material for biogas fermenters. (For more information, contact Bryan Purcell at 202-690-0138.)

Aug 12 2010 | EU Wheat Production Lower by 4.3 Million Tons Due to Rain, Dryness
USDA estimates the 2010/11 European Union (EU) wheat crop at 137.5 million tons from 25.6 million hectares. The August production estimate is reduced 4.3 million tons or 3 percent from July. With area unchanged, yield dropped from 5.53 to 5.36 tons per hectare. Compared to last year, production is down 0.7 million tons or 0.5 percent while area is down 0.1 million hectares or 0.4 percent. The wheat crop suffered from a dry spring and early summer in the western EU countries and from excessive precipitation in the eastern countries. France, the EU's largest wheat producer is now estimated to have harvested 37.5 million tons, 0.5 million less than last month and 0.8 million less than last year, even though area is up 5.5 percent from last year. Dryness has reduced France's 2010/11 yield estimate to 6.91 tons per hectare versus 7.45 tons last year. Germany's crop is still being harvested, and is estimated at 24.0 million tons, down 1.5 million or 6 percent from last month and 5 percent from last year. Unfavorable dryness was followed by excessive precipitation. The impact of the dryness was exacerbated in areas with light soils and contributed to the estimated German yield reduction to 7.23 tons per hectare, compared to 7.81 tons reached in 2009/10. Near-record amounts of rainfall fell during the wheat harvest in southeastern Europe, lowering yields and quality. Hungary's wheat crop estimate is reduced by 0.8 million tons from last month to 4.0 million tons, which is down 9 percent from last year. Romania's crop is reduced 0.65 million tons to 6.2 million tons, 17 percent below last year, and Bulgaria's crop is reduced 0.4 million from last month to 3.6 million tons, down 10 percent from last year. (For more information, contact Bryan Purcell at 202-690-0138.)

Jul 12 2010 | EU Barley Area and Production Down 8 Percent
European Union (EU) barley area and production for 2010/11 are both forecast to drop by 8 percent from last season. The USDA lowered the EU's estimated barley crop by 2.4 million tons or 4 percent from last month, to 56.4 million tons. Area is estimated at 12.7 million hectares, down 0.4 million hectares from last month and down 1.1 million hectares from last year. This is the lowest area seeded to barley since the 1960s. The 2010/11 crop year is the first year that barley is being excluded from the EU intervention scheme, a system that guarantees farmers a set price for the purchase of grain. This new policy, combined with barley's lower market price, has largely resulted in the reductions for barley.Yield is revised down from 4.47 tons per hectare last month to 4.42 tons per hectare this month. The latest estimates reflect aggregate changes to several EU countries. These changes are based on recent field reports and unfavorable weather, including dry conditions in Western Europe and a very wet spring in Central and Eastern Europe. The largest individual reduction was incurred by France where production was adjusted down 0.65 million tons to 10.6 million due to a very dry spring. In addition, low temperatures and dry conditions in Finland delayed or prevented spring plantings, resulting in 0.19 million fewer hectares and 0.6 million fewer tons than last month's estimate. Estimated barley production was also reduced by 0.32 million tons in Germany, by 0.2 million in Spain, by 0.15 mllion in Hungary, by 0.15 million in Italy, and by 0.12 million in the Czech Republic. (For more information, contact Bryan Purcell at 202-690-0138.)

Jun 10 2010 | Variable Rainfall Affects EU Wheat and Rapeseed Production
During May, rainfall was two to three times the average in many eastern and central European countries. Excessive rainfall was particularly unfavorable in Poland, Slovakia, and Hungary. The rains affected the wheat crop, which was in the jointing to flowering stages, and the rapeseed crop, which was primarily in the flowering stage. Meanwhile, some countries in western Europe (the United Kingdom and France) experienced dry conditions during April and May, subjecting the crops to soil moisture stress. Rainfall in late May and early June likely benefited the crops in western Europe. Wheat and rapeseed had also benefited from favorable weather during the autumn, winter, and early spring. In general, excellent planting conditions last autumn were followed by a mild winter with low winterkill and favorably high spring soil moisture.WheatEU wheat production for 2010/11 is forecast at 143.0 million tons, down 2.1 million or 1.5 percent from last month, but up 4.1 million or 2.9 percent from 2009/10. Harvested area is estimated at 25.8 million hectares, down 0.1 million from both last month and last year. Yield is estimated at 5.54 tons per hectare (t/ha), compared to 5.60 t/ha last month and 5.37 t/ha last year. Winter wheat accounts for the majority of wheat produced in the EU, while spring wheat is concentrated in the northern tier countries.RapeseedEU rapeseed production for 2010/11 is forecast at 21.0 million tons, down 0.5 million or 2 percent from last month and down 2 percent from last year. Harvested area is estimated at a record 6.8 million hectares, down 0.1 million from last month but up 0.3 million or 5 percent from last year. Yield is forecast at 3.09 t/ha, against last year's near-record 3.30 t/ha. Winter rapeseed accounts for the majority of the rapeseed crop.

May 11 2010 | EU-27: Wheat Production Estimated to Increase by 5 Percent
The aggregate wheat production of the twenty-seven member nations of the European Union (EU) is the highest in the world. The EU's wheat production for 2010/11 is forecast at 145.1 million tons, up 6.2 million or 5 percent from last year, but 4 percent below the record 2008/09 crop. The 2010/11 production is forecast nearly 9 percent above the five-year average of 133.5 million tons. Harvested area for 2010/11 is estimated at 25.9 million hectares, virtually unchanged from last year. Yield is forecast at 5.60 tons per hectare, similar to 2008/09 but above last year's 5.37 tons per hectare. Winter wheat accounts for the majority of wheat produced in the EU.Excellent planting conditions in most of Europe last autumn were followed by low winterkill rates and favorably high spring soil moisture levels. Yield improvements over last season are expected to be particularly strong in the normally drier climates of southern European countries where rainfall has been abundant during winter and spring, in contrast to dryness that occurred during 2009/10. Precipitation in Spain, Italy, Romania, and Bulgaria was substantially above average during the winter and spring months. This additional precipitation was especially beneficial to winter crops since it provided increased soil moisture for their development. In addition, winterkill is expected to be minimal this season as protective snow cover was typically present during the coldest weather.An additional factor that contributed to increased wheat seeding is that the 2010/11 crop year is the first year that barley will be excluded from the guaranteed EU intervention storage program. Producers have instead switched to wheat, rapeseed and other crops due to their more attractive prices and uncertainty related to barley production. (For more information, contact Bryan Purcell at 202-690-0138.)

May 11 2010 | EU-27 Expected to Deliver Another Bumper Rapeseed Crop
EU-27 rapeseed production for 2010/11 is forecasted at 21.5 million tons, virtually unchanged from last year. Harvested area is estimated at a record 6.9 million hectares, up 0.4 million or 6 percent from last year, and yield at 3.12 tons per hectare against last year's near-record 3.30 tons. Winter rapeseed accounts for the majority of the crop, while spring rapeseed is concentrated in the northern countries.Rapeseed continues to improve its position relative to wheat for planted area in Europe as countries, particularly in the east (Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, and Poland), have been rapidly increasing rapeseed area. Biofuel production, largely via rapeseed biodiesel, continues to be emphasized in the EU's mandate for increased renewable energy sources. The 20010/11 rapeseed crop is expected to continue the increasing area trend to another record level.The biggest producers of EU rapeseed are Germany, Poland, France, and the United Kingdom. Together these countries account for an estimated 74 percent of the forecasted 2010/11 crop. If the Czech Republic and Romania are added to the top four rapeseed producers, 83 percent of the forecasted 2010/11 EU crop is accounted for by just the top six producing countries. During the last six years, the eastern and central European countries (including some countries which initially produced no rapeseed) have seen a rapid increase in rapeseed area. Since 2003/04, Poland has increased its area from 0.4 million hectares to an estimated 0.9 million in 2010/11, while Romania has gone from just 20,000 hectares to an estimated 0.6 million in 2010/11. Similarly, Hungary increased area from 0.1 million to 0.3 million hectares, and Bulgaria has gone from no sown area to an estimated 170,000 hectares in 2010/11.The rapeseed crop benefitted from favorable weather during autumn, winter, and spring. Although winterkill is expected to be minimal, it is possible that some areas in Poland, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia were susceptible when snow cover was thin or non-existent in early March during a late-season cold snap. (For more information, contact Bryan Purcell at 202-690-0138.)

Nov 10 2009 | European Union: Estimated Rapeseed Harvest Reaches Record Level
Estimated 2009/10 rapeseed production in the European Union (EU) was raised by 0.6 million tons, to a record 21.2 million, while area was increased marginally by 0.02 million hectares. The 6.55 million hectares of rapeseed planted in the EU during 2009/10 represents a 5-percent increase from the previous season. Area has been steadily increasing as the EU moves to increase production and use of biofuels. The latest harvest reports from the big oilseed-producing nations of northern Europe indicate higher yields than previously expected. While the EU crop was already estimated at a record high, rain during podfill had an even more beneficial effect on yields than had been anticipated. Estimated production in France was raised 0.15 million tons over last month, to a record 5.55 million, and yield to a record 3.78 tons per hectare. Estimated production in Germany (the top producer in the EU) was raised almost 0.1 million tons, to a record 6.3 million, and yield to a record 4.27 tons per hectare. Polish production was increased 0.15 million tons from last month to a record 2.4 million, and the United Kingdom's rapeseed harvest was significantly increased because the country's spring-sown rapeseed performed much better than expected. A higher than normal amount of spring rapeseed was planted in the United Kingdom after a very wet 2008 autumn prevented winter crop plantings. The estimated crop in the United Kingdom was increased 0.14 million to 1.94 million tons. (For additional information, contact Bryan Purcell, (202) 690-0138 or

Nov 10 2009 | European Union: Poland Mixed-Grain Crop Boosts EU Total by 1.0 Million Tons
Production of mixed grains in the EU is estimated at 15.7 million tons from 4.2 million hectares, compared to 14.8 million tons and 4.2 million hectares last year. Poland, the European Union's largest producer of mixed grains, saw production increase by 1.0 million tons from last month to 8.8 million. This year's yield of 3.2 tons per hectare slightly surpasses the record achieved in the 2004/05 season, a year when much of Europe saw record yields in all crops. The category of mixed grains includes both triticale and actual mixed grains (a combination of wheat, barley, rye, triticale, or oats, grown together and harvested together). In Poland, triticale has a long history. As a wheat and rye hybrid, it is ideally suited for Poland's low winter temperatures and extensive sandy soils. Both triticale and mixed grains are included in the USDA's mixed-grain number. (For more information, contact Bryan Purcell, (202) 690-0138 or

Sep 11 2009 | EU-27: Wheat Production Revised Upward Due to Higher Output in France
The USDA estimates European Union (EU) wheat production for 2009/10 at 138.5 million tons,down 12.8 million or 8 percent from last year's record crop, but above the five-year average of135.2 million tons. Area is estimated at 25.6 million hectares, down 0.3 million hectares or 1percent from last month and down 1.1 million from last year. Yield is estimated at 5.41 tons perhectare, below last year's record 5.67 tons per hectare but above the five-year average of 5.29ton per hectare. The latest EU harvest reports indicate an increase in France of 1.6 million tonsover last month, to 39.4 million (compared to 39.0 million last year). The crop benefitted fromlate-season rainfall, which occurred during the grain-fill stage of wheat development, increasingkernel size and improving yields. Meanwhile, Germany's crop was lowered 1.4 million tons to25.1 million, based on initial harvest results. This year's German crop is 0.9 million tons belowthe 2008/09 harvest, but remains 1.4 million tons above the five-year-average. Denmark's areawas revised up by 0.15 million hectares, resulting in a 0.9-million-ton increase in production andan estimated record harvest of 5.6 million tons. Smaller changes include a 0.2-million-tonincrease in the Czech Republic, to 4.4 million; a 0.2-million-ton increase in Romania, to 5.5million; and a 0.2-million-decrease in Poland, to 9.2 million. In addition, Spain's crop, which has'suffered from drought throughout the season, was revised up 0.3 million tons, to 5.0 million,compared to the five-year average of 5.9 million ton. (For more information, contact BryanPurcell.

Aug 19 2009 | EU-27: Wheat and Rapeseed Production Estimates Increased, Barley Lower
Estimated wheat and rapeseed production in the twenty-seven member nations of the European Union (EU) is considerably higher than last month. Late-season rain was beneficial while early season dryness was not as severe as initially thought. In particular, crops in the three large countries of the North European Plain, (France, Germany, and Poland), which together produce over fifty-percent of EU wheat, sixty-six percent of the rapeseed, and almost half of the barley, have fared much better than expected. The wheat harvest is nearly finished in France, winding down in Germany, and underway in Poland. Incoming harvest statistics indicate higher than expected yields. In addition, harvest results for both winter barley and rapeseed, both of which are typically harvested prior to wheat, are also cited as having higher than anticipated yields. Very dry conditions during early spring had led to more conservative early forecasts. May is the month when most autumn-sown crops in northern Europe are in the moisture-critical flowering/reproductive stage, but above-average rainfall during June greatly aided crops during grain-fill. Rain continued into July, becoming so frequent that it delayed harvesting activities and has contributed to lowered quality for northern EU wheat. Enough breaks occurred between storms in France, Germany, and Poland during late July to continue harvest activities. The United Kingdom, the EU's fourth-largest rapeseed producer and third-largest wheat producer, continues to experience unfavorable rain that will likely postpone harvest.EU wheat production for 2009/10 is estimated at 136.3 million tons, up 1.6 million tons or 1 percent from last month but down 15.3 million tons or 10 percent from last year's record harvest. Area increased 0.15 million hectares from last month to 25.9 million hectares, but is down 4 percent from last year. Wheat yield is estimated at 5.27 tons per hectare (t/ha) compared to 5.64 t/ha achieved last year and the five-year average of 5.28 t/ha. Highlights for wheat include German wheat production increasing 1.9 million tons to a record 26.5 million (26 million last year). France's production was raised 0.35 million tons to 37.8 million (39.2 million last year). Polish wheat production was increased to 0.7 million tons following a 0.15 million increase in estimated area. Spain continues to show drought losses, with a 0.8-million-ton drop in estimated production. Barley production for 2009/10 is estimated at 60.4 million tons, down 0.3 million tons from last month and down 5.2 million tons from last year. Area is unchanged, but down 0.4 million hectares from last year. Barley yield is estimated at 4.25 tons per hectare, compared to 4.5 t/ha last year and the five-year average of 4.28 t/ha. Owing to the ongoing drought in Spain, its barley crop was lowered 1.3 million tons this month to 7.3 million. Higher estimated production in Germany (0.5 million tons), France (0.2 million), and Poland (0.2 million) helped to offset the reduction in Spain. Rapeseed production in the EU is estimated at 19.5 million tons, up 1.2 million from last month and up 0.6 million from last year's crop. Area is unchanged at 6.5 million hectares, but up 0.3 million compared to last year. Yield is estimated at 3.00 tons per hectare compared to 3.03 tons per hectare last year. Rapeseed production in Germany was increased 0.7 million tons this month to a record 5.9 million ton crop (5.2 million last year). Germany's rapeseed area is estimated at a near-record 1.5 million hectares. Poland's crop also increased this month, rising 0.2 million tons to a near record 2.1 million tons from 0.8 million hectares. (For more information, contact Bryan Purcell at 202-690-0138.)

Jul 10 2009 | EU Wheat Production Continues Downward Slide
The European Union (EU)'s 2009/10 wheat crop is estimated at 134.7 million tons, down 1.3 million from last month and down 17.0 million from last year's record crop. Area is estimated at 25.7 million hectares, down 0.1 million from last month and below last year's record 26.9 million hectares. Yield is estimated at 5.24 tons per hectare, below the five-year average of 5.28 tons per hectare. The 2009/10 harvest is now expected to be an average-size crop because weather and economic variables have reduced earlier expectations. Tight economic conditions have reduced money spent on fertilizer, herbicides, and pesticides. During late spring and early summer, unfavorably dry conditions dominated Europe's weather in several major wheat-growing regions. Spain's central province of Castilla y Leon is the nation's grain belt where half of the country's rain-fed grain is produced. Agriculture in Castilla y Leon has suffered severely from receiving only minimal rainfall this spring and summer. Dryness is also the reason for a 0.3-million-ton reduction in estimated United Kingdom wheat production, to 14.5 million tons. Denmark's estimated production was reduced by 0.4 million tons, to 4.7 million, due to a reduction in estimated area. Eastern Europe experienced unfavorable dryness in April and early May, followed by increased precipitation in the north during May and flooding in Poland during June. Farther south in the Balkans, drought has persisted from April through most of June in Romania, Bulgaria, and Hungary. Soaking rains finally arrived at the end of June but this was too late to benefit mature wheat in Romania and Bulgaria. Estimated wheat production for Romania has decreased every month since May due to persistent dryness, and currently stands at 5.5 million tons. (For more information, contact Bryan Purcell at 202-690-0138.)

