System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlImageWheat Icon

Wheat Explorer

  • Wheat 2007
  • World Exports: 116,390 (1000 MT)
  • (PS&D Online updated 09/2024)
Rank Country Percent of World Exports (Percent) Exports
(1000 MT)
11 Mexico 1 1,261
12 Ukraine 1 1,236
13 Brazil 1 770
14 Paraguay 0 494
15 Serbia 0 448
16 Uruguay 0 444
17 South Africa 0 343
18 Japan 0 338
19 United Arab Emirates 0 300
20 Indonesia 0 221
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*This is Commodity Explorer Version 4.0. All functions are fully implemented for all Commodity Explorers.
*Sub-National production percentages are calculated using IFPRI-SPAM (CY2010) data. These sub-national percentages of total production may differ from the displayed percentages in crop production maps because more recent production data from national ministry of agriculture (MoA) or statistic departments were used in the production maps.