Jul 10 2009 | EU Corn Production Remains Stable with Offsetting Changes
Estimated 2009/10 corn production for the EU-27 decreased 0.1 million tons from last month, to 56.4 million tons, while area increased by 0.1 million hectares to 8.7 million hectares. Yield is estimated at 6.48 tons per hectare, just shy of the five-year average. Within the EU-27, France's estimated corn crop was increased by 1.2 million tons, to 15.9 million, due to an 8-percent increase in estimated area. Meanwhile, Italian corn production was lowered 0.9 million tons to 8.7 million. Area was decreased by 0.05 million hectares to 0.96 million, the lowest level in ten years, due in part to heavy spring rains that delayed planting. Someof the fields that were set to be sown with corn were switched to other crops like soybeans, which could be planted later. In addition, there are reports of root worm attacks in areas of Italy's best farmland, the Po River Valley. Romania's corn crop was reduced by 0.5 million tons to 7.0 million, due to persistentspring and early-summer dryness. Widespread rainfall in the Balkans during late June improved prospects for summer crops, but additional rainfall is needed to replenish the region's soil-moisture reserves. (For more information, contact Bryan Purcell at 202-690-0138.)

Jun 10 2009 | Dryness in Central and Eastern Europe Lowers EU Wheat
European Union (EU-27) wheat production for 2009/10 is estimated at 136.0 million tons, down 2.3 million or 1.7 percent from last month and down 15.6 million or 10 percent from last year. Harvested area is estimated at 25.9 million hectares, up 0.05 million hectares from last month but down 1.1 million or 4 percent from last year. Yield is estimated at 5.26 tons per hectare (t/ha) against last month's 5.36 t/ha, and last year's near-record 5.63 t/ha. Central and eastern Europe experienced extensive dryness during April and May, lowering soil moisture levels and reducing yield potential. Poland, Hungary, Romania, and eastern Bulgaria were especially affected. Romania's notoriously variable output was reduced 1.4 million tons to 6.0 million, but remained above the five-year average of 5.5 million. Hungary received almost no rainfall during the critical growth months of April and May. Widespread showers finally arrived in late May, saving the crop from disaster. Hungary's forecasted crop was lowered 1.0 million from last month to 4.0 million tons. Poland, the largest wheat producer in Eastern Europe also suffered from late-spring dryness, resulting in a 0.4-million-ton reduction to a forecasted 8.7 million tons. France and Germany, the largest grain producing countries in Western Europe, continue making favorable progress with France's wheat crop raised 0.8 million tons because of favorable rainfall. Spain, where the EU's first harvesting operations have started, experienced a dramatic decrease in its grain crop this year. Last autumn's commodity and input prices discouraged farmers fromplanting on marginal lands, utilized during the previous campaign. In addition, little rain fell during the critical flowering stage in its grain belt region, the central-west province of Castilla Y Leon. (For more information, contact Bryan Purcell at 202-690-0138.)

May 19 2009 | World 2009/10 Crop Area and Production Forecasts
The initial USDA country-level area and production estimates for 2009/10 grains, oilseeds, andcotton are provided this month. In previous years, only the initial grain estimates were releasedin May, but this year estimates for oilseeds and cotton are provided as well.World wheat area for 2009/10 is estimated at 224 million hectares, down less than 1 percentfrom last year. International prices in September 2008, when many Northern Hemisphere wheatproducers were deciding if they would plant, had declined from a year earlier while prices forcorn and soybeans were stronger. Wheat production is forecast at 658 million metric tons, down25 million tons from 2008/09, when excellent growing conditions occurred in many of the majorproducers.World corn area is forecast at 156 million hectares for 2009/10, unchanged from the previousyear. Reports of farmers foregoing corn planting because of high input costs have been receivedfrom many countries. Corn area is not increasing even though corn prices were high relative towheat, and to a lesser extent soybean, during December to February when many farmers weremaking their corn planting decisions. Corn production is forecast virtually unchanged at 788million tons as corn planting in the Northern Hemisphere is underway.World soybean area is forecast at 99 million hectares up 2 million. Production is forecast at 242million tons, up 29 million from 2008/09. Much of the increase results from an expectation ofrecovery in Argentina and Brazil which suffered from extreme drought in major producing areas.World international soybean/corn price ratios from October through December favored corn, buthigher production costs have favored soybeans, which require fewer inputs. (For moreinformation, contact Paul Provance 202-720-0873.)

May 19 2009 | EU-27: Bumper Harvests Forecast for Wheat and Rapeseed
Weather conditions have been very favorable for both winter wheat and rapeseed, with no majorwinterkill episodes during the 2008-09 winter, allowing crops to emerge virtually unscathed.Europe's winter wheat and rapeseed crops are planted from late August through October and areharvested in July. In general, temperatures and rainfall has been beneficial across the continent.The most significant weather event to adversely affect autumn-sown crops was an excessivelywet autumn in western Europe. This pushed back the 2008/09 crop harvest into the fall plantingwindow for 2009/10 winter crops and hampered sowing operations. This was a significantproblem in the United Kingdom and, to a lesser extent, in France. It has been reported that someof the UK's winter crops were re-sown with lower-yielding spring crops, including wheat, rape,and barley. The effect of recent dry weather on winter crops in eastern Europe (Poland,Germany, Hungary) is difficult to determine at this time. While last year's record productionwill likely not be attained this season, a bumper crop is still expected.EU-27 wheat production for 2009/10 is forecast at 138.2 million tons, down 13.3 million or 9percent from last year. Harvested area is estimated at 25.8 million hectares, down 1.1 million or4 percent from last year, and yield at 5.36 tons per hectare against last year's near-record 5.63.Winter wheat accounts for the majority of wheat produced in the EU while spring varieties areconcentrated in the northern tier countries. Falling grain prices encouraged farmers to return tothe trend of increasing rapeseed area. Rapeseed is in direct competition with wheat in much ofEurope's crop calendar, so if one rises the other typically falls. Marginal lands, which were'seeded with wheat and other grains during the commodity boom in 2008/09, were left unplantedat the new, lower price levels.EU-27 rapeseed production for 2009/10 is forecasted at 19.1 million tons, up 0.1 million or 0.5percent from last year. Harvested area is estimated at 6.6 million hectares, up 0.3 million or 5percent from last year, and yield at 2.89 tons per hectare against last year's 3.03. Rapeseed is thedominant oilseed grown in the EU, far outpacing sunflower, soybeans, and cottonseed. Winterrapeseed accounts for the majority of the crop, with smaller amounts of spring rapeseedconcentrated in the northern tiers countries. During the autumn 2008 planting period, grainprices stabilized after their dramatic rise earlier in the year, lessening farmers' incentive to plantwheat and encouraging increased rapeseed area. Rapeseed is a vital component in the EU'sbiofuels policy, and observers expect that 2009/10 harvested rapeseed area will rise 5 percentfrom last season. (For more information, contact Bryan Purcell at 202-690-0138.)

Dec 11 2008 | European Union Corn: 2008/09 Crop Reaches Second Highest Production Level
The USDA estimates European Union (EU) corn production for 2008/09 at 60.9 million tons, up 1.4 million from last month and up 13.4 million or 28 percent than last year. Area is estimated at 8.8 million hectares, unchanged from last month but up 0.5 million or 5.4 percent from last year. Yield is estimated at 6.88 tons per hectare, compared to 6.72 tons per hectare last month and 5.66 tons per hectare last year. The 2008/09 harvest is the second highest on record (66.5 million tons in 2004/05). The December EU corn estimate increased because of larger-than-expected harvests in some of the major producing nations. Italian production was increased 0.5 million to 10.1 million tons because yields were especially high in the northeastern section of the country due to significant rainfall. The crop in France also increased 0.5 million tons to 15.5 million tons, as harvest results surpassed previous expectations. Hungary's already large crop was raised an additional 0.4 million tons to an estimated 8.8-million-ton bumper harvest. Beneficial rains and favorable temperatures were key to its successful season. (For more information, contact Bryan Purcell at 202-690-0138.)

Nov 10 2008 | EU Barley: Bumper Barley Crop for 2008/09
The EU's 2008/09 barley crop is estimated at 65.4 million tons, up 1.0 million or 2 percent fromlast month and up 7.6 million or 13 percent from last year. Area is estimated at 14.7 millionhectares, up 0.1 million from last month and 0.8 million from last year. Harvested area for2008/09 is estimated to be the highest since 1999/2000. Yield is estimated at 4.46 tons perhectare, second only to the record yield of 4.67 tons per hectare set in 2004/05, when the entirecontinent enjoyed nearly ideal growing conditions. This year, early-season drought likelydiminished spring barley yield in Germany and Poland, but overall beneficial weather enabledthe EU to attain exceptionally high yields this season. The EU countries with the largestindividual monthly production increases were Denmark, UK, Spain, Poland, and Austria. (Formore information, contact Bryan Purcell at 690-0138.)

Nov 10 2008 | EU Wheat: Record Production Increases
The USDA estimates the European Union (EU-27) wheat harvest for 2008/09 at 150.6 milliontons, up 3.4 million or 2 percent from last month and up 31.2 million or 26 percent from lastyear. Area is estimated at a record 26.8 million hectares, up 0.4 million from last month and 2.1million from last year, due to high grain prices at planting and the lifting of mandatory set-asidearea. Yield is estimated at 5.63 tons per hectare, just below the record set in 2004/05. Resultsfrom the 2008/09 harvest continue to increase over earlier expectations due to significant lateseasonrainfall. Quality concerns exist however, in the United Kingdom (UK) and Ireland,where heavy rains occurred during harvesting. Specifically, estimated wheat production was increased by 0.8 million tons in the UK (to 17.2million tons), 0.6 million in Poland (to 9.0 million tons), and 0.6 million in the Czech Republic(to 4.7 million). (For more information, contact Bryan Purcell at 690-0138.)

Sep 12 2008 | European Union Wheat: Record Area and Record Production
The USDA estimates European Union (EU) wheat production for 2008/09 at a record 147.2million tons, up 4.0 million or 3 percent from last month and up 27.8 million or 23 percent fromlast year. Area is estimated at a record 26.7 million hectares, boosted by the EU's decision to'suspend the set-aside requirement for 2008/09 and by the high market price of wheat at planting.Yield is forecast at 5.51 tons per hectare, compared to 4.83 tons per hectare last year and thefive-year average of 5.05 tons per hectare. Winter wheat in southeast Europe benefitted fromboth above-normal spring rainfall and dry harvest weather. A prolonged, wet harvest is nowcomplete in both France and Germany and output was higher than expected, particularly inGermany where dryness had been a serious concern. Poland's wheat crop also dodged adrought-related yield reduction. Currently, the areas of greatest uncertainty for wheat are theUnited Kingdom and Ireland, where persistent rainfall has delayed harvest and much of the cropremains uncut. Quality has declined in northern Europe and likely will continue droppingbecause of the wet weather that has soaked the region during harvest. (For more information,please contact Bryan Purcell at 202-690-0138.)

Aug 12 2008 | EU-27: Large Corn Crop Forecast Following Favorable Weather
Corn production in the European Union (EU-27) is forecast at 58.6 million tons, up 1.1 million or 2.0 percent from last month, and up 11.3 million from last year. Harvested area is forecast at 8.7 million hectares, down 0.1 million from last month, but up 0.4 million from last year. A combination of positive factors is expected to result in a bumper corn crop this season, with yield estimated at 6.73 tons per hectare, third highest on record. Grain prices were near record highs at planting. The EU's Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) was modified late last year to eliminate the mandatory 10-percent set-aside requirement in 2008/09, increasing allowable grain area. Furthermore, spring and summer weather has been very favorable across almost the entire continent, in sharp contrast to last year when high temperatures and severe dryness greatly reduced yields. This season's rainfall totals have been adequate to above-average in almost all regions. The only notable exceptions this season were winter drought in Spain, which ended with heavy spring rainfall recharging reservoirs, and April and May dryness in eastern Germany and western Poland. Large production increases are forecast for southeastern Europe after one of the lowest harvests on record last year. Corn is not irrigated in this region and yields are highly variable. Hungary is estimated to produce 8.4 million tons, up 4.4 million from last year, and 25 percent above the five-year average. Romania's crop is forecast at 8.2 million tons, up 4.3 million from last year. Bulgaria's corn production is forecast at 1.4 million, 18 percent above average and nearly 350 percent above last year's crop. In irrigated western Europe, France's 2008/09 crop is estimated at 14.0 million tons (against 14.3 million last year), Italy's output is forecast at 10.0 (9.5) million, Germany is expected to produce 4.3 (3.8) million, and Spain is forecast to produce 3.4 (3.5) million. (For more information, contact Bryan Purcell at 202-690-0138.)

Aug 12 2008 | EU-27: Bumper Wheat Crop Being Harvested In Europe
Wheat production in the European Union (EU-27) is estimated at 143.2 million tons, up 1.5 million or 1 percent from last month, and up 23.9 million or 20 percent from last year. Harvested area is estimated at 26.6 million hectares, unchanged from last month, but up 8 percent from last year. This year's wheat crop, currently in the final stages of harvesting, is estimated to be second only to the 2004/05 record harvest of 146.9 million tons. High prices and the elimination of the set-aside restriction for 2008/09 encouraged producers to increase wheat area. Meanwhile, above-average precipitation throughout the growing season maintained high soil moisture levels and contributed to high yields. The biggest year-to-year increases in production are being achieved in southeastern Europe, where precipitation has been very favorable. Hungary's 2008/09 crop is estimated at 5.2 million tons (4.0 last year), Romania's is estimated at 7.0 (3.0) million, and Bulgaria's is estimated at 3.7 (2.3) million. Heavy summer rains in some areas of northern and central Europe, however, have delayed harvest and reduced quality. (For more information, contact Bryan Purcell at 202-690-0138.)

Jul 11 2008 | EU-27: Estimated Wheat Production Up Nearly 20 Percent from Last Year
The USDA estimates the 2008/09 European Union (EU-27) wheat crop at 141.7 million tons, 1.7million or 1 percent above last month and 22.2 million or 19 percent above last year. Harvestedarea is estimated at 26.6 million hectares, unchanged from last month and 1.9 million or 8percent above last year. Yield is estimated at 5.33 tons/ha, second only to the 2004/05 crop. Acombination of factors has boosted potential wheat output this season. Prices were at recordhighs at planting time. Following two consecutive disappointing harvests, the EU's CommonAgricultural Policy (CAP) was modified to eliminate its mandatory 10-percent set-asiderequirement for area in 2008/09. Finally, weather in Europe has been generally favorable inmost growing regions since autumn planting, with the exception of persistent late-spring drynessin eastern Germany and western Poland. Despite the dryness, however, local officials suggestthat winter precipitation was adequate for winter-crop development, and timely July rainfallbenefited wheat in the grain-fill stage. The more pressing concern in this region, according toofficials, is potential damage to spring-planted crops. (For additional information, contactBryan Purcell at 202-690-0138.)

Jun 10 2008 | European Union: Rapeseed Record Production Expected From Increased Yield
The European Union (EU-27), the world's largest rapeseed producer, is forecast to harvest arecord 19.0 million tons in 2008/09. This represents a 0.7 million ton increase from last year,due to yield recovery. The 2007/08 harvest was reduced by heavy rainfall at harvest. Still, thelow 2007/08 yield (2.79 tons per hectare) resulted in a record 18.3 million tons from 6.6 millionhectares. USDA forecasts the biggest producers for 2008/09 to be Germany at 5.3 million tons(5.3 million last year), France at 4.7 (4.6) million, the United Kingdom at 2.2 (2.1) million,Poland at 2.2 (2.1) million, and the Czech Republic at 1.0 (1.0) million. In 2008/09, area isforecast to drop by 0.2 million hectares to 6.4 million. The dip in area represents the firstlowering of rapeseed area since 2003/04. A combination of factors have contributed to thereduction, including increased grain prices, increased taxes on biodiesel in Germany, and theelimination of 2008/09 set-aside area, which allowed crops other than just industrial oilseeds tobe planted on this reserved area. Weather has been very favorable for plant growth, including amild winter with practically no winterkill damage to the predominantly autumn-planted crop.Recently, however, developing dryness in western Poland and eastern Germany (prime rapeseedareas) could prove unfavorable to the crop if precipitation does not return in the next few weeks.The crop is typically harvested in July. (For more information, contact Bryan Purcell at 202-690-0138.)

May 9 2008 | Romania Corn Production Recovery Expected
USDA forecasts Romanian corn production to recover from the drought-reduced harvest of 2007/08. Output for 2008/09 is forecast at 8.0 million tons, up 4.1 million tons or 104 percent from last year. Area is estimated at 2.7 million hectares, up 0.1 million hectares or 5 percent. Because of the favorable weather so far this season, yield is expected to return to an average level of 3.0 tons per hectare, nearly twice last year's level. Corn is currently being planted, and final area will hinge in part on the current high prices for fertilizer and the high return for sunflowers this season, which may encourage farmers to substitute sunflowers for corn. (For more information, contact Bryan Purcell at 202-690-0138.)

May 9 2008 | European Union (EU-27) Wheat Poised for Large Bounce
USDA forecasts the 2008/09 European Union (EU-27) wheat crop at 140.0 million tons, 20.5 million or 17 percent above last year's harvest and 10 percent above the five-year average. Harvested area is estimated at 26.6 million hectares, 1.9 million or 8 percent above last year and 6 percent above the 5-year average. Yield is estimated at 5.27 tons/ha, second only to the 2004/05 crop.A combination of factors are expected to give rise to a bumper wheat crop this season. Wheat prices were at record highs at planting, encouraging crop rotations toward wheat. In addition, after two consecutive disappointing harvests, the EU's Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) was modified to eliminate its mandatory 10 percent set-aside requirement for area in 2008/09. This should result in significantly more wheat area, albeit on producers' most marginal land. Finally, weather in Europe has been nearly ideal since autumn planting.Across nearly the entire continent, precipitation has been favorable since fall planting. Rainfall has ranged from adequate in the Balkans to above-average in the north. Spain has been the exception, running a large deficit until spring. Beneficial heavy rains fell in March, alleviating some of the drought effects, but yield reductions likely had already occurred.Large production increases are forecast in both western Europe, where untimely rains reduced 2007/08 output, and in southeastern Europe, where the crop is expected to rebound from last year when drought and excessive heat resulted in one of the poorest harvests on record. France is forecast to increase 2008/09 wheat production by 16 percent to 38.0 million tons, based on an expected 5 percent increase in area and an estimated 12 percent increase in yield over last year's low 6.22 tons per hectare. German production is expected to increase 14 percent to 23.9 million tons, with a 6 percent increase in area and an 8 percent increase in yield. Hungary is estimated to see a 23-percent production increase to 4.9 million tons. Production in Romania is forecast to increase by 102 percent to 5.8 million, and in Bulgaria by 55 percent to 3.5 million tons. (For more information, contact Bryan Purcell at 202-690-0138.)

May 9 2008 | World Wheat Production Forecast Dramatically Higher
Despite a drought which has devastated the Middle Eastern winter wheat crop, the USDA's initial estimate for world total wheat production for 2008/09 is dramatically higher than the estimate for last year. It is forecast at 656 million tons, up 8 percent from 2007/08. Estimated area is up 3 percent at 225 million hectares and average yield is forecast up 5 percent at 2.92 tons per hectare. Large increases in production are forecast for the European Union, the United States, Ukraine, and Australia. (For more information, contact Paul Provance at 202-720-0873.)

Jan 11 2008 | EU Wheat Estimate Reduced Based on Harvest Results
The USDA estimates European Union (EU-27) 2007/08 wheat production at 119.8 million tons, down 0.7 million from last month and down 5.0 million from last year. This marks the fourth consecutive year of decreased production since the 146.9 million ton record crop in 2004/05. The decline in output is attributed chiefly to unfavorable weather and lower planted area for wheat due to increased rapeseed area. Area for 2007/08 is estimated at 24.8 million tons, unchanged from last month but up 0.3 million from last year. This season's aggregate EU wheat yield is estimated at 4.83 tons per hectare, below the 5.09 ton- per- hectare EU average. Yields vary greatly across the EU, with 2007/08 estimates ranging from over 7 tons per hectare in Western Europe to 1.6 tons per hectare in drought-afflicted Eastern Europe. Based on recent harvest data, the USDA reduced estimated 2007/08 wheat production by 0.25 million tons in Denmark, 0.2 million in Poland, and 0.1 million each in France, Netherlands, and Sweden. The reductions were attributed to heavy rains during harvest in northwest Europe. In addition, estimated yields for Poland mixed grains were increased based on data from the state statistical office. Mixed grains (including triticale) are estimated at 8.4 million tons, up 0.7 million tons from last month. Favorable spring warmth and mid-season rains bolstered the record crop. Since much of Poland is comprised of poor, low-lying, sandy soils, a large portion of its farmland is seeded with mixed grains and other hardy grasses. Poland is the largest grower of mixed grains in the EU-27, which produced an estimated 13.5 million tons this season. (For more information, call Bryan Purcell at 202-690-0138.)

Oct 12 2007 | European Union Wheat: Production Lowered by 1.1 Million Tons
The USDA has lowered its estimated 2007/08 European Union (EU) wheat crop this month by1.1 million tons to 120.8 million, 4.0 million below last years unusually low crop. The drop inproduction this year is attributed to unfavorable weather. In northern Europe, a very dry springwas followed by an excessively wet harvest. Southeast Europe suffered from a severe drought,exacerbated by record high temperatures. Overall EU wheat yields are now estimated at 4.89tons per hectare, the lowest since a continent-wide drought affected the 2003/04 season and yieldfell to 4.55 tons per hectare. Area is estimated at 24.7 million hectares, down 0.2 million fromlast month and 0.7 million below the 5-year average.Much of this months EU reduction is attributed to weather-related losses in France, as indicatedby recent harvest data released by the government. French wheat production for 2007/08 isestimated at 33.6 million tons, down 1.2 million from last month. Meanwhile, Polands harvestwas larger than expected, up 400,000 tons from last month to 8.6 million. The UnitedKingdoms crop was damaged by excessive rains earlier in the season, resulting in a 350,000 tondrop in estimated production to 13.8 million tons. (For more information, contact Bryan Purcell202-690-0138.)

Sep 13 2007 | European Union Barley: Production Drops 1.2 Million Tons Further
Barley production has experienced similar problems as the wheat crop and estimated productionhas been revised downward to reflect poor end-of-season weather over much of continent. TheEuropean Unions 2007/08 barley crop was estimated at 57.3 million tons, down 1.2 millionfrom last month but up 1.2 million from last season.

Sep 13 2007 | European Union Wheat: Production Lowest Since 2003/04
Wheat production in the European Union (EU) was reduced this month as harvest statistics nowreveal a crop dropping below last seasons total. Estimated 2007/08 wheat production waslowered 3.1 million tons from last month to 121.8 million tons. This represents the smallest crop'since the 2003/04 drought season (110.6 million tons). Harvest problems continued in Augustfor many large producers in northern Europe, including the United Kingdom and Germany, asrains continued to delay the harvest and cause the crop to deteriorate.

Sep 13 2007 | Southeast Europe Corn: Record Low Production in 2007/08
The EU corn production estimate was lowered this month as conditions continued to deterioratein Southeast Europe. EU corn production and area were lowered a total of 1.5 million tons and400,000 hectares as dry, hot conditions devastated the crop. Recent rainfall arrived too late toimprove crop conditions. Total EU corn production is estimated at 46.9 million tons, comparedto last years 55.2 million and the five-year average of 57.7 million.

Aug 13 2007 | European Union: Record Rapeseed Production Forecast Despite
The USDA forecasts the 2007/08 European Union (EU-27) rapeseed crop at a record 17.2million tons, down 1.1 million tons or 6 percent from last month, but up 8 percent or 1.2 milliontons from last years record production. Yield is forecast at 2.75 tons per hectare, down fromlast months estimated 2.93 tons per hectares, and down from last years 2.98 tons per hectare.The estimated yield is the lowest since the 2003/04 drought. Harvested area is forecast toincrease for the fourth consecutive year to a record 6.2 million hectares. The traditionalrapeseed-producing countries lie in northern Europe, and all have increased rapeseed area for2007/08. The crop is primarily autumn-sown.

Aug 13 2007 | European Union Sunflowerseed: Drought in Southeastern EU Reduces Yield
Estimated production of sunflowerseed, another important summer crop grown in the Balkans,was reduced by 1.0 million tons from last month to a record low 4.7 million. The 2007/08 EU-27 sunseed yield is estimated at 1.31 tons per hectare, the lowest in over 10 years, because ofthe extreme heat and severe dryness in southeast Europe. The sharpest yield reductions were inRomania and Bulgaria. (For additional information, contact Bryan Purcell at 202-690-0138.)

Aug 13 2007 | European Union: Estimated Corn Yield Lowest Since 2003 Drought
The USDA forecasts 2007/08 European Union (EU-27) corn production at 48.4 million tons,6.8 million below lastmonths estimate and9.2 million below thefive-year average.Harvested area isforecast at 8.4 millionhectares, 0.2 millionbelow last month and0.3 million below lastyear. Yield isestimated at 5.76 tonsper hectare, thelowest projection'since the damagingheat and dryness ofthe 2003/04 season.Severe drought andextremely high temperatures prevailed in southern and central areas of the European continentduring spring and summer, resulting in large significant soil-moisture deficits. Europe recordedone of its warmest springs in history, followed by record-setting heat during June and July. Thedryness hampered corn planting, and the heat greatly accelerated plant development.

May 14 2007 | EU-27: Drought and Spring Freeze Reduce Wheat Production Prospects
The USDA forecasts the 2007/08 European Union (EU-27) wheat crop at 127.3 million tons,2.5 million above last years drought-reduced crop, but 2.1 million below the five-year average.Harvested area is estimated at 24.9 million hectares, up 0.4 million from last year. Yield isforecast at 5.11 tons per hectare, essentially matching both last year and the five-year averagebut well below the record 5.65 tons-per-hectare yield of 2004/05.

Feb 26 2007 | Poland: Wheat and Corn Production Falls Further
Estimated production for Polands 2006/07 wheat and corn crops was lowered based on officialgovernment statistics. Harvest results indicate that dryness and high temperatures during late'spring and summer, followed by wet harvest weather, contributed to the reduced output. The2006/07 wheat crop is estimated at 7.1 million tons, down 0.7 million or 9 percent from lastmonth, and down 1.7 million or 19 percent from last year. Area is estimated at 2.2 millionhectares, down 0.1 million from last month but similar to 2005/06. Yield is estimated at 3.23tons per hectare, the lowest since 2000/01.Corn production for the 2006/07 season is estimated at 1.2 million tons, down 0.5 million or 29percent from last month, and down 0.7 million or 38 percent below last year. Area is estimatedto be 0.3 million hectares, down 9 percent from last month and 10 percent from last year. Yieldis estimated at 4.0 tons per hectare, the lowest in over ten years. (For more information, contactBryan Purcell, 202-690-0138).

Dec 12 2006 | Croatia: Corn Production Drops Dramaticall
Croatia corn area in 2006/07 is estimated lower by 100,000 hectares to 300,000 in response to new information reported by the Croatian Bureau of Statistics. The estimated 2006/07 corn production for this non-EU country was also reduced to 1.8 million tons to reflect the change in harvested area. The production decrease represents a 550,000 ton drop from last month. As a result of this year's expected shortfall for meeting domestic consumption, the Agricultural Ministry imposed a 25 percent export duty on corn until March 15, 2007. Furthermore, the government may also reduce or lift the import duty, an action which can only be taken during times of shortages. (For more information, contact Bryan Purcell at 202-690-0138

Sep 12 2006 | Heat and Dryness Strain Italy's Corn Crop
USDA estimates the 2006/07 Italian corn crop at 9.5 million tons, a 1.5 million ton reduction from last month. This year's production is estimated to be 0.3 million tons below last year's drought-reduced crop and 1.5 million tons below the 2004/05 record crop. Harvested area, down 50,000 hectares from last month, is estimated to be 50,000 hectares above last year but 100,000 hectares below the 2004/05 crop. Yield is forecast at 8.64 tons per hectare, well below last year's 9.33 tons per hectare and also below the 5-year average of 9.01 tons per hectare. Italy is typically the European Union's second largest corn producer (after France), with an average contribution of 21- percent of the total.Dryness re-occurred in Italy for the second straight year. This year, rainfall patterns and amounts have been very similar to last season. During both years, adequate, early season moisture tapered off during the beginning of May, and significant rains didn't begin again until August. Last year's yields dropped to a "low" 9.33 tons per hectare. The period from May through July was also accompanied by much above-average temperatures, intensifying soil dryness, stressing vegetation, and increasing demands on limited irrigation supplies.During 2006, cumulative seasonal precipitation in northern Italy's agricultural triangle is two-thirds of normal. Italy's corn crop is primarily (85-90 percent) concentrated in the Po River Valley watershed, in the country's north. Specifically, crops are most intensively irrigated on the north side of the Po River, because the more reliable sources of water are located in the Alps; hence, its tributaries drain from the north of Italy. The land on the southern bank of the Po River is crossed by less reliable and more torrential streams, originating in the lower and drier Apennine Mountains. Irrigation activities throughout Italy must vie for water that is also in high demand by the country's hydroelectric facilities.The remainder of the crop is more rain-fed and dispersed throughout peninsular, central Italy and to a lesser extent in the country's south and on the Italian islands. Because of the extended periods of dryness in recent years, sunflower has been planted in lieu of corn in dry land areas of central Italy. Soybean crops, of relatively minor importance in Italy, compete with corn in the Po Valley. Farms in the Po Valley are very small, with fields averaging 10- 25 hectares, and with the largest averaging about 40-60 hectares. (For more information, contact Bryan Purcell, 202-690-0138.)

Aug 11 2006 | EU-25: Excessive Heat Reduces Wheat Forecast in Germany and France
The USDA estimates EU-25 wheat production for 2006/07 at 119.4 million tons, down 6.8 million or 5 percent from last month and down 3.4 million or 3 percent from last year. Area is estimated at 22.7 million hectares, down 0.2 million or 1 percent from last month but up 0.2 million or 1 percent from last year. Heat and dryness during grain-fill stage has significantly reduced wheat production prospects in Germany and, to a lesser extent, France. The two countries together account for roughly 50 percent of EU wheat production. Although excessive heat prevailed in both countries throughout July, the wheat crop in France was already approaching maturity and damage was less severe than in Germany. Wheat production in France for 2006/07 is estimated at 36.5 million tons, down 6 percent from last month and down 1 percent from last year. By the first week of August, wheat harvest was nearly complete. In Germany, wheat production is forecast to drop by 14 percent from last month and by 11 percent from last year, to 21.0 million tons. Wheat harvest is in full swing in Germany, with producers reporting low test weights and a higher-than-normal percentage of shriveled kernels due to the hot conditions during grain fill. (For more information, contact Mark Lindeman at 202-690-0143.)

Jun 9 2006 | European Union Corn Output Forecast Lower Due To Southwest Dryness
Total 2006/07 corn production in the European Union (EU) is estimated at 48.7 million tons, down 1.3 million tons from USDA's initial estimate last month, but up 400,000 tons from last year. Area is estimated to be 6.0 million hectares, down 100,000 from last month, but up 100,000 from last year. Now that the delayed plantings have been completed, adjustments within individual EU member states were made to reflect new information collected. A large drop in area sown to corn (1.6 million hectares with little change in yield) brought France's estimated production down 1.6 million tons to 14.0 million. While France's 2006/07 corn crop remains above the drought-stricken 2005/06 crop, a dry spring convinced many farmers to plant sunflowers, which are more tolerant to dryness than corn. While precipitation in Spain greatly improved during the winter months, reservoir levels remained below normal and fears of water restrictions enticed Spanish farmers to avoid planting corn. Spain's 2006/07 crop is estimated at 3.6 million tons from an area of 380,000 hectares. This is 900,000 tons below the May estimate, and almost 750,000 tons below the 5-year average. While yields are expected to recover from last season, Spain's harvested area is estimated to be down 20 percent from last year. Conversely, there has been excessive spring precipitation in the Balkan countries and northward into the EU member state of Hungary. The wet spring followed a long, cold winter, which together, significantly delayed spring planting and crop development. The result forced farmers to sow more area to corn. Hungary's corn crop is now estimated at 7.0 million tons, up 700,000 from last month, but down 2.0 million from last year. Hungary area is estimated at 1.2 million hectares, similar to last year. Finally, Italy is also expecting a larger corn crop this season, primarily due to a change in the EU's sugar (beet) subsidy program, that is likely to reduce area sown to that crop. This policy, along with continued good weather, is expected to produce a crop of 11.0 million tons, almost 500,000 tons greater than last month. Area is estimated at 1.2 million hectares, up 30,000 from last month and up 100,000 from last year. (For more information, contact Bryan Purcell, 202-690-0138).

May 12 2006 | Northern Hemisphere Wheat Prospects
The European Union's (EU-25) wheat crop is forecast to rebound from last year's below-average harvest of 122.6 million tons, to 125.5 million. Yield is also forecast to rise slightly from last year, to an above-average 5.48 tons per hectare. Area is forecast at 22.9 million hectares, up from last year's 22.5 million. The most noticeable year-to-year change is the much-improved outlook for southwestern Europe. Spain, Portugal, and southern France received above-average precipitation this season, greatly enhancing their yield potential above last year's drought reduced season. Overall, winter was much colder than average in the European Union, but snowcover provided adequate protection for most of the region's autumn-sown crops during dormancy. However, some of the cold events, particularly in the Baltics, eastern Germany, and Hungary, occurred when conditions were possibly conducive to winterkill (very low temperatures and little snowcover). Another potentially limiting factor for the European Union yield prospect for the 2006/07 season is the fall dryness. Areas of northeast Europe, including areas in and around Poland, experienced very dry weather last fall, creating poor soil conditions for planting. Establishment and germination conditions in these areas were likely below average. In addition, the spring "green-up" period began later than normal as lingering snowcover and cold temperatures delayed field work and plant activity. On average, crops are behind normal development by about two weeks. The European Union's largest wheat producer, France, is forecast to produce 39.0 million tons (36.9 million last year). Germany is forecast to produce 23.5 million tons (23.9 million) while Poland's production is forecast to drop to 8.3 million (8.8 million). Hungary's production is also forecast to drop to 4.4 million tons (5.1 million). Spain's much improved wheat crop is forecast at 6.1 million tons, compared to last year's 3.5 million. (For more information, contact Bryan Purcell at 202-690-0138.)The aggregate wheat production for the Balkans (Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia and Montenegro, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia, and Albania) is forecast to drop from last year's above-average 12.3 million ton crop to 10.2 million tons this season. These southeast European countries have experienced two consecutive bumper crops, bolstered by favorable weather. Last year's crop was down from the record 2004/05 crop of 14.5 million tons, but above the average 11.5 million. Aggregate 2006/07 area is estimated to be down 200,000 hectares from last year, and yield is also estimated to decrease, to 2.66 tons per hectare. This is below last year's yield of 3.02 tons per hectare and the 5-year average. Typically, Romania, Bulgaria, and Serbia produce over 85 percent of the Balkan wheat crop, with Romania alone producing over 42 percent . The winter wheat crop in the Balkans (the crop is almost exclusively winter variety) has already experienced a number of severe weather incidents that has likely reduced yield potential. Last autumn, the winter wheat crop was planted late because the 2005/06 summer crops of corn and sunflower remained in the fields well into fall due to heavy rains. Some of the intended winter wheat area likely did not get planted and a portion of some that did likely lacked proper emergence and germination time before winter dormancy began. The 2005-2006 winter was rather severe, with very low temperatures. While much of the area's cropland was insulated by snowcover, some areas, especially in Romania, saw possible winterkill conditions. In addition, spring had a late arrival, delaying crop growth and field work. More recently, an extended pattern of heavy, widespread precipitation has inundated the area with rainfall, sending rivers over their banks, flooding fields, and further preventing and delaying field activities. Romania is forecast to produce 4.3 million tons (5.9 million) from 1.9 million hectares (2.1 million); Serbia is estimated to produce 1.8 million tons (2.0 million) from 550,000 hectares (540,000); and Bulgaria is estimated to produce 2.6 million tons (3.1 million) from 900,000 hectares (1.0 million). (For more information, contact Bryan Purcell at 202-690-0138.)

Mar 10 2006 | Romania Corn: Higher Precipitation Brings Higher Yield
Romania's corn production for 2005/06 is estimated at 10.3 million tons, up 1.3 million from last month, but down 1.7 million from last year's 12-million-ton crop. Area is estimated at 3 million hectares, unchanged from last month and from last year. The estimated yield of 3.43 tons per hectare is up 14 percent from last month, but down 14 percent from last year. This year's yield is well above the 5-year average of 2.74 tons per hectare. A cool, rainy summer and early fall delayed the 2005/06 summer crop harvest. Initially, there were concerns about excessive precipitation damaging the corn and sunflower crops and delaying the harvest. While it indeed delayed the harvest, the rains slowed during October, allowing fields to dry and harvest activities to resume. Now, industry and government sources believe the crop is larger because the high precipitation totals enhanced yields. (For more information, contact Bryan Purcell at 202-690-0138.)

Mar 10 2006 | Foreign Corn: Smaller Crops for Major Competitors in 2005/06
Foreign corn production in 2005/06 is estimated at 401.6 million tons, similar to last month, but down by 7.5 million from last year due to reduced production from major countries/regions such as European Union (EU), Argentina, and South Africa. For 2005/06, EU output decreased by 5.3 million tons to a total of 48.2 million, due to lower area and drought-reduced yields in France--largest producer in the EU. In Argentina and South Africa, below-average crops of 15.5 million tons and 7.5 million are expected this year, 5 million and 4 million lower than last year's record crops, respectively. The drop in Argentina's crop is due to lower area and unfavorable growing conditions, while in South Africa it is due entirely to lower area. The decrease in area in South Africa is attributable to lower prices, higher stocks, and reduced credit from banks and cooperatives. For this month, increases for India and Romania were almost completely offset by smaller crops in Brazil and Mexico. Larger harvested area in India and higher yields due to better weather in both India and Romania have been major contributors to the increase in production. (For more information, contact Michelle Greenberg at 202-720-7339.)

Feb 8 2006 | Serbia - Montenegro and Croatia Corn: Summer Rains Produce Record Crops
The Balkan region harvested a very large corn crop in 2005/06 as plentiful rainfall boosted the summer crop's yield to record levels in many countries. The combined factors of an above-average rainfall during the summer growth stage and a dry milder fall harvesting period, resulted in above-average to record yields in these countries. Serbia and Montenegro, one of the largest non-EU corn producing countries in Europe, is estimated to have harvested 7.0 million tons of corn in 2005/06, up 0.7 million from both last month's estimate and last year. Area is estimated at 1.2 million hectares, down slightly from last month, but remaining on par with last year's 1.2 million. Yield is estimated at a record 5.74 tons per hectare, up 14 percent from last month and 10 percent from last year. Corn production in Croatia is estimated at a record 2.5 million tons, up 0.5 million from last month and up 0.3 million from last year. Harvested area is estimated at 0.4 million hectares, unchanged from both last month and last year. Yield is estimated at a record 6.25 tons per hectare, up 25 percent from last month and 14 percent from last year. (For more information, contact Bryan Purcell at 202-690-0138.)

Jan 1 2006 | European Union Mixed Grain: Crop Revised Upwards
Mixed grain production in the EU for 2005/06 is estimated at 14.7 million tons, up 0.6 million from last month, but down 1.6 million from last season's banner year. Area is estimated at 4.1 million hectares. Mixed grain in the EU is chiefly triticale, grown in Poland, Germany, and France. Poland is Europe's largest producer of mixed grains. Its estimated 2005/06 crop is 7.8 million tons, up 1.2 million from last month, but down 0.3 million from last year. The most recent statistics released by GUS, the Polish Statistics Office, concluded that the dry conditions during summer did not reduce production levels as earlier expected. In addition, estimated harvested area in Poland was raised 0.2 million hectares from last month. Germany's estimated production of 2.8 million tons of mixed grain is down 0.5 million from last month, and down 0.7 million from last year. Meanwhile, France's estimated mixed grain production is 2.2 million tons, unchanged from last month, but down 0.1 million from last year. (For more information, contact Bryan Purcell at 202-690-0138.)

Jan 1 2006 | European Union Corn: Production Estimated Higher
EU 2005/06 corn production is estimated at 47.5 million tons from 5.9 million hectares. This represents an 0.5-million ton increase from last month, but a 5.9-million ton decrease from last year's record harvest. Specifically, the estimate for Spain's corn production was raised 0.4 million tons from last month, to 3.9 million. This was in response to reports indicating that damage to corn by the season-long drought is lower than expected. Because much of the crop is irrigated, corn likely escaped the drought unharmed. Reservoir levels never fell much below half capacity. In addition to the change in Spain's estimate, production was raised by 0.03 million tons in the Czech Republic, to 0.6 million, and by 0.1 million in France, to 13.3 million. The revisions are based on the latest harvest data. (For more information, contact Bryan Purcell at 202-690-0138.)

Nov 1 2005 | European Union: Corn Production Revised Upward
The 2005/06 European Union (EU) corn production is estimated at 46.9 million tons, up 1.1 million tons from last month, but down 6.4 million tons from last season's record crop, and lower than the 5-year average. Area remains unchanged at 5.9 million hectares from last month, but down 7 percent from last year and 2 percent from the 5-year average. The overall yields rose from 7.77 tons per hectare to 7.92 tons per hectare since last year. The revised estimate is largely attributed to new harvest results, which suggest better than expected crops in the central and eastern countries. Month-to-month production increases were recorded for the following: Italy by 400,000 tons; Spain by 300,000; Hungary by 200,000; Slovakia by 100,000; and; Czech Republic by 75,000 tons. France's estimated 2005/06 corn production is 13.2 million tons, 3.2 million tons below last year's output, while Spain is estimated to be down 1.3 million tons from last year. (For more information, contact Bryan Purcell at 202-690-0138.)

Oct 1 2005 | European Union: Corn Production Lowest Since 2003 Drought Year
European Union (EU) corn production for 2005/06 is estimated at 45.9 million tons, down 3.7 percent from last month and down 14.0 percent from last year. Area remained virtually unchanged at 5.9 million hectares, slightly below the 6.0-million-ton five-year average, but well below last seasons 6.4 million hectares. Yield is estimated at 7.77 tons per hectare (8.36 tons per hectare last year, 7.85 tons per hectare is the average), the lowest since drought ravaged the continent in 2003. Austrias production was lowered 200,000 tons to 1.5 million tons. The Czech Republics crop was lowered 125,000 tons, largely due to an area reduction. More significantly, June dryness caused a 400,000-ton drop in Polands corn estimate. France, the EUs largest corn producer, is estimated to harvest 13.2 million tons, down 300,000 from last months estimate. Italys crop was reduced 200,000 tons to 9.4 million tons, while Germanys crop estimate was adjusted down, 100,000 tons to 4.0 million tons. New numbers in Greece drew down its production estimate by 450,000 tons. The EUs third largest corn producer, Hungary, has seen its corn estimate bolstered by late season rainfall. Hungarys corn production remains on track and unchanged from last month, at a record 8.5 million tons, 4 percent higher than last years 8.2-million-ton record harvest. (For more information, contact Bryan Purcell at 202-690-0138)

Oct 1 2005 | European Union: Harvest Results Drop Wheat Production 1.8 Million Tons
The European Union (EU) is estimated to produce 121.7 million tons of wheat from 22.7 million hectares. EU wheat production is estimated down 2 percent from last month, 11 percent from last year, but on par with the five-year average. Area was revised down by 150,000 hectares from last month. The net result is an overall wheat yield of 5.36 tons per hectare, compared to last year's record 5.88 tons per hectare and the 5.32 tons per hectare five-year-average. October estimates were revised downward, largely in response to collected harvest results that have been recently released. Specifically, the United Kingdom's (UK) wheat harvest was lowered 500,000 tons due to lower planted area. France's production estimate was lowered 1.0 million tons as new information suggests unusually high temperatures during June had impacted the crop more than expected. In addition, France's problem was compounded by concurrent dryness. Poland's wheat estimate was reduced 400,000 tons from last month to 8.6 million tons. Yields for wheat, Poland's largest crop, fell because of a short-but critical-dry spell that occurred during June. Crops suffered most in the rainfall deficit areas, concentrated in the center and northern sections of the country. Other revised estimates included Austria at 1.4 million tons (down 100,000 tons), while Lithuania's production increased 200,000 tons to 1.4 million tons. (For more information, contact Bryan Purcell at 202-690-0138)

Aug 1 2005 | European Union: Wheat And Barley Crops Drop Due to Dryness
The 2005/06 European Union (EU) wheat crop is estimated at 125.5 million tons, down 2 percent from last month and down 8 percent from last years record crop. Harvested area is estimated at 22.9 million hectares, down 2 percent from last season, but up 0.1 million hectares from last month. Yield is forecast at 5.49 tons per hectare, far below last years record of 5.88. Dryness has reduced yields in all three of western EUs major, wheat-producing nations this month. Frances wheat crop is now estimated at 38.8 million tons, down 2 percent from last month and last years record crop. The UKs wheat crop is estimated down 3 percent from last month, but remains 3 percent above the 5-year average. Germanys wheat crop is estimated at 24.8 million tons, down 0.2 million from last month; however, it is 10 percent above the 5-year average. Dry weather during July reduced the crop potential in Poland, the largest wheat producer of the New Member States. Initially, prolonged dryness was prevalent in Poland during spring, but increased rainfall arrived in early summer. However, during the critical flowering period in July, some areas in Poland received almost no precipitation. Crops in these localized areas are reported to have suffered large yield losses and the total crop was reduced 0.3 million tons from last month. A season-long drought has been entrenched in Spain and Portugal since fall. The largely non-irrigated winter grain crops of wheat and barley have taken the biggest losses from lack of moisture. In addition, hot, above-average summer temperatures have exacerbated moisture losses. Spains wheat crop estimate was reduced 0.2 million tons this month to 3.5 million. Total EU barley production is estimated at 52.3 million tons, down 1.5 million tons from last month and down 15 percent from last years record crop. Reductions are primarily the result of dryness in western and southern Europe, as well as in Poland. Spain, Portugal, and Poland have all had barley harvest estimates reduced by over 20 percent compared to their 5-year averages. (For more information, contact Bryan Purcell at 202-690-0138.)

Jul 1 2005 | European Union: Larger Wheat Crops In The New Member States Boosts EU Output in 2005/06
The 2005/06 European Union (EU) wheat crop is estimated at 127.8 million tons, 6.5 percent below last year's record crop. Harvested area is estimated at 22.8 million hectares, unchanged from last month and down 2 percent from last season. Yield is forecast at 5.62 tons per hectare, 5 percent above the 5-year average, but below last year's record yield of 5.88 tons per hectare, which was attained by nearly ideal weather across the continent. For a second straight year, the overall EU wheat crop is expected to be quite large, but it will remain significantly below last year's record harvest. A combination of weather-related factors was in-play this season, influencing the wheat crop differently in separate regions of the 25 member-nation block. Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic benefited, while members of the EU-15 struggled with the weather. Crops in Spain and Portugal this season have suffered the devastating effects of a drought that has been entrenched since the Fall. Their largely non-irrigated winter grain crops of wheat and barley have taken the biggest losses due to the lack of rain. In addition, hot, above-average, summer temperatures have only exacerbated moisture losses. In general, the EU wheat crop wintered well with minimal winterkill - protective snowfall was present during the coldest outbreaks, insulating dormant vegetation. Spring arrived late, however, pushing back re-emergence and delaying crop development by a couple weeks. In addition, freeze damage was reported in Germany during an unusually cool April and May. Temperatures rose to above-average levels during June, causing heat worries in Spain and France, but on the positive side, quickening the already-delayed crop development. Much of northern Europe experienced a very dry winter, triggering moisture concerns, as well as some water-rationing measures. Relief arrived, however, during late spring with significant rainfall that greatly aided crops in the critically sensitive flowering stage. The positive change in weather patterns for northern Europe created spring rains that fed the crops north of Spain, alleviating and erasing drought worries for the winter grains crop (summer crop concerns remain, however, particularly in southern France). It is in northern Europe that the crop looks to be doing the best, with both wet and dry periods encouraging growth. (For more information, contact Bryan Purcell at 202-690-0138.)

Strong rapeseed prices and a reduction in mandatory set-aside in the European Union were factors which should have led to higher planted rapeseed area. However, total German rapeseed area planted in 1996 (MY 1997/98) is thought to be just 800,000 hectares, down from 855,000 in MY 1996/97. This contrasts with planting intentions voiced by farmers prior to the 1996 grain and oilseeds harvest which indicated a 25-percent rise in area planted with rapeseed. The 1996 harvest was delayed by rain well into October and for some plots even into November; consequently, planting intentions in many areas simply could not be realized in time for successful growth. It is expected that much of the land made available by the adverse weather will be planted to grains, though some likely will be planted to spring rapeseed which is lower yielding than fall rapeseed. In France, better fall planting weather prevailed and the reduced set-aside and high rapeseed prices allowed for more planted area. Planted area in France is believed to be around 900,000 hectares, up 4 percent from the 865,000 planted in 1996/97 and up 7 percent from 1995/96.

Bulgaria's 1997/98 wheat production is forecast at 3.3 million tons, up 0.5 million from last month's forecast of 2.8 million. Harvested area is estimated at 1.2 million hectares, up 0.2 million from last month. The increase in production is primarily based on early harvest results which showed area and yield to be higher than previously expected. The weather throughout the growing season has been favorable for crop development. Bulgaria is coming off a devastated 1.8 million ton crop in 1996/97 which was down primarily because of unfavorable weather during planting, overwintering, and early spring development.

The U.S. agricultural counselor's office in Sofia, Bulgaria reports that wheat and coarse grain production are forecast higher for 1997/98. Wheat production for 1997/98 is forecast at 7.0 million tons, up 0.5 million from last month's forecast. Barley output is forecast higher at 2.0 million tons, 0.4 million above the August forecast, and corn is forecast at 10.0 million tons, up 1.0 million from a month ago. Area and yield for both wheat and barley were increased this month; however, precipitation during the harvest was detrimental to the harvest of both crops, causing sprout damage and reducing quality. Conversely, the cool, wet weather was beneficial to the corn crop by improving yields. Although the corn crop development has been delayed by about 15 days, the crop is rated as good to very good.

Wheat production in the United Kingdom for 1997/98 is forecast at 15.5 million tons, down 1.5 million or 9 percent from last month's forecast and 4 percent below last season. The sharp decline in the production estimate for 1997/98 is the result of reductions in both area harvested and yield. Wheat area for 1997/98 is estimated at 2.0 million hectares, down 5 percent from August. This reduction is based on a downward adjustment in the area forecast by the UK's Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Food (MAFF). Yield for 1997/98 is estimated at 7.64 tons per hectare, down 4 percent from the August forecast. This yield reduction results from excessive rainfall during the harvest period and is based on reports of harvest results.

French oilseed production is being revised higher this month to 5.7 million tons, up 0.5 million from September as rapeseed, sunflowerseed, and soybean production estimates increase period. French rapeseed production is estimated to have increased by 15 percent from 2.87 million tons in 1996/97. This year's yield of 3.40 tons/hectare compares to 2.93 tons/hectare average yield for the previous five years. Despite sunflowerseed area being revised 2 percent lower this month, production is estimated higher based on stronger yields. Production is estimated at 2.10 million tons, up from 1.90 million tons last month and up from 2.00 million tons produced in 1996/97. Favorable weather this year is credited for the higher yield which is 2.35 tons/hectare compared to 2.06 tons/hectare average for the previous five years. Soybean production is also estimated higher this month at 0.28 million tons, up from 0.25 million last month, based on a higher estimate of planted area.

The European Union wheat production estimate is lowered this month to 95.8 million tons from 97.1 million while harvested area is marginally lower. The decline comes from a 1.0 million ton drop in French production, and a 0.5 million ton drop in the United Kingdom. The season began with favorable autumn planting weather, but dry conditions in early spring put the crop at risk. Wheat in the main growing areas avoided damage as the rains began when the crop broke dormancy, but wheat in southern growing areas suffered yield loss. Late season rains made harvesting difficult, reducing wheat quality and further limiting yield. Nevertheless, the overall yield at 5.61 tons/hectare is second only to last year's record of 5.89 tons/hectare.

Italian corn production for 1997/98 is estimated at 9.5 million tons, down 5 percent from October, and virtually unchanged from 1996/97. Corn area this year was nearly the same as last year. With the corn harvest complete, yield is estimated at 9.1 tons per hectare, down from last year's record of 9.3 tons per hectare. Below normal precipitation for planting was followed by excessive rains in June. Mostly dry weather was the norm during late season development with favorably dry weather occurring for harvest. Italy has seen a large increase in corn yields in the last few years, reaching 8.0 tons per hectare for the first time in 1992/93.

Romania's 1997/98 corn harvest is nearly complete and reports indicate higher-than-expected yields. Production is estimated at 12.0 million tons, up from 10.5 million last month and 9.6 million last year. Yield is estimated at 3.87 tons per hectare, up from 3.39 tons last month and 2.92 tons in 1996/97. Output this year is the highest recorded since 1986/87, and yield is the highest since 1991/92. Favorable weather during the growing season is the main reason for the bumper crop.

With the crop harvested, French corn production is estimated at a record 16.5 million tons, up 6 percent or 1.0 million from last month's estimate and up 14 percent or 2.1 million from 1996/97. Corn yields continue to have an upward trend. The yield this season is estimated at a record 9.1 tons per hectare, up from the previous record of 8.4 tons produced last year. Area harvested is also estimated higher, up 2 percent from last month and 6 percent from last year. Favorable weather occurred throughout the growing season, especially in northern corn growing areas. In the south, where most corn is grown, timely rainfall in May was extremely beneficial allowing for excellent seed germination following drought in April which delayed planting.

In December, above-normal precipitation fell in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and Lithuania, increasing moisture reserves. During the period of December 15 -18, temperatures fell sharply in most areas, threatening winter grains. Lowest temperatures during the period ranged from -17 degrees Celsius to less than -30 degrees , exceeding the threshold for potential winter kill. Temperatures as low as -33 degrees were observed in eastern Ukraine and central Russia near Moscow. An adequate snow cover protected winter grains from the Baltics eastward through most of northern Russia as well as the northern half of Ukraine. However, snow cover in key winter wheat producing areas in the southern half of Ukraine and southern Russia (southern and central North Caucasus region, and lower Volga Valley) was thin or patchy, and the wheat crop likely sustained some damage in these vulnerable areas. However, the full extent of the damage will not be apparent until crops begin breaking dormancy in the spring. Beginning on December 19, temperatures moderated quickly and rose above-normal by month's end, improving overwintering conditions. Since early January, unseasonably mild weather prevailed over most winter grain areas and was accompanied by widespread precipitation. While the mild weather favored dormant winter grains, it further diminished protective snow cover in Ukraine and southern Russia, leaving winter wheat exposed to extremes in the weather.

Romanian 1997/98 corn production is estimated higher this month at 12.5 million tons, up 0.5 million or 4 percent from last month. The highest production recorded since 1984/85, this year's output is up 30 percent from the 9.6 million tons produced in 1996/97. The increase is based on a higher official production estimate from the Romanian Government, and an excellent growing season. Heavy rains during the summer made harvesting difficult for winter crops, but were timely for corn. Precipitation into autumn resulted in a harvest loss for the more vulnerable sunflower crop, but did not appear to cause problems for corn.

Wheat production for 1997/98 in the European Union (EU-15) is estimated at 94.5 million tons, down 0.7 million from last month and down 4 percent from last year's record. This month's reduction is a result of post-harvest reports from Italy, Netherlands, and Ireland that indicated reduced yields. However, this season's crop has produced the second highest yield and production for the EU-15. Harvested area is estimated at 17.1 million hectares, up 0.4 million from 1996/97 and the highest since 17.4 million in 1992/93. Total coarse grain production for 1997/98 is estimated at a record 109.2 million tons, up 0.5 million from last month and up 5 percent from last year. Most of the increase is due to corn harvest results from France and Italy that indicated increased yields. Owing to favorable weather and increased area, France and Italy are estimated to produce record corn crops of 16.8 and 9.8 million tons, respectively. Total EU-15 corn production is a record 38.4 million tons. Barley output is estimated at 52.7 million tons, the highest level since 56.9 million in 1991/92.

The European Union (EU-15) is forecast to produce a record grain (wheat, coarse grains, and milled rice) crop of 208.0 million tons, up from 205.2 million in 1997/98. Area is estimated to have decreased slightly from last season to 37.7 million hectares as a decline in coarse grain area more than offset an increase in wheat. Excellent weather has benefitted most of the winter grain crops, while the spring grain crops are off to a good start. Wheat production is forecast at a record 101.1 million tons, up 7 percent from last year. Record wheat output is forecast in France, United Kingdom, and Germany due to increased area and excellent weather which improved yield prospects for the winter wheat crop. Coarse grain production is forecast at 105.2 million tons, down 3 percent from last season's record. Barley and corn area are reduced from last year's level. Barley production is forecast at 52.4 million tons, down marginally from last season due to lower area, but improved yield from 1997/98. Corn output is forecast at 34.9 million tons as reduced area and yield push the crop down 9 percent from last year's record. Rice output is forecast slightly lower than 1997/98 at 1.7 million tons (milled basis).

The European Union (EU-15) is forecast to produce a record 211.5 million tons of grain (wheat, coarse grains, and milled rice) for the 1998/99 season, up 6.1 million from last year's previous record level. Wheat is forecast at a record 103.3 million tons, up 8.9 million or 9 percent from 1997/98. Coarse grain output is forecast at 106.5 million tons, down 2.9 million or 3 percent from last year, while milled rice production is pegged at 1.7 million, up 3 percent from the previous season. Favorable weather throughout the growing season and a continued 5-percent set aside program are the main reasons why production has soared this season. For wheat, area is estimated at 17.0 million hectares, down slightly from last season; however yield is projected at a record 6.07 tons per hectare. The yield surpasses the previous record of 5.89 tons per hectare in 1996/97. In France, wheat production is forecast at a record 39.0 million tons, based on a record area and yield of 5.23 million hectares and 7.46 tons per hectare, respectively. In Germany, record wheat output is forecast at 20.5 million tons due to a record area of 2.79 million hectares and record yield of 7.35 tons per hectare. In Spain, Italy, and the United Kingdom, bumper wheat harvests also are forecast. For coarse grains, area is estimated at 20.0 million tons, down slightly from 1997/98 and yield is projected at 5.33 tons per hectare, down marginally from last year's record level. Corn production is estimated at 35.2 million tons, down 9 percent from last season's record due mainly to a lower yield projection for France and reduced area for Italy. Barley production is forecast at 53.4 million tons, up 2 percent from 1997/98 due to a bumper crop in Spain and continued good crops in France and Germany. Oat and rye production are estimated near last season's levels of 6.5 and 6.1 million tons, respectively. EU-15 oat area is down from last year, while rye area is up. Rice area in the EU-15 is estimated at 0.4 million hectares, up marginally from last year due to an expansion of Indica varieties in Italy. Italy's production is estimated at 1.0 million tons as favorable weather has boosted yield to 6.23 tons per hectare. Spain, the other major rice producer, is forecast to produce 0.6 million tons, virtually unchanged from 1997/98.

Romania's corn production is estimated at 7.5 million tons, down 1.2 million from last month and down 41 percent from last year's bumper crop. Area is similar to the 1997/98 season at 3.0 million hectares. Hot, dry weather during the summer stressed the crop with early-September rainfall arriving too late to benefit the drought-stricken corn. Yield is estimated at 2.50 tons per hectare, down 40 percent from last year. According to the U.S. agricultural attache in Sofia, by the third week of September, about 10 percent of the corn had been harvested.

The European Union (EU-15) is forecast to produce 210.2 million tons of grain (wheat, coarse grain, and milled rice) for the 1998/99 season, up 4.7 million from last year's previous record level. Wheat output is forecast at a record 103.4 million tons, up 8.9 million or 9 percent from 1997/98. Coarse grain production is forecast at 105.1 million tons, down 4.3 million or 4 percent from last year, while milled rice output is pegged at 1.7 million, up 3 percent from the previous season. Favorable weather throughout the growing season supported wheat production, but hot, dry weather during the summer reduced yield potential for corn in Italy, France, and Spain. For wheat, area is estimated at 17.0 million hectares, down slightly from last season; however, yield is projected at a record 6.08 tons per hectare. The yield surpasses the previous record of 5.89 tons per hectare in 1996/97. In France, wheat production is forecast at a record 40.0 million tons, based on record area and yield: 5.2 million hectares and 7.66 tons per hectare, respectively. In Germany, record wheat output is forecast at 20.1 million tons due to a record area of 2.8 million hectares and bumper yield of 7.20 tons per hectare. Also, in Spain, Italy, and the United Kingdom, bumper harvests are forecast. For coarse grains, area is estimated at 19.8 million tons, down 3 percent from 1997/98. Yield is estimated at 5.30 tons per hectare, down slightly from last year's record level. Corn production is estimated at 33.8 million tons, down 13 percent from last season's record due mainly to a lower yield projection for France and reduced area and yield for Italy. Barley production is forecast at 53.4 million tons, up 2 percent from 1997/98 due to a bumper crop in Spain and continued good crops in France and Germany. Rye production is estimated about 4 percent above last season's level at 6.3 million tons as higher area more than offset lower yield. EU-15 oat production is estimated at 6.0 million tons, down 9 percent from 1997/98. The decrease is attributed primarily to wet harvest weather in Finland and Sweden that reduced yield potential and grain quality. For rice, area is estimated at 0.4 million hectares, up marginally from last year due to an expansion of Indica varieties in Italy. Italy's production is estimated at 1.0 million tons as favorable weather has boosted yield to 6.23 tons per hectare. Spain, the other major rice producer is forecast to produce 0.6 million tons, virtually unchanged from 1997/98.

The European Union (EU) is estimated to produce 104.1 million tons of coarse grains during 1998/99 down 0.9 million from last month and down 5 percent from last season's record crop. Harvested area is estimated at 19.9 million hectares up marginally from last month, but down 3 percent from 1997/98. Corn production for the EU is estimated at 33.2 million tons, down 0.6 million from last month and down 14 percent from last season's record level. For France, corn output is lowered 0.2 million from last month to 14.3 million tons as preliminary harvest results indicate a reduced yield. Wet weather has been hampering harvest progress. For Italy, corn is reduced 0.4 million this month to 8.6 million tons due to lower yield. Hot, dry weather during the end of July and beginning of August, along with reports of corn borer attacks lowered production this season. Barley production for the EU is estimated at 52.7 million tons, down 0.7 million from last month, but up slightly from last year. For the United Kingdom, the barley crop is reduced to an estimated 6.6 million tons down 0.7 million from last month and down 16 percent from last year as preliminary harvest reports indicate lower yield.

Oct 1 2000 | Former Yugoslavia: Corn Production Drops on Harvest Results
Corn production in the former Yugoslavia has fallen further as harvesting operations are in full swing. Total corn production is now estimated at 6.5 million tons, down 0.5 million from last month and down 3.0 million from last year. Area has been reduced 5 percent to 1.9 million hectares. In comparison, Yugoslavia has a five-year average corn production of 9.1 million tons from 2.1 million hectares. The 2000/01 production estimate is the lowest total since 1993 (6.4 million tons). Former Yugoslavia is comprised of five republics: Serbia / Montenegro, Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia / Herzegovina and Macedonia. The vast majority of corn production within the former Yugoslavias borders can be found on the plains of northern Serbia and eastern Croatia. Serbia is estimated to produce about 3.6 million tons in 2000/01, down 36 percent from its five year average, while Croatia is estimated to produce around 1.4 million tons, down 27 percent from its five year average. The total output of Serbia, Croatia, and the three other republics are estimated to produce a drought and heat reduced corn crop of 6.5 million tons.

Nov 1 2000 | Yugoslavia: Corn Production Down from Past Summer Drought
Total 2000/01 corn production in the former Yugoslavia is estimated at 6.0 million tons, down 500,000 or 8 percent from last month and down 37 percent from a very good 1999/2000 crop of 9.5 million tons. Area is down 100,000 hectares from last month and 14 percent from last season. The production drop is a result of both drought and record heat, which became entrenched over the Balkans during the summer. The 2000/01 estimate of 6.0 million tons is Yugoslavias lowest corn production number since the 1960s. The largest corn producers within Yugoslavia are Serbia/Montenegro, Croatia, and Bosnia/Herzegovina. Serbia/Montenegros 2000/01 corn production is about 3.6 million tons (6.1 million in 1999), while Croatias production is estimated at 1.2 million tons (2.1 million in 1999). Bosnia/Herzegovinas 2000/01 production should also be significantly reduced from last years 1.0 million tons.

Dec 1 2000 | Former Yugoslavia: Corn Production Lowered
Total 2000/01 corn production in the former Yugoslavia is estimated at 5.5 million tons, down 0.5 million or 8 percent from last month and 42 percent from last seasons large crop. Area is estimated at 1.8 million hectares, down 14 percent from last year. Field surveys in the grain basket region of Vojvodina in October revealed abandoned cornfields left unharvested. The 2000/01 problematic season included intense drought, excessive heat, expensive and limited fuel supplies which have all contributed to the sharp drop in production. The largest corn producers within the former Yugoslavia are Serbia/ Montenegro, Croatia, and Bosnia/Herzegovina. Serbia/Montenegros 2000/01 corn production is about 3.2 million tons (6.3 million in 1999), while Croatias production is estimated at 1.2 million tons (2.1 million in 1999). Bosnia/Herzegovinas 2000/01 production should also be significantly reduced to about 0.7 million tons from last years 1.0 million tons.

Feb 1 2000 | Romania: Corn Production Raised
Romanias corn production for 1999/2000 is estimated at 10.5 million tons from 3.0 million hectares. The corn harvest is increased 0.5 million tons from last month and 24 percent over a dismal 1998 corn crop of 8.5 million tons. The 1999/2000 bumper corn harvest was achieved after a disappointing wheat crop earlier in the season. Wheat plantings were hindered by unfavorable weather in the Fall of 1998 then sustained significant damage from rains during spring and particularly at harvest. Land was substituted from wheat to corn and with the beneficial warm, dry weather arriving during late summer, the corn crop did very well. In addition, wheat production is revised down 3 percent from last month to 4.7 million tons based on harvest results. Wheat area only totaled 1.7 million hectares- Romanias second lowest harvested area in thirty years (1992 had 1.5 million).

May 1 2000 | European Union: Wheat Forecast at Record; Coarse Grain Increases
The European Union (EU) is forecast to produce a record 106.2 million tons of wheat in 2000/01, up 9 percent from last year. Wheat area is forecast to be up 6 percent from 1999/2000 at 18.1 million hectares. Yields are forecast to rise marginally due to increased planting in several of the large, higher-yielding countries. Coarse grains are forecast to reach 106.9 million tons, up 4 percent from last year, while coarse grain area is forecast to increase slightly to 19.2 million hectares. Producers are forecast to plant grains at the expense of oilseeds this season. Oilseed plantings throughout the European Union are expected to be down in 2000/01 due to lower world prices and more attractive prospective returns for grains versus oilseeds.

Jul 1 2000 | EU-15: Wheat Production Boosted by Favorable Weather
Total EU-15 wheat production is forecast at 107.1 million tons for 2000/01, up 1 percent from last month and up 11 percent from last year. Wheat area is up strongly throughout the EU-15 this year due to changes in the Common Agricultural Policy that make it more advantageous for farmers to grow grains over oilseeds. This months rise of 1.1 million tons is due to increasing yields, largely in Spain, where the estimated wheat harvest rose 1.0 million tons this month. The crop estimate for Portugal also rose this month, as the Iberian Peninsula experienced extremely beneficial rainfall during the spring and early summer. However, rain has continued through the harvest, and quality is believed to have suffered. In the rest of the EU-15, France continues to have a very favorable year while Austria and parts of eastern Germany have a rainfall deficit, drawing down yields there.

Jul 1 2000 | Romania: Crops Continue to Suffer from Excessive Heat and Minimal Moisture
Romanias wheat crop is estimated at 3.3 million tons, down 1.2 million from last month and 1.5 million from last year. Area is also down150,000 hectares from last month but unchanged from 1999/2000. The barley crop is forecast down 22 percent to 700,000 tons with an area drop of 13 percent from June. Barley production is down 31 percent from 1999/2000. Corn production is estimated at 7.5 million tons, down 3.0 million from June and 3.0 million from last year. Area is estimated at 2.8 million hectares, down 13 percent from the 3.2 million estimate in June and down 200,000 hectares from 1999/2000. Romanias 2000/01 summer crops continue to wither from the combined effects of a prolonged drought and a searing heat wave with temperatures reaching up to 38o C. Meanwhile, a reduced wheat harvest is underway. The Ministry of Agriculture announced that 40 percent of all crop area is affected by severe drought conditions, particularly in areas along the Danube River in the south. Difficulties began during late winter as a lack of moisture stressed developing fall-planted crops. Between mid-April and early July, barely any rainfall was received and temperatures were significantly and consistently above average. Romanias irrigation system is in disrepair and has been of little benefit.

Aug 1 2000 | Poland: Rye Production Drops on Late Frost and Drought
Poland rye production for 2000/01 is estimated at 4.1 million tons, down 0.5 million or 11 percent from last month and down 1.1 million or 21 percent from last year. The reduced yield estimate is attributed to a late spring frost followed by persistent drought. The hardest-hit growing regions are in the central and eastern provinces. Rye, traditionally cultivated on sandy and less fertile soils, suffered more from the effects of the drought than did crops planted in soils with a higher moisture-holding capacity. Rye yields are forecast to decline by 20-24 percent. Although rains have returned to the northern countries of eastern Europe, including Poland, crops have already suffered significant crop damage.

Aug 1 2000 | Romania: Wheat Harvest Upped in Face of Drought
Romania wheat production for 2000/01 is estimated at 3.8 million tons, up 0.5 million or 7 percent from last month, but down 1.0 million from last year. The revision is based on preliminary yield data (harvest was nearing completion in early August) and other reports which indicate that the wheat crop will be slightly better than earlier forecast. Drought has prevailed in eastern Europe since last winter, and was particularly severe in eastern and southern Romania.

Aug 1 2000 | EU15: Wheat and Rapeseed Estimates Fall Due to Poor Weather
The European Union (EU15) is forecast to produce 104.9 million tons of wheat in 2000/01, down 2.1 million tons from last month but up 8 percent from last year. Wheat area is forecast at 17.9 million hectares, up 5 percent from last year. Rapeseed production for 2000/01 is estimated at 9.4 million tons, down 0.6 million or 6 percent from last month and down 17 percent from last year. Rapeseed area is estimated at 3.2 million hectares, level with last month but down 12 percent from last year. This season, producers planted grains at the expense of oilseeds. Area sown to oilseeds was down throughout the European Union due to low world prices and reduced oilseed payment under the EU-15 Agenda 2000 Reforms. Wheat yields are expected to be up over last year because of higher planting in several large, high-yielding EU countries. However, hot and dry conditions in Germany during June and excessive rains during July in the United Kingdom, France, and Germany which delayed the harvest have reduced wheat and rapeseed yield forecasts.

Sep 1 2000 | Hungary: Corn Production Drops from Effects of Drought
Hungarys 2000/01 corn production is estimated at 5.0 million tons, down 0.5 million or 9 percent from last month and down 29 percent from last years bumper crop of 7.0 million. The decrease in production comes despite an upward adjustment in harvested area of 0.1 million hectares. Drought conditions occurred in June, with a brief rainy period in July, after which drought returned in August. Above normal temperatures hurt the crop in June and August while temperatures averaged near normal in July. Any additional rainfall that may be received from here on will not benefit yield because of the crops level of maturity.

Oct 1 2000 | EU-15: Wheat Production Falls Due to Heavy Rains
Total EU-15 wheat production is forecast at 104.2 million tons for 2000/01, down 1 percent from last month, but up 8 percent from last year. Wheat area is up strongly throughout the EU-15 this year due to changes in the Common Agricultural Policy that favored grains over oilseeds. This months loss of 0.7 million tons is almost entirely due to lower estimated yields. Estimated production losses in France and the United Kingdom outweighed gains in Germany, Denmark and Sweden. Germanys estimated output increased 0.3 million tons to 21.6 million as the crop was less severely affected by dry conditions in eastern areas than previously thought. Denmarks estimated crop increased 0.3 million tons to 4.7 million, while Swedens estimate increased 0.2 million tons to 2.5 million. Both countries received excellent rainfall and average temperatures during the growing season. Frances estimated harvest fell 1.0 million tons to 37.0 million and the United Kingdoms estimated harvest dropped 0.5 million tons to 16.5 million. Both countries received excessive rain as their wheat neared harvest time, with the rain ultimately delaying harvest work long enough to adversely affect the crop.

Sep 1 2000 | Romania: Corn Production Falls to 30-Year Low as Drought Continues
Romanian corn production for 2000/01 is estimated at 5.5 million tons, down from 7.5 million last month, and down from the five-year average of 10.1 million. Corn production has been reduced as a severe drought accompanied by record high temperatures continued to dominate southeast Europe throughout the summer. Cooler weather and some showers did arrive in July, but were quickly replaced by additional heat and dryness in August. Cooler temperatures and some rainfall have recently entered the region but came too late to benefit the mature summer crop. This years drought is probably the harshest that Romania has experienced in the past 50 years, and has reduced corn production to the lowest level in more than thirty years. Temperatures often soared into the upper 30's C, and because of the extreme heat, crops are maturing earlier than normal.

Nov 1 2000 | Hungary: Corn Production Reduced Because of Drought
The 2000/01 Hungarian corn crop is estimated at 4.5 million tons, down 500,000 or 10 percent from last month, and 36 percent from last years bumper crop of 7.0 million tons. Area was reduced by 100,000 hectares from October to 1.1 million, and is 8 percent below last seasons 1.2 MHa. The harvest should now be complete, and it has become obvious that the summers extreme heat and dryness has severely diminished the corn crop in Hungary. Additionally, due to heat damage and a hay shortage, a considerable amount of the crop has been cut early and will be used as silage.

Nov 1 2000 | Romania: Drought Drops Corn Production Further
Corn production in Romania is estimated at 4.5 million tons, down 1.0 million or 18 percent from last month and down 57 percent from last years 10.5 million ton bumper crop. Area harvested remains unchanged at 2.7 million hectares, the lowest since 1991 (2.6 MHa). This years harvest is Romanias lowest corn crop in USDAs database, dating back to 1960. The 2000/01 season has been harsh throughout the Balkans, but particularly relentless in Romania, where drought has been most intense and high temperatures have set records throughout the growing season. The drought is Romanias worst in fifty years, and possibly the most severe in the last century. The moisture deficiency stunted corn growth, while record heat advanced the crop prematurely. Compounding matters, the country lacks a sufficient irrigation system to mitigate the effects of extreme dryness, and money was tight, limiting farmers fertilizer and herbicide applications.

Dec 1 2000 | Romania: Corn Production Reduced Further
The 2000/01 corn harvest in Romania is estimated at 4.0 million tons, down 0.5 million, or 11 percent from last month, and down 62 percent from last years bumper crop. Area is estimated at 2.7 million hectares, down 0.3 million from last year. This years corn harvest compares dismally to Romanias five-year average of 10.1 million tons and 3.1 million hectares. The 2000/01 season saw the most severe drought of the last fifty years and it was accompanied by record heat. Detrimental weather was most apparent on crops in the southern and eastern regions, which produced the lowest yields, while the central, northern, and western areas tended to have marginally higher yields.

May 1 2001 | European Union: Wet Weather Drops Wheat and Barley Production
Wheat and barley production in the European Union in 2001/02 is forecast at 147.7 million tons (97.5 million of wheat and 50.2 million of barley), down 8.8 million from the previous year (7.5 million for wheat and 1.3 million for barley). Harvested area is forecast at 27.7 million hectares, down 1.1 million (1.0 million for wheat and 0.1 million for barley) from the 2000/01 level. The production and area decline is largely a result of excessive rainfall that prevented autumn planting in France, Germany, the United Kingdom, and Spain. Winter crops in the rest of the EU faired relatively well. However, there were some spring planting delays for spring wheat and barley, but these crops are rather small, and their influence on total output is minimal.

Aug 1 2001 | France: Rapeseed Production Hurt by Wet Weather at Harvest
Frances 2001/02 rapeseed crop is estimated at 3.1 million tons, down from the July estimate of 3.5 million. The decrease is due to a lower yield which is down to 2.82 tons per hectare from 3.18 tons per hectare in July. Area remains unchanged at 1.1 million hectares. Dry weather in May and June, and periods of hot temperatures stressed the growing and maturing rapeseed crop. Abnormally wet weather in the latter part of July damaged the mature crop and caused harvest delays. This is the second consecutive year that wet weather has adversely affected the French rapeseed harvest. Production is estimated 14 percent lower than last years 3.6 million tons with yield down 3 percent on 10 percent less area.

Nov 1 2001 | Italy: Corn Production Forecast Falls due to Adverse Weather
Production for 2001/02 is estimated at 10.0 million tons, down 1.0 million tons, or 9 percent from last month, and down slightly from 10.1 million tons last year. Very dry conditions in the last three weeks of August adversely affected the crop in non-irrigated areas, causing 10-15 percent lower yields than last year. Corn harvested area is down more than 7 percent from the previous forecast to 1.1 million hectares, but up nearly 5 percent from last year. The reduction in area from the previous estimate is attributed to planting delays due to excess rain in the spring. Italy produces on average between 9 and 10 million tons of corn annually, making it Western Europes second largest producer of corn after France. The major corn growing region of Italy is the Po River Valley, which is irrigated to a large extent.

Nov 1 2001 | Romania: Corn Production Boosted
Romanian corn production for 2001/02 is estimated at 8.4 million tons, up 1.4 million or 20 percent from last month and up 87 percent from 2000/01, a year that saw a record low production of 4.5 million tons. The increased 2001/02 corn harvest however, still remains below the five-year average of 9.1 million tons. Area is estimated to have remained steady from last month but is up 0.3 million hectares from last season to 3.0 million hectares. The new production estimate can be attributed to several factors. Widespread rains, long absent in much of the primary growing areas of Romania, finally occurred in September, aiding corn in the grain fill stage. Additionally, secondary grain regions in northwestern Romania that border Hungary and Serbia as well as the northeastern region known as Moldavia, received consistent precipitation throughout the growing season. This aided national yields, countering the devastating drought that ravaged the grain-basket region located in the south and east.

Apr 1 2002 | France: Wheat and Corn Estimates Revised Downward
Frances 2001/02 total wheat crop is estimated at 31.5 million tons, down 0.5 million from last month and down 6.1 million or 16 percent from a year earlier. The decrease is primarily due to a decline in harvested area, down 45,000 hectares from last month. Wheat is grown throughout France, and nearly all of it is sown during the winter months. The 2001/02 corn crop is also estimated lower at 16.1 million tons, down 0.4 million from last month and down slightly (130,000 tons) from 2000/01. As a result of a downward revision in crop yields, from 8.92 tons per hectare to 8.52, production is estimated lower. This decrease offsets a slight upward revision in crop acreage, resulting in a net decrease in production. Most of the corn in France is grown in the southwest regions of Poitou-Charentes, Aquitaine and Midi-Pyrenees.

Apr 1 2002 | Romania: Corn and Wheat Revised Upward; Barley Revised Downward
Romanian corn production for 2001/02 is estimated at 8.8 million tons, up 400,000 tons from last month and up 4.3 million or 96 percent from a year earlier. Production was revised upward from the record low of 4.5 million tons in 2000, but is still 3 percent below the five-year average of 9.1 million. Harvested area was adjusted down 0.1 million hectares to 2.9 million which is still larger than the 2000/01 acreage, at 2.7 million. While corn was devastated in the southeast and along the Danube River from summer drought, better weather prevailed in other areas of the country, pushing up aggregate yields to near average levels. Romanias wheat production for 2001/02 is estimated at 7.9 million tons, up 400,000 tons from last month and up 3.5 million or 80 percent from a year earlier. This increase resulted from an upward revision in acreage at 2.5 million hectares, up 200,000 from last month, based on final government acreage estimates. Romanian barley production for 2001/02 is estimated at 1.1 million tons, down 400,000 tons from last month and up 350,000 tons or 47 percent from 2000s 30-year low. This decrease was based on a downward revision in yields, estimated at 1.93 tons per hectare, offsetting a slightly larger crop acreage estimated at 569,000 hectares.

May 1 2002 | Romania: Extremely Dry Weather Drops Wheat Production
Romanias wheat production for 2002/03 is forecast at 5.5 million tons, down 2.4 million or 30 percent from last years large crop. Harvested area is estimated at 2.2 million hectares, down 300,000 hectares or 12 percent from last year. Currently, the 2002/03 winter crop has seen little moisture since planting. Crops in the southern (Walachia) and the south-eastern regions (Dobruja) have been hit hard by a drought for over a year now. Yields are expected to be lower in the far western region (Banat) as well, due to a lack of winter and spring rains during planting season.

May 1 2002 | European Union: Wheat and Barley Production Expected to Rebound
The European Unions (EU) 2002/03 wheat crop is forecast to be nearly 107.0 million tons in 2002, an increase of 15 million or almost 17 percent from the 91.7 million produced in 2001. The year-to-year change is due to an 8 percent increase in harvested area, from 16.5 to 17.9 million hectares, and an improvement in yield, from 5.55 to 5.96 tons per hectare. The EUs five largest wheat-producing members are France, Germany, United Kingdom, Italy, and Spain. These five countries account for 86 percent of the total EU production, with the largest prospective year-to-year improvements coming from France and the UK. Better winter crop planting conditions encouraged farmers to increase plantings. Overall moisture supplies are adequate suggesting that the wheat crop is in good condition. The EUs 2002/03 barley crop is forecast to increase 1.6 million tons, to 49.7 million. A slight year-to-year improvement in yield, from 4.51 to 4.66 tons per hectare is expected to be responsible for the increase, since harvested area is forecast to be similar to the previous year at 10.7 million hectares. The five largest barley-producing members in the European Union are Germany, France, Spain, United Kingdom, and Denmark, and they are expected to account for 81 percent of the production in 2002. Production increases in France and Spain are expected to offset decreases in the other three major producing countries, although the Spanish barley crop is notorious for dramatic changes due to variable weather in the spring. Spanish barley production in 1999 was 11.3 million tons, but only 6.3 million in 2000 due to adverse weather.

Jun 1 2002 | Hungary: Drought Reduces Wheat and Corn Production
Hungarys wheat production in 2002/03 is estimated at 4.0 million tons, down 0.5 million or 11 percent from last month and down 23 percent or 1.2 million tons from last seasons bumper crop of 5.2 million. The wheat crop grew under a long period of dryness, which has hurt yield prospects. Hungarys wheat harvest averages 4.4 million tons. Hungarys corn production in 2002/03 is estimated at 6.5 million tons, down 0.5 million or 7 percent from last month, and down 1.1 million from last years crop. Area is estimated at 1.2 million hectares, unchanged from last month. Yield is forecast lower due to an extended period of dryness.

Jun 1 2002 | Romania: Drought Reduces Wheat and Corn Production for 2001/02 and 2002/03
Romanias 2001/02 wheat crop was revised down by 1.2 million tons or 15 percent to 6.7 million, reflecting recent information gathered from Romanian sources. Romanian wheat production for 2002/03 is estimated at 5.0 million tons, down 0.5 million or 9 percent from last month, and off 1.7 million or 25 percent from last years newly revised crop estimate. Romanias 2001/02 corn crop also was revised down, by 1.8 million tons. Last seasons poor harvest was the result of severe drought occurring during the 2001/02 summer season (after the wheat harvest), with the most destruction occurring in the southern and south-eastern areas of the country. Romanian corn production for 2002/03 was estimated at 8.0 million tons, down 0.5 million or 6 percent from last month. This months adjustment to the old crop creates a year-to-year increase of 1.0 million tons for 2002/03.

Jun 1 2002 | France: Beneficial Growing Conditions Raise EU Wheat Production Estimate
Frances 2002/03 total wheat crop is estimated at 38.5 million tons, up 0.5 million from the May estimate of 38.0 million. Overall EU wheat production is now forecast at 107.5 million tons, up 15.7 million from last year. The increase is due to excellent growing conditions that should translate into higher yields throughout Frances wheat growing regions. France is the EUs largest wheat producer, but growing conditions have also been favorable in other major EU producers: Germany, the United Kingdom, Italy, and Spain. Harvest will begin in late June in southern Europe and continue through August in the north. Wet weather during harvest could create problems for this crop, but growing conditions thus far have been generally excellent.

Aug 1 2002 | Germany: Rapeseed Output Benefits from Biodiesel
German rapeseed area and production are higher in 2002/03 partly due to investments in its biodiesel industry. Harvested area is estimated up 12 percent from last year at 1.28 million hectares, while production is estimated up 8 percent at 4.5 million tons. Germany sees biodiesel production from rapeseed oil as one way to help meet its obligations under the Kyoto Protocol to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Rapeseed oil or another vegetable oil in the presence of a catalyst can be made to combine with methanol to form methyl-ester and glycerin. Methyl-ester can be used in diesel engines with little or no modification. Methyl-ester is biodegradable, produces fewer sulfur emissions, is less toxic than petrochemical diesel making it less polluting. During 2002, around 200,000 tons of new rapeseed diesel production capacity is due to come on line. Sales by biodiesel fuel producers in Germany are running around 500,000 tons annually, using 1.32 million tons of rapeseed. In Germany, methyl-ester used for transportation receives a 100-percent exclusion from the motor fuel tax to encourage use of the product and development of the biodiesel industry. Additionally, rapeseed can be grown on set-aside land for industrial purposes (mostly biodiesel) without losing Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) set-aside compensation payments. Looking ahead, biodiesel production may get an additional boost if a current proposal before the EU commission is put into effect. The proposal would require 5.75 percent of motor transport fuels to be produced from renewable resources by 2010.

Aug 1 2002 | European Union: Variable Weather Reduces Wheat Production for 2002/03
Wheat production from the European Union (EU) is forecast to be nearly 107.7 million tons in 2002, down nearly 1.0 million from last month, but up 16 million from last year. Weather during the growing season was ideal throughout much of central and northern Europe, but extreme heat damaged crops in Spain. In addition, wet weather in July has delayed harvesting in Germany. Farmers in France, the largest wheat producer in the EU, are forecast to produce 39.0 million tons, which would make it the second largest crop on record.

Wheat production in the EU-15 for 1999/00 is forecast at 96.6 million tons, up 1.5 million from last month, but down 7 percent from last season's record level. Favorable weather in France boosted potential yield and increased crop prospects to 38.5 million tons, up 1.0 million from last month. Also, harvested area is increased slightly, making it nearly equal to the 1998/99 record area. In Germany, poor autumn sowing conditions hampered producers' abilities to achieve their winter wheat planting intentions; however, favorable spring weather allowed producers to plant additional spring wheat, increasing production prospects by 0.5 million tons to 19.5 million.

Germanys completed rapeseed harvest shows an estimated record production of 4.0 million tons, up 14 percent from last months 3.5 million ton estimate and up 22 percent from last years 3.3 million ton harvest. Area was unchanged from last month at a record 1.2 million hectares, but increased 14 percent from last seasons 1.0 million hectares. Estimated yield this season is also a record at 3.48 million tons per hectare, up 7 percent from last years 3.25 yield. Yield estimates were revised upward following information released by the German Ministry of Agriculture and favorable weather during the growing season.

The EU-15 wheat production for 1999/2000 is estimated at 96.4 million tons, down slightly from last month and 7 percent below last year. Harvested area is reduced marginally from last month and down 1 percent from 1998/99 at 16.9 million hectares. This years growing season could not match the record yield of last season, falling from 6.05 tons per hectare to 5.69 tons. The decreased wheat production estimate in France from 38.5 million tons to 37.0 million is based on initial harvest results and is mainly responsible for the overall drop in the EU-15 wheat estimate. The decrease is partly offset by estimated yield increases in Germany causing production to rise from 19.0 million tons to 19.6 million and in United Kingdom as output climbed from 14.5 million tons to 15.0 million. Coarse grain production decreased slightly to 101.4 million tons this month, down 0.8 million from last month and down 3 percent from last year. Overall, EU production is down as reductions in the barley and oats crops more than offset a slight increase in corn output. Barley production is estimated at 48.6 million tons, down 0.7 million from last month due mainly to a decreases in Spain and Finland; oats, 6.2 million tons, down 0.3 from last month due to a decrease in Finland; and corn, 35.8 million tons, up 0.1 million from last month.

Germanys completed rapeseed harvest shows an estimated record production of 4.0 million tons, up 14 percent from last months 3.5 million ton estimate and up 22 percent from last years 3.3 million ton harvest. Area was unchanged from last month at a record 1.2 million hectares, but increased 14 percent from last seasons 1.0 million hectares. Estimated yield this season is also a record at 3.48 million tons per hectare, up 7 percent from last years 3.25 yield. Yield estimates were revised upward following information released by the German Ministry of Agriculture and favorable weather during the growing season.

The EU-15 wheat production for 1999/2000 is estimated at 96.4 million tons, down slightly from last month and 7 percent below last year. Harvested area is reduced marginally from last month and down 1 percent from 1998/99 at 16.9 million hectares. This years growing season could not match the record yield of last season, falling from 6.05 tons per hectare to 5.69 tons. The decreased wheat production estimate in France from 38.5 million tons to 37.0 million is based on initial harvest results and is mainly responsible for the overall drop in the EU-15 wheat estimate. The decrease is partly offset by estimated yield increases in Germany causing production to rise from 19.0 million tons to 19.6 million and in United Kingdom as output climbed from 14.5 million tons to 15.0 million. Coarse grain production decreased slightly to 101.4 million tons this month, down 0.8 million from last month and down 3 percent from last year. Overall, EU production is down as reductions in the barley and oats crops more than offset a slight increase in corn output. Barley production is estimated at 48.6 million tons, down 0.7 million from last month due mainly to a decreases in Spain and Finland; oats, 6.2 million tons, down 0.3 from last month due to a decrease in Finland; and corn, 35.8 million tons, up 0.1 million from last month.

Wheat production in the EU-15 increased marginally to 96.7 million tons this month, but remains 7 percent below last years 103.5 million tons. In the United Kingdom, production is up 3 percent from last month to 15.5 million tons due to bumper yield following nearly ideal weather during the filling stage of the crop. Also, wheat production is up slightly in Austria and Portugal, while there is a largely offsetting decline in Danish wheat which is estimated to be down 0.3 million tons from last month at 4.3 million. Coarse grain production rose slightly to 101.8 million tons this month, but is still down 3 percent from last years 105.0 million tons. In the United Kingdom, production is up 6 percent from 7.0 to 7.3 million tons as favorable weather improved barley yield prospects. Also, coarse grains production is up slightly in Austria, Ireland, and Portugal. These increases were partly offset by a decline in German production due to a decline in mixed grains.

The 1999/2000 Romanian corn harvest of 3.0 million hectares is now expected to reach 10.0 million tons, up 1.0 million from last month, and 1.5 million from last year. As of the end of October, the crop was nearly 80 percent harvested. This years corn harvest will be the third largest in the last 10 years, coming in below the 1997 crop of 12.7 million tons. Favorable weather throughout most of the growing season and a warm, dry September boosted yield to 3.33 tons per hectare, up from 2.83 tons last season.

Bulgarian corn production for 1999/2000 is estimated at 1.6 million tons, an increase of 0.5 million from last month, and 33 percent over last year. This would be the best corn harvest since 1992. Harvested area is estimated at 0.4 million hectares, up 4 percent from last month and at last years level. Weather during the crop season was nearly ideal for corn, significantly assisting development and edging up yield. The season brought frequent rains during the critical growing months and ended with warm, dry weather at harvest during September and October. In addition to the beneficial weather, farmers typically planted higher quality seeds which provide better yields. Another positive factor at work was many recent purchases of machinery and equipment that reduced harvest losses.

Jun 1 2005 | European Union: Wheat Output Lower Due to Dryness in Iberia
The European Unions 2005/06 wheat crop is estimated at 126.75 million tons, down 750,000 tons, due wholly to a drop in the Spanish production estimate. As harvest on the Iberian Peninsula is now underway, a clearer picture of the season-long drought is emerging. Rainfall has been virtually nonexistent in much of the country throughout the winter grain season, devastating wheat yields. Spains 2005/06 wheat crop is estimated at 4.75 million tons, down 14 percent from last month and down 33 percent from last year. Area is estimated at 2.2 million hectares, unchanged from last month and last year. Yield is estimated far below last seasons 2.79 tons per hectare to 2.20 tons. (For more information, contact Bryan Purcell at 202-690-0138.)

Jun 1 2005 | European Union: Expecting A Large Rapeseed Crop, But Not Last Years Record
The 2005/06 European Union (EU-25) rapeseed crop is estimated at 13.7 million tons, 10 percent below last years record crop. Harvested area is estimated at a record 4.6 million hectares, up 3 percent from last season. Yield is forecast at 2.95 tons per hectare, above the 5-year average, but far below last years record 3.40 tons per hectare, which was attained by nearly ideal weather across the entire continent. The rapeseed crop is in good condition, after experiencing minimal winterkill. While there were incursions of very cold weather during the second half of winter, snowfall protected plants during these events. Seasonal precipitation has been beneficial for rapeseed. A wet winter in Germany and Poland was complemented by a dry spring. After a much drier than normal winter in France and Great Britain, crops were aided by very timely, showers during the late spring flowering period. (For more information, contact Bryan Purcell at 202-690-0138.)

Sep 1 2002 | Wheat Production in the European Union Forecast to be Second Largest on Record
Wheat production in the European Union is forecast at 104.4 million tons in 2002, down nearly 3.3 million from last month, but up nearly 12.7 million from last year. The 2002 wheat crop is now forecast to be the EUs second largest in history, slightly below the 104.8 million tons produced in 2000. Weather has been generally favorable in France, the largest wheat producer in the European Union. French wheat production is forecast at 39.0 million tons, which would make it the second largest crop on record after the 39.8 million produced in 1998. However, wet weather in August hurt yields in Germany, reducing production to 21.0 million tons. Production in other EU member states, including the United Kingdom, Denmark, and Sweden, has been reduced this month mainly due to a decrease in harvested area, while maintaining above average yields.

Nov 1 2002 | Romanian Corn Harvest Higher Due to Late Precipitation
Corn production in Romania is estimated at 7.5 million tons, up 0.5 million or 7 percent from last month and last season. Harvested area, at 2.8 million hectares, remains unchanged from last month, but is down slightly by 100,000 from last season. Although the 2002/03 estimate is considerably below the 8.6 million-ton, 5-year average, corn production is still expected to be 2.7 million tons above the record low, collected during the region-wide drought of 2000/01. During the 2002/03 season Romania experienced a damaging drought during spring and early summer. The drought accelerated plant growth but hindered development. The entrenched, adverse weather pattern finally retreated during the latter half of summer, bringing in moderate and frequent rains. While precipitation arrived too late to benefit much of the severely damaged crops in the west and in the south along the Danube, the August rain induced further development in late-planted corn. The late-arriving precipitation also aided corn development in the less drought-affected regions, where plant stage was not so advanced and the corn plant could still utilize the additional moisture.

Jul 1 2003 | European Union: Heat Wave Reduces 2003/04 Wheat Output
Wheat production in the European Union is forecast to be 99.5 million tons for 2003/04, down nearly 1.5 million from last month, and down from 103.3 million tons in 2002. Harvested area in 2002 is nearly unchanged from last month at 17.25 million hectares, a decrease from 17.7 million last year. Yields are forecast to decrease in France, from 7.16 tons per hectare last month to 7.03 tons, because of dry weather this spring and very high temperatures in June. Yields in Spain are forecast to decrease from last month, from 3.18 tons per hectare to 2.97 tons, which is still above average. Wheat yields are forecast to be near last years levels in Germany and Italy with fair-to-normal growing conditions. Wheat production in the U.K. is forecast to be 14.9 million tons, as a result of good yields. For more information, contact Jim Tringe at (202) 720-0882.

Aug 1 2003 | Romania: 2003/04 Wheat Production Falls To New Low; Corn Production Dwindles
Romania wheat production is estimated down 900,000 tons or 26 percent from last month to a meager 2.6 million tons. Harvested area dropped 12 percent or 200,000 hectares since last month to leave the 2003/04 crop at just 1.5 million hectares. This seasons harvest will be a record low; falling well short (40 percent) of last years drought-reduced 4.3 million tons and well below (49 percent) the average of 5.1 million tons. A combination of factors has led to this years record low harvest. A severe winter with low temperatures hovering at -20 °C damaged autumn planted crops. There were also late winter frosts, destructive temperature swings, and a delayed arrival of spring weather. The spring and summer growing season has been punctuated by heat and drought, further lowering yields and quality. Corn production is estimated at 6.5 million tons, down 13 percent or 1.0 million from last month and down 800,000 tons or 11 percent from last years crop. Corn was sown later than usual because of the long winter and ongoing drought persisted in major growing regions from April through June. A recent reprieve with July rains has aided the crop, but more rain will be needed during the first half of August to stabilize yields. Average production is 7.5 million tons. (For more information, contact Bryan Purcell at 202-690-0138)

Aug 1 2003 | European Union: Drought Damages 2003/04 Wheat and Corn Crops
European Union wheat production is estimated at 94.5 million tons, a decrease of 5 million tons from last month, and 9 percent below last years crop. This is due to a substantial drop in yield, estimated to be 5.49 tons per hectare. Winter and spring moisture levels were extremely favorable, especially in Spain, however March and April were unusually dry, particularly for France and Germany. Abnormally high temperatures throughout the month of June damaged dry, vulnerable fields in northeastern Europe. This area usually achieves very high yields, but spring chemical applications were disrupted by dryness, and grain fill was cut short by Junes high temperatures. Corn production is estimated at 34.5 million tons, down 5.5 million or 14 percent from last month and down 13 percent from 2002/03. Planting conditions were favorable in Western Europe this spring, but the summer months have been unusually hot and dry. Most of the corn is irrigated, but water shortages have been reported in France and Italy, indicating that yields could be dramatically reduced. Reports indicate that irrigation supplies in France will be shut down, although the duration of this decree is uncertain. (For more information, contact Jim Tringe, 202-720-0882)

Sep 1 2003 | Serbia and Montenegro: Drought Drops Corn Production for 2003/04
Corn production in Serbia and Montenegro, the largest agricultural producer of the former Yugoslavia, is estimated at 4.0 million tons, down 20 percent or 1.0 million from last month and 1.8 million tons or 31 percent from last years bumper crop of 5.8 million tons. Average production is 5.1 million tons. Area increased 4 percent from last year but remains unchanged from last month at 1.25 million hectares. Like much of Central Europe, Serbia suffered from severe dryness since spring, with only July experiencing average precipitation amounts. The region of Vojvodina, located in the northern tip of Serbia, is the countrys main growing region, and it consistently saw drought conditions, dropping corn yields. (For more information, contact Bryan Purcell at 202-690-0138.)

Sep 1 2003 | European Union: Wheat and Corn Production for 2003/04 Below Average
Wheat production in the European Union is forecast to be 92.5 million tons in 2003, a decrease of 2.0 million from last month, and down 10 percent from 103.3 million tons last year. Harvested area is estimated to be 17.1 million hectares, compared to 17.7 million in 2002. Wheat yield, at 5.43 tons per hectare, is forecast to be the lowest since 1995. Winter crop planting conditions were generally favorable in western Europe last autumn, with the exception of excessive moisture in southern Germany. Winter and spring moisture levels in Spain were extremely favorable, and growing conditions were near normal in Italy and the United Kingdom. March and April were unusually dry in France and Germany. Abnormally high temperatures throughout the month of June damaged dry, vulnerable fields in northeastern Europe. Corn production is forecast to be 32.0 million tons this year, a decrease of 2.5 million from last month and down 19 percent from 39.4 million in 2002. Harvested area is estimated to be 4.3 million hectares, 1 percent below last year's level. The yield for this year's crop is estimated to be 7.37 tons per hectare, substantially lower than 9.04 tons per hectare last year, which was near average. Corn planting conditions were generally favorable in western Europe this spring, but the summer months have been unusually hot and dry. Most of the corn in western Europe is irrigated, but water use restrictions were reported in France and Italy in August, indicating that yields could be dramatically reduced. Irrigation reserves in Spain have been adequate. There are reports that dryland corn in France and central Italy was devastated by poor weather. (For more information, contact James Tringe at 202-720-0882.)

Oct 1 2003 | European Union: 2003/04 Corn Production Well Below Average
Corn production in the European Union is forecast to be 30.5 million tons in 2003, a decrease of 1.5 million from last month and down 23 percent from 39.4 million tons last year. Harvested area is estimated to be 4.1 million hectares, 6 percent below last year's level. In Germany and France, some corn area originally intended for grain was chopped for silage. The yield for this year's crop is estimated to be 7.40 tons per hectare, substantially lower than 8.95 tons per hectare last year, which was near average. This would be the lowest yield since 7.0 tons per hectare in 1991. Corn planting conditions were generally favorable in Western Europe this spring, but the summer months were unusually hot and dry. Most of the corn in Western Europe is irrigated. Irrigation reserves were adequate in Spain, but there were reports of water-use restrictions in France and Italy in August. By many accounts, dryland corn in France and central Italy was devastated. (For more information, contact Jim Tringe at 202-720-0882.)

Nov 1 2003 | Hungary: 2003/04 Corn Lowered by Drought
Hungarian corn production is estimated at 4.6 million tons, down 700,000 tons or 13 percent from last month and down 1.4 million or 23 percent from last year. Area is unchanged at 1.0 million hectares. Yield is forecast far below the 5-year average of 5.31 tons per hectare and last years 5.22 tons per hectare. Since Winter 2002, drought has continued to lower expectations for 2003/04. While soil quality is excellent in Hungary, the regions continental climate is largely responsible for wide harvest fluctuations each year. Summer rainfall, as in 2003, can often be scarce and ill-timed. Irrigation is almost non-existent in Hungarys cornfields. The combination of this years low rainfall and high temperatures depleted soil moisture supplies below adequate levels, severely reducing yields. (For more information, contact Bryan Purcell at 202-690-0138.)

Nov 1 2003 | Romania: 2003/04 Wheat Production Estimated Lower
Wheat production in Romania for 2003/04 is at a record low 2.0 million tons, down 0.6 million tons or 23 percent from last month. This seasons total production is down 2.3 million tons or 53 percent from last years weather-affected crop. Area remains unchanged from last month at 1.5 million hectares, but down 700,000 hectares or 32 percent from last year. Yield is estimated to be a 40-year record low at 1.33 tons per hectare. Wheat producers faced a shorter planting window than normal in fall 2002, wedged between an unusually late summer harvest, heavy October rains, and the early onset of winter. These events delayed and may have prevented autumn sowing activities resulting in reduced seeded area. Winter 2003 was harsh with record lows that created high winterkill. A cold spring caused frost damage on re-emerging plants. Finally, the continuous dryness and high temperatures wreaked further havoc on crops during late spring and summer. (For more information, contact Bryan Purcell at 202-690-0138.)

Dec 1 2004 | European Union: Wheat Production Below Average for 2003/04
Wheat production in the European Union is forecast at 91.0 million tons for 2003/04, down 1.0 million from last month and 12.9 million below last years crop. Harvested area is estimated at 16.9 million hectares, compared to 18.0 million in 2002. The wheat yield is estimated at 5.38 tons per hectare, which is the lowest since 1995. Winter-crop planting conditions were generally favorable in Western Europe last autumn, with the exception of excessive moisture in southern Germany. Winter and spring moisture levels in Spain were extremely favorable, and growing conditions were near normal in the United Kingdom. March and April were unusually dry in France and Germany. Abnormally high temperatures throughout the month of June damaged dry, vulnerable fields in northeastern Europe. The latest revision takes into account an updated area forecast for the United Kingdom, which was changed in December after the discovery of a computational error on the part of the UK Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA). Downward production revisions in Sweden, Italy and Denmark are also taken into account this month. (For more information, contact James Tringe at 202-720-0882.)

Mar 1 2004 | European Union: Corn Production Revised Upward
Corn production in the European Union is estimated at 30.73 million tons in 2003, an increase of 0.5 million from last month, but down 22 percent from 39.45 million tons last year. Harvested area is estimated at 4.14 million hectares, 4 percent below last year's level of 4.3 million. The month-to-month increase is attributed to upward revisions in France and Spain. The yield for this year's crop is estimated at 7.42 tons per hectare, substantially lower than 9.17 tons per hectare last year, which was slightly above average. The 2003 crop produced the lowest yield seen in the European Union since 7.0 tons per hectare in 1991. Corn planting conditions were generally favorable in western Europe last spring, but the summer months were unusually hot and dry. Most of the corn in Western Europe is irrigated, and farmers in France and Italy were subject to water-use restrictions in August. By many accounts, the dryland corn in France and central Italy was devastated. However, because of the early corn harvest (or in some cases abandonment), some farmers were able to plant higher yielding fall-seeded crops instead of waiting for spring, improving their prospects for 2004. (For more information, contact James Tringe at 202-720-0882.)

May 1 2004 | The European Union (EU-25) wheat crop
The European Union (EU-25) wheat crop is forecast to be substantially higher than last year. The nine largest wheat-producing members of the EU-25 are France, Germany, United Kingdom (UK), Poland, Italy, Spain, Denmark, Hungary, and the Czech Republic, and they are expected to contribute 90 percent of total production. In the major wheat producing countries, year-to-year production increases are expected in every country except Denmark, where a slight area decrease is forecast. The vast majority of wheat in the EU-15 is winter wheat, planted from September through December. Barley production is forecast up due to slightly increased area and expected improvement in yields.

Jun 1 2004 | Favorable Conditions in France Boost Wheat Production in European Union
Wheat production in the European Union (EU-25) is forecast to be a record 127.5 million tons in 2004, up 1.0 million from last month and up 21 million from 2003/04. Harvested area in 2004/05 is unchanged from last month at 23.2 million hectares, but up 1.3 million from 21.9 million hectares last year. The month-to-month production increase is a result of yield improvement in France, from 7.31 tons per hectare last month to 7.50 in June, because of favorable weather in May. Yield for the European Union is now forecast to be a record 5.50 tons per hectare, incrementally higher than the previous record of 5.49 in 1998. There have been no serious concerns about crop conditions in any of the other major wheat-producing countries in Europe this year, including Germany, the United Kingdom, Poland, Italy, and Spain. Some wheat is starting to be harvested in southern Spain, but most of the wheat in northern Europe will be harvested in July and August. Last year, winterkill, spring dryness, and a summer heat wave, combined, reduced area and yields to below-average levels. Area, yield, and production are forecast to rebound dramatically this year. (For more information, contact Jim Tringe at 202-690-0882.)

Jul 1 2004 | Romania: Beneficial Soil Moisture Boosts Sunseed
Romanias 2004/05 sunflowerseed production is estimated at 1.4 million tons, up 300,000 or 27 percent from last month, and even with last years production. Area is estimated at 1.05 million hectares, unchanged from last month, but down 50,000 or 4.5 percent from last year. The estimated 2004/05 yield of 1.33 tons/ha is the highest since the communist era, when yields were considerably higher due to heavy state subsidies. Yield prospects have improved since last month due to above-average spring and early-summer precipitation, which has increased soil moisture. Sunflowers are Romanias primary source of oilseeds and will likely remain its dominant oilseed crop well into the future. The drought-tolerant plant fares well in Romanias non-irrigated, summer crop regime. The countrys continental climate is marked by occasional severe summer weather events, including dryness and extreme heat, which can damage less drought-resistant crops like corn and soybeans. Soybeans are less popular than sunflowers chiefly because of their sensitivity to dryness at flowering, which makes soybean production a risky endeavor. Additionally, there is a regional preference for the taste of sunflower oil over that of other oils, contributing to its continued dominance. (For more information, contact Bryan Purcell at 202-690-0138.)

Jul 1 2004 | Romanian Corn Production Up 41 Percent From 2003/04; Yield a Five-Year High
Romanias 2004/05 corn production is estimated at 9.2 million tons, up 1.0 million or 12 percent from last month and up 2.7 million or 41 percent above last years abysmal production. Area is estimated at 3.2 million hectares, up 200,000 or 7 percent from last month and up 600,000 or 23 percent from last year. The estimated 2004/05 yield of 2.88 tons per hectare is the highest in five years, but is far below yields attained during the heavy subsidies and intensive irrigation of the communist era. Corn is Romanias primary summer crop, but the countrys continental climate, with frequent summer dryness and occasional extreme summer heat, can stress and damage this water-sensitive crop. Boom or bust crop seasons are often the result of its irregular yearly precipitation. Romania has three major corn-production zones: Banat in the west, the Danube Plain in the South, and Dobruja in the southeast. All three have enjoyed significant, beneficial precipitation this season, in sharp contrast to last year when Romania suffered through a very dry season. In a region marked by frequent drought, above-average soil moisture at mid-season can provide partial insurance for summer crops. The crumbling irrigation infrastructure, the lack of capital, and poor seed quality have all contributed to keeping a ceiling on yield. Improvement is likely, however, as Romania and Bulgaria anticipate EU integration in 2007. (For more information, contact Bryan Purcell at 202-690-0138.)

Aug 1 2004 | France: Rapeseed Output Higher Due to Favorable Weather
Rapeseed production in France for 2004/05 is estimated at 3.7 million tons, up 7 percent from last month and up 11 percent from last year. Favorable weather during most of the crop season and during harvest lifted yield to an estimated 3.4 tons per hectare, up 9 percent from last years drought-damaged crop. The French Ministry of Agriculture, in its first estimate, on July 1, forecast yield at 6 percent above average. Winterkill was not a problem with this years crop. The harvest for the current crop is nearing completion. (For more information, contact Paul Provance at 202-720-0881.)

Sep 1 2004 | Romanian Wheat Yield at 15-Year High
Wheat production is estimated at 6.4 million tons, up 1.2 million from last month, but more than triple the 2.0-million-ton crop produced last season. The 2004/05 season has been very favorable for both winter and summer crops in Eastern Europe. The wheat harvest has finished in Romania and the country is now busy accumulating, storing, and counting the much-anticipated bumper crop. This years wheat collection will be one of the largest since the regime change of the early 1990s when inputs were highly subsidized. Yields are estimated to average 3.2 tons/ha, tied with the record 1995/1996 crop (which had a larger planted area). Harvested area is estimated at 2 million hectares, just about average. The crop is significantly better than its 5-year 4.6-million-ton average, but the countrys varied climate rarely produces an average crop. This year, the best yields were recorded on the western plain, but the large Danube Valley in the south also saw high yields. The crop has been substantially raised since last month due to new data obtained from farmers and other in-country sources, during the recent crop travel by the PECAD analyst. The near- ideal seasonal weather for the winter season confirms this record crop. This month, the production estimate is based on a 3.2 ton-per-hectare yield. Final estimates will not be available until late fall. Despite the size of the crop, the only potential downside for this years production might be quality issues related to rains that occurred in some areas during harvesting. In any event, this years large crop was welcomed by producers after last years winter frosts and spring drought devastated the wheat harvest, bringing it down to a record low. In addition, the wheat harvest will soon be followed by another bumper harvest of Romanias leading grain: corn. Again, weather has been nearly ideal with heavy summer rains creating high soil moisture levels. While it is quite rare for both the winter and the spring crops to be so large, plenty of storage (some old and mostly idle) from the Soviet-era days can quickly be readied for whatever is harvested. (For more information, contact Bryan Purcell at 202-690-0138.)

Oct 1 2004 | EU-25: Record Output, Quality Concerns for Wheat Crop
European Union (EU-25) wheat production for 2004/05 is estimated at 133.3 million tons, up 2.6 million from last month and up 26.7 million from last years exceptionally poor crop. The month-to-month increase is based on recent end-of-harvest statistics. Harvested area is estimated at 23.2 million hectares, virtually unchanged from last month but up 1.3 million hectares or 1 percent from last year. Yield is forecast at a record 5.75 million tons per hectare, compared with 4.87 last year and the 5-year average of 5.26. Planting conditions last fall were generally favorable in the EU, with some reports of dryness in Germany, United Kingdom (UK), Poland, and the Czech Republic. Winter moisture was adequate, with the possible exception of deficits recorded in northern France and the Benelux countries. Winter temperatures were moderate with heavy snow cover in the colder eastern countries that insulated crops from potential freeze damage. In general, the EU experienced normal spring and summer temperatures, as well as adequate to above-average precipitation levels. Spring rains gave spring-planted wheat a good early start. Summer rains and mild temperatures contributed in raising yields. A few adverse weather events also occurred, including early summer dryness in France and excessive summer wetness in and around Hungary. In addition, harvest was disrupted or delayed by heavy rains in the northern countries of France, Germany, the UK, the Benelux, Denmark, and Sweden, resulting in widespread reports of reductions in grain quality. Wheat output for France, the biggest EU producer, is estimated at 39.0 million tons compared to last years drought-reduced 30.6 million. Production is estimated at 25.0 million tons for Germany (against 19.3 million last year),15.6 (14.3) million for the UK, and 9.5 (7.9) million for Poland. Production of durum wheat, grown in the southern countries of Italy, Greece, France, and Spain, is estimated to contribute a record 11.4 million tons (9.1 million) to total wheat production. (For more information, contact Bryan Purcell at 202-690-0138.)

Oct 1 2004 | Romania: A Bumper Corn Crop Forecast
The USDA estimates Romanian corn production at 12.0 million tons, up 2.0 million from last month and up 5.5 million from last year. The increase is based on a recent agricultural attaché report citing high yield potential for summer crops, based on satellite-derived vegetation indices which indicate much better than normal plant vigor in corn growing areas. Area is estimated at 3.0 million hectares, against 2.6 million last year, and yield at 4.0 tons per hectare, the highest level since 1997/98. Harvest is underway and will likely be complete by the end of October. (For more information, contact Mark Lindeman at 202-690-0143.)

Nov 1 2004 | EU-25: Record Wheat Crop Increased Further
The European Unions (EU-25) wheat production for 2004/05 is estimated at 134.5 million tons. This years record crop has increased 1.25 million tons above last months estimate, to reflect recent end-of-harvest statistics. The 2004/05 crop is estimated to be 26 percent higher than last years weather-reduced crop. Harvested area is estimated at 23.2 million hectares, virtually unchanged from last month, but up 6 percent from last year. Yield is forecast at a record 5.80 tons per hectare, almost a 1-percent increase from last month and up 19 percent from last year. Based on recent harvest statistics, some estimates were adjusted upward since last month. The largest increase was 500,000 tons for France, which brought its crop up to 39.5 million tons. Spains production was increased 300,000 tons to 7.2 million, and the Czech Republic was increased 225,000 tons to 5.1 million. Finally, wheat in the United Kingdom (UK) was raised 100,000 tons to 15.7 million. The largest EU wheat producer, France, is estimated to have harvested 9.0 million tons more wheat this year, totaling 39.5 million tons (30.5 million last year). Germanys 2004/05 wheat harvest is estimated at 25.0 million tons (19.3 million last year). The United Kingdom (UK) is estimated to have harvested 15.7 million tons (14.3 million last year), and Poland is estimated at 9.5 million tons (7.9 million last year). (For more information, contact Bryan Purcell at 202-690-0138.)

Jan 1 2005 | European Union (EU-25): 2004/05 Record Wheat Harvest Nudged Up Another Percent
The European Unions wheat production for 2004/05 is estimated at 136.7 million tons. This years record crop has been raised 1.4 million tons (1 percent) above last months estimate, incorporating additional end-of-harvest statistics. The banner 2004/05 crop is estimated to be 28 percent higher than last years exceptionally low crop. Harvested area is estimated at 23.2 million hectares, unchanged from last month, but up 1.3 million from last year. Yield is forecast at a record 5.89 tons per hectare, compared with last years weather-reduced yield of 4.86, and the five-year average of 5.27. More country-level harvest statistics became available, including data from Polands statistics office GUS. USDA hence increased Polands wheat production 350,000 tons to a record 9.9 million tons. In addition, representatives from FAS Posts in the EU met in Brussels to discuss end-of-season results. Additional increases were thereby made to the USDA total estimate, including: 350,000 tons in Germany (25,350,000 tons total), 300,000 tons in Italy (8,800,000 tons), 200,000 tons in Belgium (2,000,000 tons), 200,000 tons in Greece (1,700,000 tons), 100,000 tons in Denmark (4,900,000 tons), 100,000 tons in the Netherlands (1,250,000 tons), and 100,000 tons in Latvia (500,000 tons). The only decreases were 150,000 tons in France (39,500,000 tons), and 120,000 tons in Austria, now at 1.6 million tons. (For more information, contact Bryan Purcell at 202-690-0138.)

May 1 2005 | The European Unions (EU-25) wheat crop is forecast to be down from last years record
The European Unions (EU-25) wheat crop is forecast to be down from last years record production level of 136.7 million tons to 127.5 million. Yield is also forecast to drop from last years record high of 5.88 tons per hectare to about 5.60 tons. Planted area is expected to be 500,000 hectares lower than last season, but at the 5-year average of 22.8 million hectares. These changes will bring the 2005/06 crop more in line with the EUs overall yield trend. Therefore, while 2005/06 wheat production is forecast to be down about 9 million tons from last year, the crop is still expected to be well above average. Winterkill was minimal in the EU, because protective snowcover coincided with the late-winter cold outbreaks. The coldest part of winter occurred during February and March so the lingering late-winter weather delayed early spring fieldwork and slowed plant growth. This pushed back plant development by 10 - 14 fourteen days. The largest crop concern has been the dryness that has dominated western Europe (Spain, Portugal, France, and the United Kingdom) since planting last autumn. However, during late spring, rainfall in France and the United Kingdom increased, greatly improving crop prospects. Meanwhile on the Iberian Peninsula, Spain and Portugal have not been as fortunate. Rain-producing storms have continually tracked north of these countries  taking with them desperately needed precipitation and prolonging the drought as these countries enter their dry season.

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